
Shadows of Mysteries(Shadow Slave X LOTM)

Gray, an highschool junior reader from the 21st century finds himself transmigrated into the world of Shadow Slave as anomaly in the world. In a universe where even God's are unable to deter fate and corruption. can a young man from a different reality wielding a power not witnessed before survive and save humanity from its closely impending doom or will he also become a victim of the destruction?

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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Gray POV

It's been a few days since I've arrived in this world, and I've gotten a grasp of my abilities and learned a fighting style.

My swordsmanship still needs work, but I should have it at a good enough level by the time I enter the dream world.

I've also learned a few things about my uniqueness as they react to certain aspects if it follows its authorities such as Cassia stirred the Fool Uniqueness and a slight shake from the Error as I watched Sunny use the truth like a swindler.

Though strangely, I've felt a premenotion that my abilities will evolve as they adjust to reality. So far, I've stolen and copied 3 abilities, making them a part of my arsenal.

I've stolen the legacy Castor super speed. I don't feel bad for it as the guy is fated to die in the dream world.

The next one was a healing ability I stole from a girl who kept on hitting on me. I was tempted to take her, but I reigned myself in as I focused on the grind. She got pushy and a slip spell, and quick theft, she was unconscious. I brought her to the nurse as I went about my day. Now I can heal 3 nearly fatal wounds a week now. Sure, it's a bit of a weak one. But beggars can't be choosers.

Lastly, it was a utility type, as I can sense everything within an 80-meter range using the wind. A useful one when I'm scouting, and I can sense attacks from above.

Today, while I had my free time before I entered a fighting class, I was going to enter my Sefira.

I know that I don't need to chant anything as  I'm the owner of it, but as an avid LOTM fan, I say otherwise. Luckily, I had time to create my own Honorific name.

"The Fool That Governs Miracles and Mysteries,"

"The Embodiment of Space, Time, Luck and Fate, "

"The Exalted Ruler Above The Spirit World,"

"The Lord of Mysteries."

Suddenly, everything blurred as mad raving could be heard. Secrets about this reality trying to invade and corrupt my mind, but I ignored them, knowing that I was nowhere strong enough to withstand their weight yet.

As everything cleared, I found myself in an all to familiar place I've read about so many times. A boundless grey fog as it swirled around me, excited that it's master had finally arrived.

I felt the three uniqueness stir within me as I felt a new level of power rise within my body. Knowledge and abilities that I haven't unlocked yet are now at my disposal waiting for my call.

Though I had to reign myself in as I felt my humanity slipping away as my divinity is slowly taking over my mind. After a moment, I found a balance as I didn't know what I would've done if my humanity had completely disappeared.

As I calmed down, I've noticed a few Crimson Stars making my eyes widen, but my divinity reigned me in as my rationality overcame my emotions. I looked into them and saw a few familiar faces, but new ones as well.

I smiled at this as I knew how to solve one of my future problems of anchors once I've truly reached the angel level.

"I guess it's time for a New God to awaken in this Era." I said with an exaggerated smile on my face that would've instilled fear in those who looked.


Sunny POV

"Damnation," is all I could say as I lay down on my bed after a grueling lesson on how to swim.  I had roughly an hour to rest before I continued with my lessons. 

As I looked up to the ceiling, my mind wondered back to the odd incident when I was about to leave my first nightmare. I received an "gift" from the spell. A strange memory.  I summoned it as white sparks reflected in my eyes as a bronze orb. The size of my eye landed in my hand. I look up the runes.

[Marvelous Eye of Fate]


[Tier: VII]

[Description: An eye made by The Fool, an ancient God that fell into a deep slumber. It is said that those who come across these items once touched by him are destined to ######]

It was weird to hear something like this from the spell. I knew of the 6 gods thanks to my studies, but I've never heard of a God who was named The Fool. When I asked Teacher Julius, he mentioned that he was indeed a god mention in the former temples of each of the gods and is mentioned a few times everywhere in the Dream World, but all that is known is that he is a "Him". Though there was a temple called Sefirah Castle, but it's location is unknown.

As I looked at the thing waiting for it to do anything, I suddenly heard cracked as a Crimson light flooded my vision.

Nephis POV

I was holding an amulet left by my grandmother, who told me to always hold on to it as it may one day save me. For years, I held on to it dearly studying every inch of it but came up with nothing.

All I knew was that it was indestructible and that it was something that couldn't be appraised or replicated. I remember the first time I was nearly killed. My attacker grabbed the necklace before trying to strangle me.

If the Sovereigns want it so much, it must be extremely valuable, so I've always had it on me hidden. I'm scared to even let it leave my side.

I was taken out of my thoughts as a crimson light flooded my sight.

When my vision focused, I found myself in an area filled with a boundless grey fog. I looked around and said three other figures, but I can only tell that one was a female and the other two were males. The girl had blonde hair, and the short boy had black hair. The last one was tall in a suit and top hat, but besides his gender I couldn't tell anything of him as the grey fog hid his features. My body tensed as I felt an aura of familiarity. He was like me, but it was vastly different and a strange way that made my body tense.

I tried to summon a weapon, but nothing happened.

'I'm not connected to the spell here?' I thought as a tinge of fear found its way into my mind.

Cassia POV

It was strange but also exciting. I was in my room alone in an all to familiar darkness when a bright foreign red light engulfed my vision. The next thing I know, I was in an area filled with grey fog with other people.

I was too stunned to speak as I looked around this void as I was able to see for the first time since completing my nightmare. My flaw was no longer working. This both excited me, but it terrified me as well.

I felt a sudden pull to a tall figure. He was wearing suit and had a top hate, but the fog covered his features, leaving an air of mystery.

Only one thought crossed my mind as I felt something within me scream that this being in front of me was a God.

*Made some changes to the honorific name as I needed a way to somehow get what I want later on when the Antarctica Arc comes. This will also help avoid the problems Sunny and the rest went through.*

While in Sefirah Castle, Gray has the power of KOKOA of all three pathways. I want the MC to be extremely powerful for what I've gotten planned, but as mentioned, his powers will not also grow but will change as time goes on as the adjust to this world, some abilities will also be stunted until his physical body is strengthen by completing the Nightmares.*

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