
Shattered Ascendance

In the midst of a world where magic and danger intertwine, Seraphina Montclair, a young heiress to a formidable lineage, embarks on a life-altering journey. Raised in the shadows by her family's legacy, she yearns for something more, something beyond the confines of her privileged upbringing. And so, with a heart eager for adventure and freedom, she steps forward into a destiny that will test her courage in ways she never imagined. But it is not just the physical trials that Seraphina faces. Along her perilous path, she encounters a soul who, in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, becomes a beacon of solace and healing. This unexpected ally, with compassion in their eyes and a touch that mends even the deepest wounds, finds a way to piece together the fragments of Seraphina's broken heart.

Burningnova13 · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Dreams Beyond Words

While my daddy was engrossed in conversation with the Geezer, my mommy took the opportunity to sit down with me, her warm and comforting presence beside me. She started talking, her voice soft and soothing, about something that piqued my curiosity—the different monsters I might have to face and hunt one day.

As I listened with wide-eyed fascination, she painted vivid pictures with her words. She told me about majestic dragons, their scales shining like jewels, and how some of them could be fierce protectors while others might pose a threat. Then there were cunning creatures like werewolves and shape-shifters, who could transform and blend into the world around them.

Mommy's descriptions were so vivid that it felt like I was right there beside her, facing these fantastical creatures. She spoke about ferocious giants and elegant fairies, each with their own unique abilities and traits. Her words sparked my imagination, and I found myself envisioning the epic battles and thrilling adventures that awaited me.

But what struck me most was the way mommy spoke about the monsters with respect. She told me that not all of them were evil, that some were simply trying to survive in a world that could be harsh and unforgiving.

I looked up at my mommy, my eyes shining with excitement. "Mommy, will I really get to hunt these monsters one day?"

She smiled gently, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "Yes, my brave little warrior, one day you might find yourself facing these creatures. Just remember, being a warrior brings forth responsibilities. It's not just about hunting; it's about protecting those who can't protect themselves and making the world a safer place."

I nodded, taking in her words. It was a lot to think about, but surely it can't be that bad. If I hunt all the evil baddies, then everyone will be safe. I shifted my gaze from the bustling crowd to my mommy as we continued our conversation. "Hmm, I understand what you're saying, Mommy. Can you please tell me the story of the first Sword Maiden again? I'm starting to get a little bored just waiting for Daddy to finish."

Mommy's eyes twinkled with amusement, and she smiled warmly at me. "Of course, my adventurous little one. Let me tell you the tale once more."

As she started telling the tale, her voice turned all sing-songy, like a cozy bedtime story that snuggled around me. I scooted in real close, and my imagination whisked me off to a long time ago.

"Once upon a time," mommy began, "in a world much like ours but filled with even more magic and wonder, there lived a young and brave woman named Elara. She was known for her unwavering courage and her incredible skill with a sword."

I could kinda, sorta picture the whole wide world waking up, just like when mommy talked about it. There were these super colorful places, really tall mountains that touched the sky, and even magical creatures running around everywhere.

"Elara came from a humble village that was often threatened by fearsome beasts and dark forces. One day, a powerful dragon, its scales as brilliant as the sun, descended upon the village, casting a shadow of fear and despair."

I leaned forward, my eyes wide with anticipation, my surroundings fading into the background.

"Despite the odds stacked against her, Elara stepped forward to protect her village. With her trusty sword in hand, she faced the mighty dragon, her heart full of determination."

Mommy's words painted a vivid picture in my mind. I could see Elara standing tall, her sword gleaming, ready to face the fearsome dragon.

"The battle was fierce, and Elara fought with all her might. She used her skill, her courage, and her intelligence to outwit the dragon and eventually emerged victorious."

I felt super excited when I started picturing the super awesome battle between the super brave Sword Maiden and the humongous dragon! It was like, wowza, a story all about being really, really brave, crazy strong, and having a heart that never gives up, no matter what!

"Elara's actions inspired others to stand up against the challenges that faced their world. She became a symbol of hope, a shining example of what it meant to be a true warrior."

