
She's Claimed by her Adopted Brother

*This Story involves some graphic material that may upset some readers. It will have sexual content, physical and verbal abuse, vulgar language, violence, and death. If there are any who are unable to handle any of it then maybe refrain from reading** Jaylee (pronounced Hay-lee) is a an 18 Year Old girl that had been abandoned when she was just a little girl but then she'd been taken in by a nice couple, Karen and Walter Wallace, who'd gone out of their way to make sure she had all she ever needed. She was a typical 'good girl' so many who knew her said mainly because she did her best to do well in School, and she was on the Girl's Volleyball Team. Jaylee wasn't an only child though the Wallace's had also Adopted a Son his name was Jacob, or Jace, and he was a Year Older than her and still in school just like her though he doesn't work as hard as she does, and he sure as hell isn't into athletics. No, Jacob is the quintessential Bad Boy and girl's are always throwing themselves at him but he has a very un-brotherly infatuation with his Adopted Sister. Jaylee becomes uncomfortable around Jacob after he begins to pay her late night visits to her room to touch her in very un-brotherly ways, but she's too afraid to tell her Adoptive Parent's because she's not sure of what he'll do to her if she does. And when her two Best friends come over to hang out Jacob refuses to stop the things he's been doing to her. When she tries to finally put an end to it all things just get worse for her when Jacob's abuse turns verbal and physical after one of his most brutal assaults Jaylee somehow manages to find a safe place to hide...or she thinks until he finds her, and her nightmare becomes a reality. As it all continues Jaylee can feel herself beginning to lose more and more of herself over to Jacob and even after she discovers his darkest of secrets she can't stop herself from all the ways he makes her feel. But, the truth behind the secret is what she has the hardest time in believing even after he shows her the proof. How will she deal with knowing the real reason behind it all? And can she really stay by him when he is not the guy she'd believed she'd known him to be?

Bethany_Dydimos · Teenager
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8 Chs

This Damn Day : Jacob's P.O.V.

Hearing the annoyingly loud beeping of the alarm clock on the nightstand, Jacob shoves the thing off the stand and covers his head with his pillows again. (This day can just fuck off.) He grumbles mentally to himself but he knows he needs to get out of bed before his Adopted Mother Karen comes to wake him.

Tossing his pillows away, he rolls out of his bed then stretches his arms over his head and groans before shaking himself then walking to the bathroom door in his bedroom that leads into the bathroom he shares with his Adopted Sister Jaylee. He places his hand on the doorknob thinking about just walking in and possibly catching her still in the shower. Ever since she was 12 and had come into early puberty he has been infatuated with her and now she is finally 18 well...

Jacob places his ear against the door listening for the sound of water when he hears none he figures Jaylee must not be inside but he still wraps on the door with his knuckles, and when she doesn't call out that she's inside he opens his door then freezes just as she seems to throw herself into her bedroom through her open bathroom door and her actions caused the towel to ride up giving him a very clear view of her cleanly shaven pussy.

After she closes her bathroom door a low guttural growl sounds in his chest and he feels himself moving forward to the door intending to just barge into her room then throw her onto her bed, and fuck her until neither of them can take anymore. Jacob gives himself another forceful shake then slips off his boxers and climbs into the shower keeping the water chilly to wake himself up and to cool down his raging body.

After he finishes his shower he walks naked into his bedroom and to his dresser then he grabs a pair of black jeans then pulls them on followed by a short sleeved black t-shirt then his black combat boots and he opens his bedroom door then walks out. He goes downstairs and enters the kitchen just as Jaylee finishes saying. 'I think he's taking a shower.'

Then her gaze snaps to him as he stands there trying to control his anger as he takes in the way she's dressed, and he growls. 'What the fuck are you wearing? Go change now.'

Jaylee looks down at herself but Jacob's attention snaps to The-Sick-Fuck, Also known as their Adopted Father Walter, as Walter says. 'Oh, Jacob, get over yourself.'

Jacob can't remember hating anyone as much as he does this sick bastard, and he snaps. 'Who the fuck is talking to you?'

From the corner of his eye, Jacob can see Jaylee's wide eyes on him just like he can feel it every fucking time she looks at him because his cock will twitch and harden to the point of pain every damn time. But his focus is on the unfatherly way Walter is leering at her with blatant lust so Jacob walks around the kitchen island to use his body as a shield blocking Walter's lustful view. Jacob and Walter glare hatefully at one another even as Jacob feels her confused gaze on his back.

