
Shadowed by the Moon: A Werewolf's Tale

Lisa moves to a town called Springfield to live with her mom. The town gets a sudden hike in wolf attacks. She is a college student. She firmly believes that there is no such thing as werewolves. She meets 2 classmates named Aaron and Brian. Both of them are werewolves, and both of them love her. Lisa discovers that Brian and Aaron are werewolves. Lisa falls in love with Brian, but Aaron is jealous. Aaron turns into a wolf during a full moon night. However, he can't control his urge to hunt animals and humans when he becomes a wolf. Brian, the brown wolf saves Lisa's life from Aaron, the black wolf. Brian saves Lisa from a crocodile attack. Brian and Lisa visit the nearby city Metroville to meet her father. They have good time in the city. Brian also saves the life of a teen girl from human traffickers by turning into a wolf. Lisa's friend Jenny discovers that Lycanthrope's Locket can control werewolves on full moon nights. Jenny, Brian and Lisa search the locket and give it to Aaron. Aaron wears the locket and doesn't turn into a wolf during the next full moon night. The town was safe from him now. Brian informed a cop that Aaron is a werewolf. The cop made Aaron angry by punching him in the face and killing his mother. Aaron removes the locket and becomes a black wolf and kills the cop. Angry Aaron hunts many animals and people that night. Brian and Aaron, the werewolves get into a fight. Aaron dies in a road accident. The town seemed safe now, but a new enemy of Brian came to rise. his professor hates werewolves and wants to kill each of them because his wife was killed by a werewolf, probably Aaron.

DaoistmGfTly · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 An Unsettling Encounter

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, students began streaming out of the college campus, relieved to be free after a day of classes and activities. Lisa joined the flow, her mind still filled with the lively conversations she'd shared with Aaron throughout the day.

She walked through the wrought-iron gateway of the college, a sense of satisfaction in her heart. The connection she'd formed with Aaron was like a spark that had ignited her college experience, and she looked forward to more interactions with him.

But her thoughts were abruptly interrupted as she approached the gateway. In the dimming light, she saw Brian holding Aaron by the collar, his face contorted with anger. Brian's voice was filled with aggression as he told Aaron, "Stay away from Lisa! I don't want you anywhere near her, because you know you can hurt her. And I won't let anything happen to her."

Lisa stopped in her tracks, her heart pounding as she watched the confrontation unfold. The anger and possessiveness in Brian's actions felt unsettling and unwarranted. She had always found him odd, but this display of aggression heightened her concerns.

Brian's words held a hint of a warning, and Lisa couldn't understand the source of his sudden hostility. She moved closer, concern etched on her face, and said, "Brian, what's going on? Why are you so angry?"

Brian released Aaron but didn't answer her. He simply turned and walked away, leaving Lisa puzzled and shaken.

She looked at Aaron, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. He is just weird," Aaron said.

Lisa walked off. As she continued on her way home, she couldn't shake the unease that had settled in her. Brian's actions had been unusual, and they left her with a sense of discomfort that she couldn't ignore.

The footpath that led to her house was situated among tall trees, and the growing darkness cast eerie shadows. The once-familiar path now felt deserted and desolate. Lisa's footsteps echoed in the silence, and the distant howls of wolves sent a shiver down her spine.

Lisa quickened her pace, the forest's deepening gloom playing tricks on her imagination. Her heart raced as she feared what might lurk in the obscurity.

The fear mounted, and she couldn't help but turn around, scanning the darkness for any signs of danger. It was in that moment that she saw Aaron approaching, his features barely discernible in the low light.

"Oh my god, you scared me," Lisa said with a sigh of relief.

Aaron looked at her, concern etched on his face. "Sorry about that. I couldn't let you walk through here alone in the dark. After what happened with Brian, I just wanted to make sure you were safe."

Lisa's unease began to fade, and she appreciated Aaron's gesture. "Thanks, Aaron. It's just been a weird evening. I don't know what got into Brian."

Aaron shook his head. "Don't worry about it. He's not worth your worry. Let's get you home safely."

As they continued walking together, Lisa couldn't help but feel grateful for Aaron's presence. The forest, which had once seemed inviting and serene, had taken on a more ominous tone.

Upon reaching her home, Lisa hugged her mother and eagerly shared the details of her day at college. Her mother's eyes glimmered with pride as she listened to her daughter's stories.

Her mother couldn't help but ask, "Lisa, have you met any interesting boys at college?"

Lisa smiled, a hint of wistfulness in her eyes. "Not yet, Mom. But there's someone I find really intriguing. His name is Aaron, and we have so much in common. I hope we can become more than friends, but right now, we are just friends."

Her mother offered an encouraging nod. "Just remember to take your time and get to know him better. Good relationships need a strong foundation. And please give it a thought before making any big decision. I don't want you to regret it later in your life. By the way, it's your life and I don't want to restrict you."

After a warm conversation with her mother, Lisa retreated to her bedroom, her thoughts consumed by the handsome, long-haired Aaron. As she lay down on her bed, she couldn't help but let her imagination run wild. Images of kissing Aaron, of sharing intimate moments, and even the prospect of a physical relationship filled her mind.

The desires and fantasies swirled within her, heightening her emotions, and her pulse quickened with longing. The allure of Aaron's friendship had blossomed into a deeper attraction, and she couldn't deny the chemistry that had formed between them.

Then, Lisa went to her bedroom. She was feeling sleepy. So, she yawned. She sat on the bed. She picked up a glass and gulped down the water. She looked thoughtful and confused. She lay down on the bed. She was staring at the ceiling. In her sleep, her fantasies continued, intensifying to a point where she imagined herself in a passionate embrace with Aaron. She was kissing Aaron. Her body was bare and covered in a white sheet. Aaron's chest was also bare. He hugged him. They lay down and start smooching. Then, he starts cuddling her. They were enjoying the intimacy. Though, it was just a dream.The dreams were vivid, the connection felt real, and in her slumber, Lisa couldn't help but surrender to the allure of her imagination. Then, she saw Brian in her dream. He looked angry.

"You have no idea what you are doing," Brian said.

"It's my life. You have no right to interfere," Lisa said. She looks irritated.

"I'm just trying to protect you," Brian said.

"How can you say that? You don't even talk to me properly," Lisa said.

Lisa picked up a glass of water and threw it away. The glass hit the floor and shattered. And, suddenly Lisa woke up from that weird dream. Lisa sat up in bed, her breaths heavy and her heart racing. The vivid dream had left her feeling vulnerable and exposed, and she couldn't help but question her own desires and the path her emotions were taking.

She was breathing heavily. She grabbed the glass of water and took a sip. Her face was sweaty. 

Her mother entered the bedroom and switched on the lights, "What happened, sweetie? Had a nightmare?"

"Yeah, but I'm okay," Lisa said.

Her mother hugged her.

Lisa looked confused. She realized that her life had taken a new turn since she entered the town, full of mysteries. She didn't know what was going to happen next!