
Shadow slave: A Shadows Friend

Rin Lunar, once a girl trying to survive on the slums. Now, she was chosen by the Spell and as such, she has to fend off against terrible abomination... even fellow Awakened. Her salvation lies in her divine power... And most importantly, her truly trusted friend, Sunny. "What's the worst that could happen?" "I died the last time you said that!" "Don't be such a cry baby and you know, dying is too plebeian." ---- Author: Bazinga Proof-reader and editor: Karma-Sensei-Dono*

Dashkins74 · Bücher und Literatur
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59 Chs

(ch19) the maze

Both Rin and Sunny spoke as they walked... Both using the shadow spy

*Shit that's not good*

"Halt!" Sunny whispered, they had observed the group of scavengers through his shadow.

Upon uttering the word, Nephis swiftly called forth her sword. Taking a moment to survey the surroundings, she then shifted her gaze towards him, her eyes filled with inquiry.

Cassia, meanwhile, froze in place and hesitantly raised her staff.

*Sunny theres too many monsters for us to fight*


The massive creatures appeared to be the outcasts of the group, much like the one me and sunny had previously vanquished. Nevertheless, their injuries were less severe and gruesome in comparison. Every one of them posed a significantly greater menace than the mutilated individual encountered earlier, and there were easily six of these formidable adversaries.

"There are scavengers on the path ahead, six of them. They're slowly moving in our direction."

Nephis peered into the distance, her expression filled with a thoughtful and calculating demeanor, as she contemplated what lay ahead.

"They're done with the carcass?"

Sunny thought for a moment and then shook his head.

"No, I don't think so. But maybe there's not enough meat for everyone anymore, so some stragglers had no choice but to leave with an empty stomach."

Nephis nodded and gestured to a nearby branching path.

"We'll circle around them."

The four Sleepers swiftly advanced, altering their course to steer clear of a gathering of monsters. Anxious and resolute, they pressed on, determined to navigate the labyrinth without losing their way.

Yet, in the subsequent hour, they found themselves repeatedly changing directions, evading other scavengers. The distance to the towering statue remained unchanged.

Eventually, they paused to catch their breath near a dead end within the crimson labyrinth. Forced to wait, they concealed themselves as a multitude of creatures passed by, separated by a lengthy, winding coral passage.

*Sunny we keep going like this and we aren't making it*

*I know*

Sunny sighed and shook his head.

"We can't go on like that. At this rate, we'll never make it to safety before sunset."

Cassie was the first one to react.

"Maybe... maybe we should turn back?"

*That's not a bad shout*

*I know its not... But we got so far*

Nephis shared the duo's thoughts. With a blank expression, she said:

"It will only get harder tomorrow."

*I hate it when shes right*

*No you hate the fact that shes stronger than you sunny*

Rin knew that by tomorrow, there would be even more scavengers flooding the labyrinth.

"Then what should we do?"

Changing Star tilted her head, thinking. After a while, she turned to Sunny.


*Wow didn't know suicidal went on the list of things she is*

Sunny spoke after rins comment to him in their special voice chat

(A/N- im calling it that from now on)

"I know that you are skilled with the sword, but have you forgotten that each of those things is a whole rank above us? We won't survive in a fight against many."

Nephis nodded.

"We avoid large groups. Cut down smaller ones."

After a moment, she added:

"If there's one or two of them, there's a chance."

*She really shut you up..... go on, say it to her*


Nephis stared at him for a while. Then, she suddenly asked:

"Have you two studied the corpse of the scavenger you had killed?"

Sunny shook his head.


Rin answered too surprised that sunny didn't notice

"Yes i have, its the joints isn't it"

*Sunny, did you pay attention at all in Teacher Julius's classes*

The next word he spoke to her through the special voice chat sounded more like a painfully obvious lie

*Of course i did*

(A/N- sunny can lie in this special voice chat to rin)

*I have no words*

After a short nod to Rin, Nephis spoke:

"Scavengers have three weak points on their bodies. The first one is obvious: it's their joints. Anything that has to be flexible can't be too rigid. So, there's gaps in the armor above the joints. By targeting the joints, you can diminish their mobility and attack capacity."

*Oh... so, by studying a dead monster, one could better understand their strengths and vulnerabilities.*

*You are an actual dumbass and i do not know how you survived the slums*

Meanwhile, Nephis continued:

"The second one is the same. It's where their torso connects to the carapace. If you manage to accurately hit that spot, you can heavily injure a scavenger and deal serious damage to its body. However, unless you succeed in severing its spine, the wound won't be fatal. It'll still be able to fight for a while."

