
SHE IS MINE ( trapped in my heart)

in that brief encounter. He couldn't shake the image of her from his mind - her mesmerizing eyes, her silky voice, and the way her touch sent electric shocks through his body. It was as if a dormant part of him had been abruptly awakened, stirring emotions and desires he thought were long buried. Despite the haze of the drugs, he couldn't deny the intensity of the connection he had with this mysterious woman. It was inexplicable and utterly captivating. As the days passed, he found himself haunted by thoughts of her, replaying the fleeting moments they shared in his mind. He questioned whether it was merely the result of the drugs, amplifying his senses and distorting reality. But deep down, he knew there was something more to it. It was a rare and profound encounter that transcended the physical realm. Curiosity consumed him, and he embarked on a quest to uncover her identity. He retraced his steps, searching for any clues that could lead him to this woman who had ignited a dormant passion within him. He spoke to acquaintances, hoping someone would have a hint of information. Then, one fateful day, his determination paid off. His employees find the so-called strange woman. Armed with this newfound information, he delved deeper into his investigation, uncovering fragments of her life and piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle. As he learned more about Rhida, he discovered she was a free-spirited actress, a D-list actress who lived on the edges of society. Her captivating presence and mysterious aura drew people to her like moths to a flame. And yet, she remained elusive, drifting through life with an air of secrecy. Finally, after weeks of searching, their paths crossed again. He found himself standing before Rhida, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. The moment their eyes locked, he felt an indescribable surge of familiarity. It was as though he had known her in another lifetime

Tife_7736 · Aktion
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23 Chs


<p>IS THAT HOW TO SAY SORRY? <br/><br/>Rhida sat at the dining table, still not herself. She stares at the food in front of her, mouth-watering and worth dying for. She stair at upstairs to Iver's room. How she wished she won't wait for him. She groaned in frustration as her stomach rumbled. It did be rude of her to eat without the owner of the house. She whispered angrily and she heard the door open. She was relieved, she was really hungry, she never knew she did be this hungry.<br/><br/>As the door creaked open, Rhida's hunger intensified. She could hear the familiar footsteps of Iver making his way down the stairs.<br/><br/><br/>She stare at Iver as he climbed down the stairs, making his tie. She looked away and wait for him to get to the dining. She bit down her lower lips as she heard him stop. She waited to hear his footsteps again but she didn't, she looked in his direction hungrily and saw him struggling to make his tie, he was even sweating. She couldn't believe her eyes, how can a handsome, rich, and businesslike man like this didn't know how to make his tie? Hungrily, she stood up and went to him, to collect the tie from his hands. She smiled meanly at him and said, "Let me help you with that."<br/><br/>Iver looked startled, clearly not expecting her assistance. But he smiled, allowing her to take the tie from him. As she started to expertly loop and knot the fabric, her fingers brushed against his neck ever so lightly, sending an electric jolt through both of them.<br/><br/>Iver couldn't help but feel a deep sense of attraction towards her as she effortlessly fixed his tie. Her proximity and the warmth of her touch sent waves of desire through him. He couldn't understand how such a simple act could suddenly make him feel so intensely.<br/><br/>As she finished adjusting his tie, their eyes met in an electrifying gaze. The tension between them was palpable, the air thick with unspoken desire. Time seemed to stand still as they both stare at each other. <br/><br/>She could see the longing in his eyes, the hidden vulnerability beneath his polished exterior. Without thinking, she leaned in closer, her lips mere inches away from his. The room became filled with an intense, magnetic energy, drawing them together.<br/><br/>But just as their lips were about to touch, a voice interrupted them. It was Iver's assistant, Donald reminding him of an important meeting that couldn't be delayed. They reluctantly pulled away from each other, their hearts pounding.