
Shadowed by the Moon: A Werewolf's Tale

Lisa moves to a town called Springfield to live with her mom. The town gets a sudden hike in wolf attacks. She is a college student. She firmly believes that there is no such thing as werewolves. She meets 2 classmates named Aaron and Brian. Both of them are werewolves, and both of them love her. Lisa discovers that Brian and Aaron are werewolves. Lisa falls in love with Brian, but Aaron is jealous. Aaron turns into a wolf during a full moon night. However, he can't control his urge to hunt animals and humans when he becomes a wolf. Brian, the brown wolf saves Lisa's life from Aaron, the black wolf. Brian saves Lisa from a crocodile attack. Brian and Lisa visit the nearby city Metroville to meet her father. They have good time in the city. Brian also saves the life of a teen girl from human traffickers by turning into a wolf. Lisa's friend Jenny discovers that Lycanthrope's Locket can control werewolves on full moon nights. Jenny, Brian and Lisa search the locket and give it to Aaron. Aaron wears the locket and doesn't turn into a wolf during the next full moon night. The town was safe from him now. Brian informed a cop that Aaron is a werewolf. The cop made Aaron angry by punching him in the face and killing his mother. Aaron removes the locket and becomes a black wolf and kills the cop. Angry Aaron hunts many animals and people that night. Brian and Aaron, the werewolves get into a fight. Aaron dies in a road accident. The town seemed safe now, but a new enemy of Brian came to rise. his professor hates werewolves and wants to kill each of them because his wife was killed by a werewolf, probably Aaron.

DaoistmGfTly · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 The Unspoken Divide

The first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a soft, golden glow across Lisa's room. Her mother, a woman with an air of timeless elegance, gently shook her awake.

"Lisa, sweetheart, it's time to get up," she whispered, her voice carrying the warmth of a mother's love.

Lisa stirred, blinking away the remnants of her dreams, and groaned, "Mom, do I have to? It's so early."

Her mother chuckled and sat on the edge of the bed, a tender smile gracing her lips. "Yes, you do, my dear. Today is your first day of college. You wouldn't want to be late, now would you?"

Lisa groaned again but knew her mother was right. Today was a significant day, and she couldn't afford to oversleep. With a resigned sigh, she threw off the covers and sat up, rubbing her eyes.

Her mother watched her with affectionate eyes. "I remember my first day of college like it was yesterday," she said, a nostalgic glint in her gaze. "It's an exciting time in your life, Lisa. You'll meet new people, learn new things, and create wonderful memories."

Lisa yawned and stretched, her drowsiness slowly giving way to the anticipation of the day ahead. "You went to this college too, right, Mom?"

Her mother nodded, her expression filled with fond memories. "Yes, I did. It's where I made some of my closest friends and learned so much about life and the world. I hope you'll have a similar experience."

Lisa couldn't help but feel a sense of connection and pride in following in her mother's footsteps. She hoped to make friends as close and cherished as the ones her mother had found during her college days.

As she dressed and prepared for the day, her mother continued to offer words of wisdom and advice. "Don't be afraid to approach people and make new friends. College is a place where lifelong bonds can be formed. Be open, be yourself, and you'll find like-minded individuals."

Lisa nodded, "Okay, okay, Mom", appreciating her mother's guidance. She knew that stepping out of her comfort zone and being more social had always been a challenge for her. Her mother's encouragement, however, served as a reassuring reminder that she had the support and wisdom of someone who had once stood in her shoes.

With a quick breakfast and a final check of her bag, Lisa was ready to leave for her first day of college. Her mother embraced her, a mix of pride and maternal love in her eyes.

"Go out there, Lisa, and seize the day. Make your own mark on this college, just as I did," her mother said with a soft smile.

Lisa returned the embrace, feeling her mother's love surround her like a warm embrace. "I will, Mom. Thank you for everything."

As Lisa stepped out of the house and made her way to the college, her mother's words echoed in her mind. The day was filled with anticipation, and Lisa couldn't help but look forward to the adventure that awaited her. Her mother's guidance had offered her a sense of comfort and purpose, and she was determined to make the most of her college experience, just as her mother had once done.

The first rays of dawn gently broke through the thick canopy of trees as Lisa embarked on the footpath through the forest that led to her college. The rustling leaves and the distant songs of birds greeted her, offering a stark contrast to the silence of the wooded path. The sound of howls, distant and unfamiliar, reached her ears, making her pause and scan her surroundings.

As she continued through the woods, the howls persisted, growing louder and more eerie. Lisa couldn't help but quicken her pace. The footpath had always been a scenic shortcut to the college, but today it felt strangely foreboding. She couldn't quite identify the source of the growls, but her instincts urged her to keep moving forward.

The dense trees eventually gave way to a clearing, and there it was: the imposing structure of her college. Lisa heaved a sigh of relief, glad to be out of the eerie forest. She had made it to her first day of college.

Entering the classroom, she spotted a 22-year-old man. He was tall and handsome, sitting alone at a desk. His name was Brian. Lisa, always open to making new friends, decided to take the initiative and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Lisa," she greeted him with a warm smile.

Brian's response was a curious one. He barely acknowledged her existence, merely nodding his head while his eyes remained locked onto the pages of his textbook. Undeterred, Lisa took a seat next to him, hopeful that their interaction would become more engaging as the day progressed.

However, her optimism was short-lived. Just as the professor began the lecture, Brian suddenly stood from his chair and, without uttering a word, moved to an empty desk farther away from her. Lisa watched in puzzlement as he settled into his new spot.

The abrupt and unexplained distance left Lisa feeling perplexed and somewhat disheartened. She couldn't understand what had caused this sudden shift in Brian's behavior. She found him weird and introverted, unable to fathom the reason behind his actions.

Determined to move past the odd encounter, Lisa began to interact with the other students in the classroom.

Jenny looked at her, "Don't worry. He is just weird. By the way, I'm Jenny. Are you new to this town?"

Lisa smiled and shook hands with her, "Yes, I'm Lisa. Nice to meet you." She struck up conversations with her classmates, made new friends, and immersed herself in the college experience. She found solace in the shared excitement of the first day and the common goals that united her with her peers.

As the day progressed, she grew more comfortable with her new surroundings and the friends she had made. The initial strange encounter with Brian began to feel like a distant memory, and she shifted her focus toward the academic challenges that lay ahead.

When the day's classes came to an end, Lisa exited the classroom, intending to head to the washroom before making her way home. As she approached the washroom, her footsteps fell upon a surprising sight—a boy and a girl, locked in a passionate embrace. Their lips met in a fervent kiss, and their entwined hands spoke of a deep connection.

Lisa couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as she observed the couple. She had always dreamed of experiencing the bliss of her first romantic relationship, and the tender display before her only intensified that desire. It was a reminder of a longing that had yet to be fulfilled.

As the boy and girl continued their embrace, Lisa turned away, granting them the privacy they deserved. She couldn't deny the strong yearning that had taken root in her heart. The day's events had brought about unexpected encounters and a slew of mixed emotions, but Lisa was determined to keep an open heart and mind as her college journey continued.

The whispers of the forest, the unspoken divide with Brian, and the affectionate couple outside the washroom were all part of the tapestry that wove the fabric of her college life. Lisa was ready to embrace the adventure that lay ahead, confident that it would bring both challenges and opportunities, including the chance to experience the romantic connection she longed for.