Rin observed that whenever Changing Star delved into subjects she felt confident about, such as recounting tales of ancient heroes or discussing combat, her usual awkwardness seemed to dissipate. It was as if her enthusiasm for these topics transformed her demeanor, creating a noticeable shift in her presence.

*she completely changes when she talks about killing, it concerning*

'so sunny noticed it too'

*If she does She'll probably kill you first, so you know, try and give me enough time to run away*

*Rin i swear i will haunt your ass if i die*

*So you'll be annoying dead or alive, haven't really got any escape from you*

"The last weak point is on their back, approximately at the level where the eyes are. There's a slightly concave, discolored cavity in their armor. It is where several armor plates connect. The chitin there is comparatively thin. If you can pierce through it, you can destroy the brain directly. That will be a killing blow."

*Shes missing a very important point*

*The weak point is too high to Reach. yeah I thought of that too*

As though reading their thoughts, Nephis added:

"That weak point is very hard to target. Circling around a scavenger is almost impossible due to their size, speed and the attack range of their pincers."

She looked at them and calmly said:

"If we stumble on a single scavenger, I'll be the bait. My task will be to make it turn around and then restrain it, exposing the third weak point. The task you two will have is to kill it."

Sunny appeared visibly unsettled, likely recalling the harrowing encounter with those monstrous crabs that had posed a significant threat to both her and him in the past.

"What if there's two or more of them?"

Nephis, as was her custom, took a momentary pause before offering a response.

"Don't die."

*I cant with her, why does she try to end every sentence like its the final scene of a Michael bay movie*


Soon, they found themselves compelled to engage in combat with a scavenger. Behind them, the labyrinth stretched endlessly, devoid of viable alternate routes. In front, a modest clearing lay, its only escape route leading through a lone passage. The inevitable confrontation with the scavenger loomed, leaving them with no alternative but to face the challenge head-on.

Further down the corridor, a colossal scavenger lumbered toward them at a sluggish pace. Sunny swiftly conveyed the scenario, eagerly anticipating Changing Star's response. With minimal hesitation, she nodded in acknowledgment.

"We fight in the clearing."

Following that, Nephis carefully led Cassie towards the labyrinth's wall, assisting her in locating a suitable spot to rest.

"Wait here. We'll be back."

After some thought, she added.



As Nephis attempted to depart, Cassie seized her hand with a complexion drained of color and an expression marked by palpable tension.

"Neph, you... be careful, okay?"

Nephis blinked, subtly angling her head, and a gentle smile graced her features.

"Uh. Sure."

As Rin, Sunny, and Nephis swiftly made their way towards the clearing, anticipation hung in the air. Upon their arrival, the scavenger loomed dangerously close to emerging, mere seconds away. Sunny's shadow darted out from the passage, seamlessly reconnecting with his feet.

Sunny and Rin, without the need for consultation with Nephis, swiftly concealed themselves within the shadows, eagerly anticipating an opportune moment to strike.

Conversely, Nephis leisurely sauntered to the heart of the clearing, adopting a composed stance with relaxed shoulders and a straight back. Nonchalantly, she summoned an elegant longsword into her grasp, its point casually directed toward the ground.

Absorbed in deep concentration, she abruptly shifted her focus to the sound of Sunny attempting to imitate Nephis's voice, a mimicry laden with mockery directed at Nephis's recent comment.

*Don't die.*

Rin very quietly chuckled

*They better make a movie about her i swear this shit is comedic*

Moments later, the scavenger emerged into the open space. Sinister illumination flickered in its minuscule eyes upon locking onto Nephis. Swiftly, the colossal creature emitted a spine-chilling screech, wasting no time in hurtling toward its prey.

The colossal monster's mammoth pincer surged forth at an alarming pace, slicing through the air with an ominous swiftness.

With nimble agility, Nephis deftly sidestepped the oncoming pincer, executing a swift dodge, before gracefully leaping backward to distance herself from the charging monster. In a seamless display of combat prowess, her sword gleamed as it arced through the air, finding its mark in the vulnerable joint of one of the scavenger's front legs, carving a deep incision with precision.

Azure blood spattered on the ground.

Although the minor wound proved inconsequential in impeding the scavenger's progress, its resilience was evident as it swiftly maneuvered, executing a forceful swipe from the side with unexpected agility. Nephis, having just regained her footing, had little recourse but to intercept the attack with her sword. Skillfully angling the blade, she successfully mitigated the bulk of the impact, yet the residual force disrupted her equilibrium, causing a momentary imbalance.

As the second pincer descended, Changing Star chose not to focus on regaining her balance. Instead, she seamlessly incorporated the fall into a graceful somersault, deftly maneuvering away from the monstrous threat. In a swift motion, her sword struck out once more.