<br/><br/>Rhida rushed to the other side, fanning herself with her hands. <br/>Iver cursed under his breath as he heard Donlad's voice <br/>' such an intruder' He thought and stare at Rhida who was at the other side, twisting her hands together. <br/><br/>" I will get going, sorry I can't eat with you"<br/>" It's okay" She snapped waving her hand and faking a smile and Iver nodded <br/>" I will be home early, feel free at home and you can invite friends okay?" Iver said in a gentle voice and she nodded then he smile and left <br/><br/>Rhida roughed her hair angrily, she can't believe she make the first move, how can she lean closer to him? She is such an idiot. She has fallen for his charm, she rough her hair angrily and sat down then she saw the food in front of her. <br/>Right, she should eat so she can have the appetite to fight herself. She stood up and went to the dining table. <br/><br/>Ella stood beside her friends and watched as they mix Ray's group and hers. She looked at the lecturer. <br/>" Choose your partner, we are molding today," The lecturer said <br/>Alice looked at Ella <br/>" Girl, it's your chance, go to him before anyone takes him"<br/>" But..." She was saying when she saw herself in front of him, she can't believe her friends push her. She stare at the handsome man in front of her, though she knew they are partners, he won't talk to her <br/><br/>" Hi," She said with a smile and Ray walked away, ignoring her. <br/>She looked at his back as she followed him gently <br/><br/> As minutes passed and the class was drawing to an end, she was infuriated, he ignored all the questions she asked him. She bites down her lips, really furious that she grabbed a nearby paintbrush and swiped it across his clay creation, leaving a streak of red paint. Ray froze, finally turning to face her with a mix of shock and anger in his eyes. The room fell silent as they locked gazes, the tension thickening with each passing second. Ray's normally calm demeanor had been completely shattered by her actions.<br/><br/>"What the hell did you do? He spat through gritted teeth. His voice was tinged with a mixture of fury and hurt. <br/><br/>"You will pay for ruining my work!" he roared, his face turning beet red. The anger in his voice was palpable, causing her to take a step back, momentarily taken aback by his intense reaction. <br/><br/>She could feel her anger rising in response. How could he ignore her like this? She had tried countless times to get his attention, to engage him in conversation, but he had simply brushed her off, consumed by his artistic world. Who did he think he was? <br/><br/>Fueled by her frustration, she squared her shoulders and met his heated gaze head-on. "You think your work is more important than me? " she shot back, her voice trembling with a mix of hurt and anger.<br/><br/>Ray faltered for a moment as if her words had struck a chord within him. He opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. In that fleeting moment, she saw a flicker of regret and realization cross his face, but it was quickly replaced by stubbornness.<br/><br/>"I can't believe you would do this," he muttered finally, breaking the silence. "I poured my heart and soul into that sculpture, and you just ruined it without a second thought."<br/><br/>Her anger wavered, giving way to a pang of guilt. She hadn't intended to destroy his artwork entirely; she had just wanted to get his attention, to make him see how ignored and insignificant she had felt. But now, standing face to face with her enraged partner, she realized that her actions had only added fuel to the fire of their relationship.<br/><br/>"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I didn't mean to ruin your creation. I just wanted you to listen, to acknowledge me."<br/><br/>Ray's anger subsided slightly, replaced by a mix of frustration and sadness. He sighed heavily, running a hand through his disheveled hair as if searching for the right words. <br/>Tears filled Ella's eyes and she rushed out of the room. Her friends looked back and rushed after her.<br/>Uran went to Ray and touch his shoulder gently before he also left the room. <br/><br/>Rhida sat down, watching a movie, she saw the main actor loosening his button then she remembered what she saw earlier the morning, those muscles, six packs, soft skin she was so tempted to touch and feel. She shook her head, chasing away those thoughts <br/>" You are becoming a pervert girl," She said to herself and she heard the doorbell. She went to the entrance and saw the person outside the gate on the tablet connected to the CCTV camera outside. She smiled upon seeing the person and unlock the door. <br/><br/>Anne enter the house wide-mouthed <br/>" This is a WOW! I can't believe I got to enter Iver's house, Pinch me, I'm dreaming! " Anne shouted and Rhida smiled <br/>Anne hugged her <br/>" You did well girl, I'm proud of you. So how is your husband? How did he treat you? "<br/>" He is not my husband" Rhida muttered and Anne smiled <br/>" He is the father of your baby, isn't he? " Anne said and Rhida looked away <br/>" How is he? Did you sleep with him? " Anne asked and Rhida looked at her strangely <br/>" No, I don't mean that, I mean did you two sleep together in a room? On the same bed? " Anne