
Chapter 1

'Be clam' came a whisper out my mouth as I placed my hands on the small damaged body of a rabbit. As the flow of energy started between us the broken little ball of fur started to relax. My body, now filled with pain told me what damage the rabbit had suffered from the car. A tear fell down my face as I knew I was only holding this pain to make the rabbits transition out of this world peaceful.

A massive sigh left my body as the pain stopped. A single tear left my eyes before I stood up. They spirit had left the little rabbit, the body held no purpose except to feed other creatures. Being a Gaeaia, daughter of Gaea the goddess of nature had such beautiful moments, but also very painful ones. Gaea was the goddess who took nature and protected it, and found beauty in the most feared things. She was the only one able to see beauty in the god of werwolves Lycaon, even after he tried to trick Zeus into eating human flesh. Gaea protected Lycaon and since that day werewolves and Gaeaia's fates have been intertwined.

No matter how big and how bad the werewolf is, once he finds his gaeaia she will love him and protect him and in some cases be the bond between the world and their beasts within. To make sure each of Gaeas children where protected from the evil of the world and their powers where never harvested, each werewolf has one mate and his soul will search the ends of the earth for his one mate.

'Willow!' A sweet voice bounced down the road pulling me out of my trance 'come on we need to get going!'

Checking my phone I realised that indeed we where going to be late. Her father would not like that, he was the Alpha of our pack, the redwoods and very protective of his daughter.

'Im coming Tara!' I chuckled as she came panting next to me to pull me with her. Tara was a beautiful girl at the age of 20 with long brown hair and chubby cheeks with cute freckles and big green eyes. Being the same height as me we where alright in the world, no shelf out of reach except the top ones but really who ever uses that one anyway. She winced looking down at the lifeless rabbit before pulling me towards work.

Since the age of 16 we have both worked the land with crops and farm animals. I had slightly more reason to work hard being from an omega family. My father disgraced our name and I have had to work extra hard to prove my worth. I now work in the office organising the animals, what food what bedding when it's ready for them to move on and all that. As a daughter of Gaea we still eat meat, we just only eat meat from animals that have been looked after and that's body never goes to waste. Ever part of our animals we are great full for and no part of it doesn't have a purpose.

'I just can't wait for the party' tara exclaimed as she danced her way into the office building. She squealed in excitement before dealing herself over her chair and facing me. Our desks faced each other so it was a massive miracle we got any work done. 'I recon this year is the one'

'This year will be your first one' I chuckled knowing full well it usually took 5 parties.

'Nope' she said spinning on her chair facing the ceiling 'he's there to find me and it will be this year'

I rolled my eyes getting my desk organised for the day whilst Tara dazed of into nothingness with a hopeful smile on her face. I, on the other hand felt in different to the party.

Tonight, the biggest party of the year was being held. The finders party is where every one over the age of 20 with no mate from every pack goes to a party held by different alphas each year. The whole point is to mingle with as many different people as possible in the hopes of finding your mate. The reason why it takes usually five years is because Gaeaia's don't know who their mate is the werewolves feel all the changes and the bond. But they only are able to feel their bond after the age of 25. Normally the age range is small at about 2 years difference but it has been many a time 5 years younger (the law wouldn't allow anyone younger to attend the party) and up to 20 years older.

'I still can't believe this is your first one as well!' She exclaimed brandishing her hands around her.

I chuckled allowing her to think I waited for her so we could go to the party for the first time together. At 21 I missed my first party because quite frankly I couldn't be bothered. I see no point in going as I wouldn't find my mate probably for another 3 years and putting up with all the women peacocking around each other putting the other ones down just went so against everything we believe in. But this year Tara would have made such a drama about it that it wasn't worth it.

'Tonight's the night' she whispered 'I can feel it'

I don't know what she was feeling but all I could feel was a pit at the bottom of my stomach.

Tonight is definitely the night.

But for what.

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