1 Chapter One, The Curse is the truth.

Well to put it simply it was more than a curse it was the truth. It started as simply visions so I never mentioned it to anyone but it changed things that it showed me actually happened I had no idea what I was in for. At this point in my life, I had my 15th birthday coming up and my family coming together for once since my dad left me 13 years ago. My final day at school as Kira Walker who knew one birthday could change me for the rest of my life. I was hoping for the day to end quickly while sitting in double maths, god only knows why they do that to us. After saying my goodbyes for the day to my friends I would not see what was about to occur. I continued down the same path I took every day but today it seemed very deserted except three hooded figures little did I know they were about to change my future. Ever since I was little I seemed to always bring bad luck to everyone and terrible things would always happen to me too.

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