He takes a deep breath in through his nose then instantly regrets it as the flowery scent of her shampoo along with the airy scent of her body wash and her own personal soft sweetly fruity and exotic scent invades his senses. And though it is difficult he forces his eyes to stay open as Walter shifts in his chair.

Jacob knows as soon as Jaylee leaves the kitchen, and he snarls at Walter. 'You even try to touch her I'll kill you.'

'That may be a difficult task for you to accomplish from behind bars, don't you think....' Walter taunts coldly. 'Besides she's the one traipsing around here all the time in her little 'come fuck me' outfits.'

Jacob goes statue still then before Walter can blink Jacob is in his face, and he says dangerously. 'I want you to listen very closely to what I say, Walter, Jaylee is MINE! EVERY. SINGLE. PART. OF. HER. BELONGS. TO. ONLY. ME. If I catch you or hear that you even glance in her direction again I will send your sick disgusting ass straight to hell where it belongs.'

Jacob doesn't give Walter a chance to respond he just walks out of the kitchen angrily and ready to kill, and without acknowledging Karen at all, Jacob barks at Jaylee. 'Let's go.' Then he walks out of the house and straight to his car to wait impatiently for Jaylee to bring her sweet little ass outside and into his car.

It didn't take long to wait really and as soon as she's in the passenger seat and closing the door he backs out of the driveway, and the ride to the damn school feels like the longest ever as he continually catches glimpses of her exposed skin and his body hardens even more especially his cock as it presses painfully against the zipper of his jeans.

Once he parks his car in the school lot she leaps out of his car flashing her ass in those white panties then runs towards the School Building and Jacob slams his fist against his steering wheel followed ny the back of his head back against his seat. Once he finally gains control, Jacob climbs out of his car only to have his day ruined even more as his former fuck-toy Rachel Dickson attaches herself to his side, and she purrs seductively. 'Hey, Jakey, we still on for tonight?'

Jacob fucking hates that damn name 'Jakey' something Rachel is aware of but instead of reacting to her use of the name he simply extracts her from him forcefully, and says stoically. 'We never had anything for tonight or any other night since I tossed your ass away two weeks ago, Rachel, now run along and look for Victor. You always happily open for business for him when I send you away once I've used you.'

Jacob didn't stick around for Rachel's outraged hissy fit he just walks into the school and what he sees has his blood boiling and his possessive side forcing its way to the forefront. (Why the fuck is Victor anywhere near Jacob's girl? And why is Jaylee talking to the fucker at all?)

Jacob saunters up to them realizing the conversation isn't at all friendly, so he asks in a false nonchalant tone. 'There a problem here?'

Jaylee and Victor both tense as Jacob speaks while he leans casually against the locker next to hers glaring hatefully in Victor's direction then he looks at Jaylee as she gives some lame ass excuse for why she and Victor are talking. Jacob isn't as dumb as most everyone in this shithole thinks and when he sees her lower her head to hide her blush after staring at his lips, Jacob steps up into Victor's face, and says in a dangerously low voice. 'You come near my Sister again, Rodgers, and I'm going to beat you so bloody your Parent's will need dental records to identify you.'

After Victor runs away like the little bitch he is, Jaylee asks. 'Was that really necessary?'

Jacob then turns his full attention onto her pinning her back against her locker and using his arms to box her in, and as she licks her lips in that typical nervous way she always does his gaze lowers then follows the slow glide of her tongue along the very lips he wants to taste right now, and she asks shakily. 'W-What a-are you doing?'

'I'm not doing anything...just yet, Little Doe.' He says noticing how husky his voice sounds and seeing the way her face flushes and eyes widen then he gets deadly serious, and he says warningly. 'If I catch you near Rodgers again, Jaylee, then you will find out what it is to fear me like everyone else.' When she nods her head he smiles at her, then says. 'Good, now get to class.'

He pushes himself away from her then watches as she too runs down the hallway to get away from him and he chuckles to himself, and he thinks to himself; (Soon, My Little Doe, very soon).







