

Many years ago, planet was in danger because of Morata, she has plotted so many harms in earth and the legendary warriors saved the earth and defeated the villains but before they died, they hid their gems in different places, the gem was the source of their power. Now Roxton, morata's son and his crew are trying to find the gems before some random people do. Shan believed the legend was true. And had so much power inside of him but he didn't know. Phoenix is also the daughter of morata, she was the leader but she gave the leadership to Roxton. It's up to shan to stop them and create an era of peace and love.

sapphire_lynn8 · Aktion
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2 Chs

A gentle Fight

"Hinata!!" Shan shouted, "yup?" Hinata answered

"I need a knife" shan said, "seriously, for what?!" Hinata yelled, shan shook his head "what am I saying, sorry sis" he said. Hinata was confused "you know the girls are coming today right?" She asked, "what girls- oh yeah right" he replied.


Lily yawning while walking "I hate to walk, flying is much better" she said, "oh really, why do you have legs then?" mini asked and started laughing, "wait what, it's not funny" lily said and frowned.

"Seriously, guys we need to concentrate on our studies, shan and hinata are gonna teach us-" Lynn said and lily interrupted, "yeah yeah, right now I need to sleep" she said as she stretched her arm "I wish I had a bike".

"You know lily, Lynn is right" mini said, "finally someone agreed. They finally arrived at shan's house and mini knocked.

"Coming" hinata said and went to open the door for them "my friends" she said and hugged the three of them at once.

"Hi guys, we're not gonna learn anything today, I'm tired" shan said while sitting on the couch.

"Why, but I was so ready" Lynn said.

"Thank goodness, I'm free!!" Lily said as she jumped on the couch and crossed her legs.

"At least, no much work" mini said, "you came here to have fun!" Hinata said and giggled.

"Whoo-hoo! I'm ready for that" lily said excitedly, "I thought you said you needed sleep" mini said. "My brain changes sometimes, so where are the pillows?" Lily asked.

"For what, the fun is not to sleep" hinata replied, "oh no no, we're gonna have a pillow fight" lily said.

"Yeah whatever, do your girly things, I'm off to my room upstairs" shan said. "Can I come with you?" Lynn asked, "sure" shan answered.

They both went upstairs and the girls started their pillow fight, hinata threw five pillows at lily and laughed "you're gonna get it!" Lily said, mini left and said she was gonna read outside.


Shan had his headphone on and he was also moon walking "shan, shan, shan" Lynn called him, "ooo like the stars" shan followed the song "oh he's busy" Lynn said, walked to him and dragged his cheeks "shan!!!" She yelled and freed his cheeks "ahh! Ow!" He removed his headphone "what?" he asked.

"I called you ten times and you didn't answer!!" Lynn yelled again, "sorry, so what's up?" shan asked, "actually everything's down not up" lynn replied.

"Are you okay?" Shan asked worryingly, "oh, now you know, I'm not ok" Lynn said.


"Izira, where are the spiders?!" Roxton shouted, "coming!!" Izira replied.

"Seriously Roxton, you're really gonna eat spiders?"axel asked, "of course" Roxton said.

"Leave him bro, it's his life and tummy too" alex said, izira brought a jar full of spiders and gave it to Roxton " here!" She said.

"You'll die bro, I warn you" Phoenix said, "uh-huh do you have any good food?" Roxton asked.

Izira made a glass of blood appear and gave it to Everett "thank you Izira" everett said and Izira replied "no problem".

"we need to find the gems!" Escarlata said, "not right now, I've got some spells to check out" jake said, "and I have souls to steal" calavera said as she was drawing her next target.

"This blood tastes so good, who's is it Izira?" Everett asked, "um..a ca-cat" Izira answered, "what?!?!, you know I hate cats" she yelled and continued drinking.

"Then why you still drinking it?" Sam asked, "it tastes so good, go on try it" everett insisted, "no thanks" sam refused.

Roxton gurped loudly and said " to earth we shall go!". They all became bored and angry but it was worth it. "Yes!!, but it's hard work" escarlata said.


"I'm tired" hinata said, "me too" lily said and yawned.

"Sounds like the fights over" mini said and walked in "what a mess, shan!!!" Mini shouted, shan ran down stairs and saw the mess "whoa" shan said.

Lynn came down stairs to see what was causing the noise "Holy Neptune!!"Lynn yelled. "It's not winter yet" mini said. Hinata pointed lily "it was her" hinata said, "me? It was you!" Lily said.

"No, you brought out the idea" hinata said, "watch it, now clean up the mess" lily frowned and said.

"You can't control me, I'm way older than you" hinata yelled, "don't care, older ones do the work" lily said.

Shan face palmed himself "stop!! both of are gonna clean this mess" shan said. "Um...shan..you should be careful...lily is hot tempered" lynn said and hid behind shan.

Lily stomped her feet on the floor "urgh!!!" She grinned "this is not fair, I'll never come here again!!" She said as she walked to the kitchen and took a vacuum from the cupboard and she gave it to hinata "here you go, make use of it!!" She yelled.

"Don't yell at me!" Hinata said angrily, "I can't handle girls problem, you do it Lynn" shan said. Lynn left shan's back and teared up "you two stop fighting or I'll call maya" Lynn said while crying. "Not my type" mini said and walked out.

Hinata and lily apologised to each other "I'll clean it, don't call maya" hinata said nervously, "she'll scold all of us" Lynn said and stopped crying.

"No don't call maya, I don't want her scolding us, it's too painful" lily said, "yeah, I don't want that either so I'll clean it up" hinata said.

"No I'll do it", lily insisted, "I don't mind, I'll do it" hinata said. Mini took off one of her shoes and throws it at lily "pick one already and I can do that a million times" mini said.

"We'll both do it" lily said. Soon after, they were done with cleaning up. "Wow, problem solved, so even maya's name can solve problems" shan said.

"Yeah she's nice but she can also teach lessons" Lynn said. "Painful ones" mini added. "I have to meet this maya, she's cool" shan said. "She might be cool to you, but do something wrong and wait for her to scold you" lily said.