asked and Rhida looked away <br/>" Did you mean you don't sleep with him? " Anne shouted <br/>" Hush, what if the baby hears? He will get the wrong idea? "<br/>Rhida said and Anne nodded and looked at her <br/>" You two... " Anne was saying in a whisper <br/>" Anne, aren't you hungry? " Rhida asked, trying to change the topic. <br/>" Oh I'm so hungry" Anne rubbed her stomach <br/>" Let's go to the kitchen," Rhida said and they both left <br/><br/>Later in the evening, Anne was getting ready to leave <br/>" When will you visit again? " Rhida asked, missing her already <br/>" Don't worry, I will visit you more often. You know, Elina was busy that's why she hasn't come, she is dying to come here" Anne said and Rhida smiled nodding <br/>" Your husband, I mean Iver... " Anne was saying teasingly when Rhida's phone rang <br/>Anne cover her mouth <br/>" Talk of the evil," Anne said and Rhida looked at her as she tease before she pick it <br/><br/>" Hello," she said slowly <br/>" Hope you are not too bored? I'm on my way back home, Are you craving anything? " She could hear his voice from the other end and she went silent for some while. <br/>" I... " <br/>" If it's hard to say then let's both go then. I will be home soon" He said and cuts <br/>Anne cover her mouth and hummed <br/>"OMG, I'm too lazy to stay here for more minutes," She said and turned slowly toward the door and left <br/>" Silly girl," Rhida said and went to her room <br/><br/>Iver arrived and entered the room then he saw Rhida staring at him from a distance, she stood up and then he smiled at her <br/>" I'm home," He said and stare at Rhida who only nodded. <br/>He went inside and came down again. Rhida was shocked and could hardly recognize him again, he rolled down his hair unlike his businesslike hair he wear a brown normal sweater and blue jeans. His usual serious expression was replaced with a warm, inviting smile that reached his eyes.<br/><br/>He looked comfortable and relaxed, his usual air of seriousness replaced with a hint of playfulness. <br/><br/>Rhida couldn't help but giggle at his new look, finding it endearing and refreshing. <br/><br/>Rhida couldn't help but stare at him in disbelief. The transformation was astonishing. Gone was the stern, polished businessman she was accustomed to seeing. Instead, before she stood a more relaxed and approachable version of him. His hair fell in loose waves around his face, giving him a carefree and youthful appearance. The brown sweater hugged his frame, accentuating his strong physique, while the blue jeans gave him a casual and laid-back vibe. Rhida couldn't help but be taken aback by his new look.<br/><br/>"Wow," she finally managed to say, her voice filled with surprise.<br/><br/>" What did you think? Hard recognizing me right? Rest assured, I don't want you to be feeling nervous when you are outside with me, feel free" Iver said, and she smiled and then nodded <br/>" Let's go," He said and they both left. <br/><br/>Iver arrived at the front of a crowded restaurant. He looked at Rhida unbelievably, how can she want to eat here? It was crowdy and unclean, and people lined up before they are attended to. He knew it was a must to satisfy her pregnancy cravings but this was a bit too much for him to handle. He hesitated for a moment, glancing around at the unruly scene. The greasy smell of frying food filled the air, making Iver's stomach churn. He couldn't help but question Rhida's decision-making skills when it came to satisfying her pregnancy cravings.<br/><br/>Taking a deep breath, Iver mustered up all his patience and plastered a forced smile on his face, and said, "Alright, let's give it a try. It might not be as bad as it looks."<br/><br/>As they made their way toward the line, Iver couldn't help but notice the chaos that surrounded them. The noise level was almost deafening, with people talking loudly and children running around unchecked. The tables were cluttered with dirty dishes and waste, giving the place an overall disheveled appearance.<br/><br/>Rhida, however, seemed oblivious to the chaos. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she glanced at the menu board, her hand instinctively resting on her tummy. "I've heard they make the best tacos here," Rhida said, her voice filled with excitement.<br/><br/>Iver tried to find a silver lining in the situation. Perhaps the locals knew something he didn't, and the food was worth the chaos. He reminded himself that it was important to support Rhida's cravings during her pregnancy, even if it meant stepping out of his comfort zone.<br/><br/>Finally, after what felt like an eternity, their turn came. They were ushered to a table that had just been cleared. Iver couldn't help but notice the worn-out seats and sticky residue left on the table. However, he pushed his discomfort aside, determined to make this experience a positive one for Rhida.