
Damsel in distress

<p>"Is this really me?"<br/><br/>Looking back at the reflection in the mirror, she saw a girl in her teenage years. Flawless face, brown eyes that shine brightly and clear as day, curly black hair that accentuates the shape of her face, well proportioned body shape, what else can she as for. As she was staring still in awe at her reflection, she suddenly felt light headed. She felt a terrible headache all of a sudden that made her sit on the floor and support her head due to the rush of memories registering as her brain starts to process it.<br/><br/>Flash... "I'll always cherish you"...<br/>Flash... "I'm so happy to have you"...<br/>Flash... "She is so stupid to believe"...<br/>Flash... "She's just a damsel in distress waiting for her so-called knight. Keep dreaming"...<br/><br/>Stabilizing from the sudden headache she felt earlier, she stood up slowly and was about to get some air when she saw again her reflections at the mirror she was looking at awhile ago. Such a pity. Despite these looks, who would have thought the former owner of this body is a pushover.<br/><br/>PAIN... If there was only one word to describe her emotions right now, these four letter word would be the most fit to describe it. Despite the many emotions that she initially feels, pain was the strongest emotion she feels. Such a strong feeling from the former owner of this body.<br/><br/>In the mirror was a faint appearance of the soul who once lived this body staring at her. It is radiating with a pale bluish light from its body. What a meek and gentle soul. <br/><br/>Still staring at this fragile woman's soul, she smiled brightly and reassuringly whispered, "Don't worry. I will live help you with your revenge and all the things you don't have courage to do for I live this body now. I will be brave. You still did your best and I'm proud of you. You can rest easy now." A faint smile formed in the lips of the former owner then she disappeared as a bright light engulfed it.<br/><br/>From the memories of the former owner of this self, she had always been pampered and lived under the protection of others. This caused her to depend on others too much to the point of being a pushover, naive and gullible. She felt pity but who is she to judge someone just because they don't have enough courage to stand on their own and fight for their decisions. What a contrast! The current soul living in it now—she— had always been independent relying only on herself. Her motto had always been "At the end of the day, you only have yourself." Unlike the former owner of this body she's possessing now, she's a dauntless person who can fight as long as she is in the right and brave enough to sacrifice and protect her love ones.<br/>Maybe it was fate for the former owner of this self to get revenge as tragic as it may seem. It can be a light in the dark long tunnel. A blessing in disguise despite the misfortunes.<br/><br/>Knock, knock, knock.<br/><br/>A sudden knock in the door disrupted her form her chain of thoughts. Oh well, she lives in it now. Might as well enjoy the second chance she was given although in another body. <br/><br/>Knock, knock, knock.<br/><br/>What an impatient human being. "Coming!" As she holds on the classy door handle, she hesitated not knowing how the future events may be. Taking a deep breath, she slowly and nervously opened the door as if opening a new door for her new life with an unknown future awaiting her.</p>