(This seriously is not how I expected the final three hours of being in this hell to end.) Jacob thinks furiously as he sits inside his car smoking his second cigarette.

Yet the truth is, he sure as hell doesn't regret the actions he had taken to end up in this situation now....in fact he would do it again and again if he only had the chance. Both of those assholes deserved exactly the pain and suffering Jacob had dualed out to them both.

It all went down during his fifth period class when Jacob saw Neil Lewis having a conversation with another guy on the Basketball Team in low tones which never usually bothers Jacob, but this time he didn't like the strange feeling he was getting as he watches them and they both start to chuckle.

As soon as the bell rings signaling the end of the class that he still had no idea of what it was, he had caught up with the guy Neil had been talking to, and Jacob slammed him backwards into a locker and he said straightforwardly. 'You are going to tell me what Neil said that you both found so funny and you're going to do it now.'

The guy looks at Jacob with eyes full of pain and fear, and he rushes out. 'Neil just told me about the bet between him and Victor.'

'What bet?' Jacob hisses as he slams the guy against the locker again.

'Neil said that Victor bet him that Victor can get Jaylee Wallace to fuck him before the end of the Basketball and Volleyball Season.' The guy informs Jacob.

Jacob's fury rose at this, and he growled at the guy. 'Jaylee. My Sister Jaylee.' (MY JAYLEE!!) He growls in his own mind. The guy nods his head continuously in answer which only fuels Jacob's rage more but he won't take it out on this stooge so he lets the guy run away tripping over his own feet as he does.

Jacob is way too furious to even think so instead he heads off in search of both Neil and Victor to pummel them both until their unrecognizable. It doesn't take him long to find the dumbass Neil, and Jacob didn't waste any time in snatching the prick by the front of his shirt then slams Neil back against the tiled wall with force.

Neil's eyes fly wide as he sees it's Jacob that has him, and Jacob demands furiously. 'You made a bet with Rodgers that he can fuck my Sister!?'

Neil starts to shake his head until he sees the rage in Jacob's eyes. and Neil blubbers. 'I-It w-wasn't my i-idea, Ja-Jacob, i-it was a-all Vi-Victor.'

Jacob was already suspecting as much but it still makes no difference to him, and he hisses furiously. 'I don't give a fuck who's idea it was, asshole, you should have thought hard before you agreed to make it.'

'I...I know...I just wasn't thinking.' Neil blubbers pleadingly like a chick being dumped by her hot boyfriend.

Jacob can see the honest sorrow in Neil's eyes but he has no forgiveness in him when it comes to Jaylee....and Jacob puts on a placating smile as he releases Neil who seems to think that's the end of it as he lets out a breath of relief as Jacob pats Neil on the cheek then smashes his fist into Neil's jaw at least three times smiling with satisfaction at the sound of the bastards jaw shattering.

Jacob walks away from Neil lying on the hallway floor groaning and whimpering to go look for his next target....Victor Rodgers. Only Jacob plans to be less merciful when he gets his hands on Rodgers. Jacob pauses before he rounds another corner when he hears the very familiar sounds of people about to have a really good time.

Jacob chuckles to himself then stills when he hears a soft female moan. 'Victor.'

(That sure as fuck best not be Jaylee.) Jacob rages mentally then comes around the corner to see Rachel and Victor making out hot and heavily and Jacob is glad that he's always doubled up the condoms to protect himself each time he had fucked this skank....because there is just no telling what she can possibly have and he won't risk giving it to Jaylee when he finally buries his cock inside her....possibly even tonight.

The hot and heavy couple didn't seem to notice Jacob or sense the danger looming so closely to them and the longer he stands there his mind replays what the two guys told him about the bet, and before Victor knows what's coming Jacob's fist collides with his left cheek, and Rachel cries in shock. 'Jacob! What the hell!'

Jacob shoots Rachel a dangerous silencing glare, and Victor hisses. 'Who do you think you are?'

Jacob takes a step towards Victor, and Jacob snaps. 'I fucking warned you but you're just too stupid to listen. Did you think I wouldn't find out?'

Victor glares at Jacob, and Rachel says happily. 'I knew you'd finally show your jealousy over me.'

'Bitch, shut up. I don't give a flying fuck about you or who you open your legs for.' Jacob snaps glacially at Rachel then he focuses on Victor again, and he growls. 'I'm talking about the bet you made with Neil that you can fuck Jaylee by the end of Basketball and Volleyball Season.'