Mommy's voice started to fade, and I got all wrapped up in the story, my brain full of big adventures. "And then she left her crazy strong sword behind!" I rubbed my hands together with excitement. If there's something I'm super great at, it's spotting all those sparkly things that get left behind. That cool sword? Yep, gonna be mine. Thanks a bunch, Elara!

I coughed a little to prepare my sweetest voice. "Mommy, Mommy, what happened to Elara's sword after she smacked the meanie dragon, again?" I tilted my head and hid my hands behind me, 'cause they always wobble a bit when I'm trying to trick someone. "Me? I'm just curious about how the story ends, you know, totally just that!"


I couldn't help but chuckle at my daughter's adorable attempt to steer the conversation. Her cough and sweet voice were unmistakable signs of a well-practiced tactic to pique my curiosity. I looked down at her with an amused smile, playing along with her innocent charade.

"Well, my curious little one," I said, pretending to fall for her act, "after Elara bravely faced the dragon and emerged victorious, she knew that her battles were not yet over."

Seraphina's eyes sparkled with interest as she leaned in closer, her hands hidden behind her back. It was clear she was thoroughly invested in where I was taking the story.

"After her triumphant battle, Elara decided that her sword, the very same one she used to defeat the dragon, held too much power to be wielded by just anyone." I paused, letting the anticipation build as I matched her playful tone. "So, she made a decision that would shape the course of history."

I watched as Seraphina's excitement practically radiated from her. She was hanging onto every word, her curiosity piqued to new heights. I continued, my voice dropping slightly to a conspiratorial tone.

"Elara journeyed to the heart of a mystical forest, a place rumored to be touched by the gods themselves. There, she found a hidden grove, bathed in ethereal light. With reverence, she placed her sword upon an ancient stone altar, channeling her own strength and the blessings of the gods."

Seraphina's eyes grew wider, her hands fidgeting behind her back in anticipation. She was fully invested in the tale, and I couldn't help but admire her eagerness.

"As Elara stepped back, a brilliant light enveloped the sword, and it transformed into a radiant gem, pulsating with the combined power of her own magic and the divine. This gem, known as the 'Heart of Elara,' became a symbol of protection, a beacon for all those who aspired to be warriors."

I could practically see the wheels turning in Seraphina's mind as she absorbed the story. Her imagination was surely running wild with images of the sacred grove, the transformation of the sword, and the significance of the Heart of Elara.

I patted her head affectionately. "So, my curious little one, that is what happened to Elara's sword after her valiant battle."

She looked up at me with a satisfied smile, her hands peeking out from behind her back. "Thank you, Mommy! I just wanted to know how the story ended, you know, totally just that!"

I chuckled, ruffling her hair gently. "Of course, my dear. I'm glad I could satisfy your curiosity."

As I watched Seraphina's imagination continue to weave its own tales, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. My daughter's thirst for knowledge and her boundless imagination were cute and will serve her well in the future.

Seraphina started stretching a little. "So i just have to go to that forest and get me my stone of Elara, got it" She muttered and started punching the air in preparation.

Seraphina's playful energy was contagious, and I couldn't help but smile at her. As she stretched and muttered to herself, I held back a chuckle, thoroughly entertained by her enthusiasm.

"Ah, the legendary Heart of Elara, huh?" I replied, playing along with her lighthearted spirit. "Well, my brave warrior, while the forest might not be exactly the same as in the story, I have no doubt that you'll find your own remarkable adventures waiting for you."

Seraphina's eyes sparkled with excitement, and she punched the air with a sense of purpose, her determination clear in every movement. I watched as she got into her imaginary fighting stance, ready to take on whatever challenges came her way.

"Remember," I added with a wink, "it's not just about the stone itself, but the journey and the lessons you'll learn along the way."

Seraphina nodded eagerly, her gaze focused and resolute. "Got it, Mommy! I'll train hard, just like Elara, and make sure I'm ready for anything!"

Arnold hurriedly knelt down, wrapping Seraphina in a protective embrace. "Maybe we should reconsider going to the Forest of Darkness and keep our distance from it," he shot a slightly frustrated look my way. "And you, please don't encourage her fantasies. That place isn't safe for anyone."