<br/><br/>As they sat down, a server hurriedly approached them, apologizing for the delay in service. Iver sighed, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the bustling atmosphere. He then gestured for the server to move closer and whispered something to him. The server frowned at first but later smile after Iver whispered to him again, then he left. Rhida looked away, almost dying of curiosity <br/><br/>Their food arrived quickly, steaming hot and filled with vibrant colors. <br/><br/>Glancing at Rhida, Iver noticed a content smile spreading across her face as she savored each bite. Seeing her satisfaction, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in overcoming his reservations.<br/><br/>Rhida looked at him with a questioning look. <br/>" I'm okay, just eat," He said and Rhida continue her food. <br/>The server arrived again with three big men, reeking of alcohol. <br/>" Please spare seat with them," The server said and Iver nodded then the three men sat beside him. He suddenly feels like throwing up. <br/><br/>Rhida stare beside her and no one sat beside her. She looked everywhere, all the seats at least consist of three or four people but how can she be the only different one? She stare at Iver who closed his eyes, looking down, no one is behind this except him. He looked up and their eyes meet. She smiled at him and Iver looked at her surprisingly and smiled back at her. Suddenly, they hear someone smash a bottle to the floor, aiming it at the other. They were both drunk. <br/>" IVER! " Rhida shouted as she saw his bleeding cheek. <br/>He touch his cheek and realized the piece of the bottle had cut his cheek. <br/>Iver looked at the two drunk men and then at the restaurant which have turned into a mess, everyone ran for their lives. He looked at Rhida who stare at him worriedly <br/>"RHIDA" He rushed to her and push her into his embrace as if making her avoid and forget the scene. <br/>She hugged him back, buried her face in his chest, and her heart was beating so fast with guilty and nervousness. <br/><br/>The police drove away with the drunk men and one of them went to Iver and bowed <br/>" Sorry for this Mr. Collins, we will make sure to punish them" <br/>" Why should you? I will do the punishing. Detain them for now" Iver said coldly and the policeman nodded and bowed. Iver waved and he left. <br/><br/>He turned to Rhida who sat on a chair, still shivering and haven't recovered from the shock. <br/>He moved closer to her <br/>" Let's go home," He said and stretch his hand. Rhida looked at him and slowly hold his hand, then they left. <br/>Throughout the drive home, everywhere was quiet and Rhida twisted her hands and cut her nails with her other fingers, feeling guilty. She stares at him, at his injured cheeks but he only focuses on his driving. <br/>They got home and they both went inside, everywhere was silent, and only their footsteps can be heard. <br/>As they were about to depart to each other's room. Rhida bite down her lower lips and shouted <br/>" I'M SORRY" Then Iver turned back, and blood trickled down his cheeks. He moved closer to her and she shifted back, surprised by the sudden movement. She quickly regretted it but she can't seem to stop her legs. She stopped when she can't move again, she reached the wall, and Iver moved closer to her, placing his right hand beside her head on the wall. She looked at him, her heart thumping fast<br/><br/>"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice laden with regret. Iver stared at her <br/><br/>Her pulse raced as Iver's intense gaze bore into her. The anger and pain in his eyes washed over her like a wave, leaving her trembling with both fear and a strange longing. The room fell silent, the tension thickening in the air as they stood there, immobile against the wall.<br/><br/>"I'm sorry" She repeated, her voice barely coming in a whisper <br/><br/>"is that how to say sorry?" Iver said, his voice sounded a bit cold and warm<br/><br/>Her heart ached at his words, she sighed, what she did wasn't good but it was not her fault, it's all his baby's fault! She wanted to shout but she keep quiet again<br/><br/>"I'm sorry," She said slowly, her hand trembled slightly as she reached out to touch his injured cheek, her fingertips brushing against his skin. A shiver ran down her spine at the gentle contact, and she could feel her resistance slowly crumbling.<br/><br/>Unable to resist any longer, Iver closed the remaining distance between them, his lips gently brushing against hers. The touch was soft, hesitant, as if unsure of how they would be received. But as their kiss deepened, the walls that had separated them for so long crumbled away. <br/><br/>Her hands, which had remained at her sides, found their way to his chest, grasping onto his shirt as if anchoring herself to him. The warmth of his touch radiated through her, melting away the fear that had held her back for so long.</p>