Victor wipes the blood from his nose, and smirks. 'Well it's not like she isn't asking for a good fucking.'

Jacob's ears begin to ring as his blood boils over in his veins and his mind becomes a haze of murderous rage filled red that he almost misses the gasp of outrage that comes from Rachel on Jaylee's behalf before Jacob launches himself at Victor and pummels the shit out of him even once the fucker is a bloody mess.

Jacob isn't even thinking about possibly getting expelled as he continues to pound Victor unmercifully and he is zoned out to the huge crowd of spectators that have gathered in the hallway, and next he knows he is being roughly pulled off the bloody unconscious Victor by Security.

Victor was taken away in an Ambulance while Jacob had been taken to the Principal and as he'd known would occur he was immediately expelled but be made it worse when he told the dickhead to get on his knees and suck his dick before he stormed out of the office.






Which is why he is sitting in his car waiting for Jaylee to finish Volleyball Practice so they can get the hell away from here. He tosses his finished cigarette out the window then looks at his watch and when he looks up he sees her walking along with her two friends.

Jacob believes their names are Kylie and Marnie and both girls are quite eye catching in their own way but his gaze stays locked on Jaylee. In order to gain her attention he slams his palm onto the horn causing all three of them to jump almost from their skin and he smirks and gives a small wave as they all look towards him in the car.

After hugging her friends, he watches Jaylee come to the car and she slides in and closes the door, and asks directly. 'Did you do it?'

Jacob knows what she's asking him about but instead of answering he tears out of his parking spot then the parking lot, then he snaps at her. 'So the fuck what if I did. Are you interested in one of them or something?'

'Ewww, No.' She says then she says. 'I just don't want to see you get expelled.'

He barks out a harsh laugh, and he says icily. 'Newsflash, Jaylee, you're a bit too late I was already expelled and I just don't give a flying fuck.'

This goes on a while then the ride gets tense as his gaze slides over to her and her exposed flesh again and as she tries to convince him that her, Karen and even the fuck head Walter cares about what happens to him after he pulls into the driveway of their house and parks, Jacob snaps bitingly. 'Just drop it, damn it. Let it the fuck go!'

And just as she'd done at the school, Jaylee leaps out of his car and runs into the house and Jacob closes his eyes in guilt trying as hard as he can to reign in his temper. Once he feels it under control he gets out of his car then heads into the house.

As soon as he enters, Karen asks. 'What has Jaylee so upset? Did something happen at school?'

Jacob releases a heavy sigh, then he says. 'I sort of bit her head off over something that isn't her fault.'

Karen studies Jacob's expression for a moment but before she can say another word Walter comes stomping towards them, and he snarls. 'You shattered one guy's jaw and sent another to the Hospital?'

Jacob just shrugs, and Rachel gasps. 'Jacob.'

'I've had it with you.' Walter yells at Jacob. 'I seriously hope both families press charges and put you in jail where you belong.'

'You'd like that wouldn't you, Wally, then you can live out your pedophilic fantasy and try to fuck Jaylee.' Jacob yells back tauntingly.

Karen's eyes widen, and she asks in disbelief and disgust. 'Is this true, Walter?'

Jacob gives Walter a nasty look daring him to deny it, and Walter says coldly. 'Better me than a no good hoodlum like this piece of shit.' Karen's eyes show her disgust and she slaps Water across the face and Walter goes to strike her back but Jacob shoves him back, and Walter screams. 'I want you out of my house. NOW!'

Jacob ignores Walter then goes upstairs and to his bedroom then he slams the door closed, and he yells angrily. 'Fuck You!'

His infuriated gaze slides to his bathroom door then he shakes his head knowing he is way too pissed off to go into Jaylee's room right now because there is absolutely no way he will be able to not cause her too much pain at this moment if he were to go in there and ruin all of Walter's sick perverse plans for her.








Here is the Second Chapter (Rewritten) for this Book and things are not looking good for Jacob.

Will he leave as Walter told him too and leave Jaylee to deal with Walter's constant leering looks?

Can Jaylee forgive Jacob for being an ass to her?







Stay tuned for further updates to find out what happens. 😀😀😀😀

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