I let out a sigh, my patience waning as his overly protective tendencies surfaced once more. "I understand your concerns, my love, but we must remember that Seraphina has a full seven years to meticulously prepare herself. Need I remind you of our esteemed lineage? The Montclair Family has long been the unyielding pillar that upholds the very fabric of this nation. Are we truly so feeble that we cannot allow our own daughter to venture beyond these borders?"

As I observed the anxiety etching lines on his face, my hand instinctively rose to caress his cheek, my touch a soothing balm. "See, my dear, for our House, no endeavor is insurmountable. We have, time and again, defied the odds." Drawing him into a tender embrace, I pressed on, "And for our Seraphina, the trials that lie ahead shall pale in comparison once she completes her rigorous training."

A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I observed Seraphina's puzzled expression. It was a familiar sight, one that never failed to amuse me. My daughter had an uncanny ability to cut through the formalities and noble etiquette, her genuine and untamed spirit shining through even in the most refined settings.

Her confusion was evident as the conversation between Arnold and me delved into matters of lineage and legacy. I couldn't help but find her reaction endearing.

"Dear Seraphina," I addressed her with a warm smile, "sometimes grown-ups tend to use lots of big words that might sound a bit confusing, don't they?"

Her eyes widened, and a small grin tugged at the corners of her lips. It was as if she had been granted permission to acknowledge the humor in the situation.

"Yes, Mommy," she replied, her voice carrying a touch of mischief.

I reached out to tousle her hair affectionately, unable to suppress my amusement. "Well, just know that you can always count on us to translate those 'fancy talks' into something that makes sense."

Seraphina's expression shifted from bewilderment to a mixture of relief and amusement. She seemed to appreciate the assurance that she wasn't alone in her occasional confusion.

"And besides," I continued with a playful wink, "the real adventure lies in the stories you create and the dreams you chase, not just in the words we adults use." Her eyes lit up, her imagination undoubtedly conjuring vivid tales of her own.

Arnold's gaze moved between Seraphina and me, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes. His voice took on a hint of playful formality, and a smile tugged at the corner of my lips as he addressed me with a touch of theatrical flair.

"Lady Eleonor De Montclair," he intoned, his posture shifting to a more composed stance, "given the profound weight of your insights, I find myself undeniably and irrevocably persuaded by your persuasive argument."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, his theatrical approach drawing a chuckle from me. His ability to inject humor into even the most serious conversations was one of the many reasons our partnership flourished.

"I shall, without a doubt, undertake the solemn responsibility of ensuring that Seraphina partakes in the most exceptional tutelage," he continued, his tone rich with mock seriousness. "In doing so, I shall empower her to navigate the challenges that lay ahead with unwavering resolve, ensuring her ability to stand strong and safeguard herself amidst the myriad exploits that await her."

A playful smirk curled on his lips, and I couldn't help but shake my head in amusement. Arnold's words. "Very well, my dear," I responded, matching his playful tone. "I have every faith that under your tutelage, our Seraphina shall blossom into the valiant warrior she aspires to be."

As the torrent of elaborate words cascaded over Seraphina, her expression transformed into a delightful mixture of perplexity and mild bewilderment. I couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at her candid reaction.

"...What?" she uttered, her voice carrying a blend of innocence and confusion.

I exchanged a knowing glance with Arnold, our shared amusement evident in our smiles. "It's alright, dear," I reassured her with a soft smile. "Sometimes, even the most eloquent of words can be a bit overwhelming."

Seraphina's confusion slowly gave way to a small grin, her gaze shifting between us. While the intricacies of noble discourse might have eluded her, the warmth and love that surrounded her were palpable.

With a gentle pat on her shoulder, I added, "Never change, for your heart will always be your most reliable compass in navigating this world."

As Seraphina nodded, her smile brightened, and I couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful simplicity she brought to our lives. In her presence, the grandeur of titles and formalities seemed to fade, replaced by that which I never would have thought was possible to ever archieve... love.