
She Hates The Billionaire (Moved to a New Link)

He is wealthy and she is poor, As children, he would always bully and mock her in front of her friends and schoolmates because she was fat, a nerd and she was from a striving family, he would constantly humiliate her in front of the whole school and chase anybody that try to get close to her. She hated him to the core that she prayed they never meet in life, after highschool, she got a scholarship to study in the States, they never met again. Six years later, they meet each other in an unexpected way, fate is playing a game with them. Will he asked for forgiveness and Will she ever forgive him and let her hate turn to love or will her hate run deep? Let's find out.

Clarity_57 · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 13


Mateo's POV


I have been anticipating her arrival for the past one hour when I heard she was on a date with that douchebag, it took all my willpower not to smash a vase on the wall.

I think I need to transfer Luke to  another headquarter in Australia, or maybe Africa.

When the receptionist called informing me of her arrival, I told her to send her in. I sat on the sofa drinking a glass of whiskey when I heard a knock.

Why didn't she use the intercom?

Anyway, I opened the door to see her gorgeous self, the dress she was wearing wasn't helping at all.

"You are late by 30minutes," i frown only to see her walk passed me towards the large window overlooking the entire area rambling so fast I couldn't make out what she was saying, all I was staring at was her lips moving ar a fast pace. I lowered my head and kissed her, we stayed in that position for God knows how many minutes before she pulled away and fled.

"What in the name of croissant did you just do? H..ho...how dare you ki..kiss me," she stuttered blushing furiously.

"You were chattering so much I had to kiss you to make it stop, it's not my fault," I shrugged and jammed my hands into my pockets and whistled pretending to be unaffected by her glare.

She was deep in her thoughts when I cleared my throat and asked about her date, she indirectly accused me if ruining her date. I felt anger coursing through my veins and made a comment about her dress.

"Yeah, got a problem with that." I stood up and walked into my room, took a big black hoodie and piles of files and went back to the living room. I dropped the files on the table and threw the hoodie at her.

"Wear that." I instructed her and thankfully she obeyed me for once.

"Where do I change?" She asked me. I gave her the direction to my room, she walked away with me watching her retreating sight.


Dalia POV


I entered his room, the wall was painted in grey and white colours, his bedsheets were black and literally everything wore a dark skin, it somehow looked captivating like how spacious it was, the jacuzzi, a walk-in closet, a huge king sized bed and many more. I quickly wore the hoodie which smelled of sandalwood, his scent no doubt. The hoodie reached my mid thigh, that's to show how tall I am.

I walked out of the room to see him working on his computer. He scanned me and smirked.

"You look hot in my hoodie," he scanned my body stopping at my legs, I frowned at him.

"Stop with the staring and compliments and let's get to work." It was getting to me.

We worked till almost midnight, what kept us awake was coffee. My phone rang and it was Lia.

"Hi Lia, you back from the club?"

"Yeah, are you coming back tonight? You know, you could spend the night there," Lia teased.

"I will definitely come home tonight, I ain't spending the night in my boss's house," I said.

"But I am with a guy right now, don't come," Lia whispered and hung up on me. I stared at the phone for awhile before setting it down on the table and going back to work.

"You could spend the night here, traveling a long distance is too dangerous," he stated while typing away.

"Hell no! I am going back home once I'm done." I don't care if Lia is with a guy right now, I'll just sneak into my room and sleep off.

"You are so stubborn, you might get killed, robbed or even worse raped!" He chided me but I have already made up my mind.

"Whatever, you are an adult, you can take care of yourself," he resigned and we continued working till passed midnight. I felt so sleepy, I struggled to keep awake but eventually the world darkened.


Mateo's POV


I stared at her sleeping form, she looked so peaceful that no one would believe she was as fierce as a tiger.

"Who would have thought you were this peaceful," I said stroking her cheeks. I carried her to my room and lay her on my bed, she mumbled inaudibly and snuggled up against the pillow making me smiled at her and gently lay on the other side of the bed.

Wouldn't want to be a victim of castration when she wakes up the next day.

Lights out.

Next morning


Dalia's POV


I woke up to find myself laying on the most comfortable bed and cuddling something warm. I tried to move but the warm something was holding me tight around my waist, I slowly turned to face the warm something and came face to face with a chiseled chest.

Where the hell am I? And who the hell is this.

Alarms rang in my head as I suddenly remembered last night. I jerked up and shoved him of the bed making him jolted awake and fall on his butt. He cussed out as he rubbed his butt and stood up.

"Goddammit woman, why can't you just be docile for once?" He complained.

"What am I doing in your room? Why was I in bed with you? Did we you know," I pointed at the two of us, did he have to look so glorious now? I tried to avert my gaze from his muscled bare chest but ended up staring at it.

OMG!! He has eight freaking packs.

"You fell asleep while we were working and we didn't do anything," he said with a 'duh' tone. I needed to get out of here so I jumped out of the bed and was walking out of the room when he grabbed my wrists and tugged me back, causing me to faceplant on his chest, he wrapped his arms around my waist tightly.


"Where do you think you are going Tesoro?" His voice deepened and his eyes darkened.

"Away from you, let me go this instant!" I tried wiggling out of his arms. A feeling enveloped me, almost like I loved his arms around me.

He chuckled softly and leaned slowly into my face. My brain suddenly went fuzzy.

Is he going to kiss me? Yes! Should I kiss him back?

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