The subsequent attack swiftly pursued, yet Rin found herself detached from the intricate details. All that mattered to her was Nephis's daring sequence of evasive maneuvers. Through calculated dodges and nimble leaps, Nephis skillfully navigated the perilous situation. The outcome: Nephis successfully circled to the opposite side of the clearing. This strategic move compelled the scavenger to unwittingly expose its back to the concealed shadows where both Sunny and Rin lay in wait.

*Let's go before it gets a hint on what we are trying to do*

Rin and Sunny simultaneously surged ahead, launching their attacks from opposite sides of the creature's back.

Just as Changing Star was about to complete her final evasion maneuver...

Moments before the scavenger's pincer descended upon her from the skies...

*Dont die please*

Rin and Sunny swiftly narrowed the gap between them and the formidable creature, leaping with determined strength to alight upon its armored carapace...

Just then rins eyes widened as she saw it...

In that moment, Rin's eyes widened in astonishment as the scene unfolded before her.

Sunny, in an unfortunate misstep, miscalculated his landing on the carapace's shell. The added complication of the muddy terrain only exacerbated the situation, causing him to lose his footing. Just as he teetered on the brink of a fall, Rin acted swiftly, grasping his outstretched arm and skillfully propelling him upward, averting a potential disaster.

*Get ready*


Harnessing her strength, she propelled him skyward, gravity amplifying the force as he extended his hand. The Azure Blade materialized, its gleam fading into the engulfing shadow. Moments later, the obsidian blade found its mark, precisely striking the concave, discolored recess in the scavenger's armor.With a crack, the chitin broke, allowing the tip of the sword to sink deep into the scavenger's body.

The monster shuddered, and then heavily fell to the ground.

Having already fallen in the mire, Rin observed as Sunny was propelled from the carapace, tumbling and ultimately landing in the muddy terrain with a less than graceful roll.

*That... that easy?*


As though to answer her, the Spell's voice resounded in the air:

[You have helped slay an awakened beast, Carapace Scavenger.]

[Only a fraction of the reward has been granted, and it has had no impact on the initial recipient of the reward.]

[...Your light grows stronger slightly stronger]

Chapter 40


That's a strange message, i guess if me and sunny properly kill a monster together one of us gets a portion of the reward without affecting the other person's reward

Sunny and Rin found themselves sprawled in the mud, gazing up at the sky. Rin hadn't even exerted herself, given that the entire skirmish unfolded in less than ten seconds. Surprisingly, there were no casualties, injuries, or even bruises among them-well, except for the scavenger. This outcome defied Rin's initial expectations entirely.

Rin summoned the runes and took a look at the number of light Fragments in her possession.

[Light Fragments: 25/1000 ].

(A/N- I'll be honest I don't know how I'm gonna do this part im gonna need someones help, for now that looks about right)


*Sunny.....Nephis did most of the work, you were the one to deal the killing blow. But you know i kinda helped too*

*Why can't it always be easy?*

She left that question unanswered

Sunny, rising to his feet, dismissed the Azure Blade and extended a helping hand to Rin, assisting her in standing upright.

Rin hadn't expected the force generated by the forward motion initiated by Sunny's pull. In response, she delicately placed a hand against his chest to balance herself and counteract the unexpected momentum.

*Thanks. You were so cool*

Rin's smile brightened as she looked at Sunny, who, in response, shyly averted his gaze, a subtle crimson hue gracing his cheeks.

*I...um...thank you*

She recalled the words that Master Jet had shared with both of them on a previous occasion, reflecting on the wisdom imparted by her : "No one can survive in the Dream Realm alone."

In those earlier days, she acknowledged Master Jet's counsel, yet skepticism lingered within her. It was challenging to fully embrace, considering her ingrained commitment to self-reliance.

Sunny was a helpful sure but, she had to ask herself what if hes not here and i only have changing star or cassie to rely on

*Hey lets go to the others*

They approached Nephis together, ensuring her well-being with a thorough check. Other than minor wear on her improvised seaweed attire, all appeared to be in order. Nephis cast a brief glance in Sunny's direction.


He shook his head.

*You aren't gonna give her the Puppeteer's Shroud are you?*


*What a gentleman you are*

Nephis let out a sigh, indicating a touch of impatience as she eagerly yearned for a suit of armor to call her own.

*Yeah no, keep the armour imagining you in a loin cloth actually makes me sick a bit....i think i threw up a little*


While Nephis proceeded towards the lifeless scavenger, she uttered words without redirecting her gaze, signaling a focused determination in her actions.

"Bring Cassie."

*You heard her, she ordered you*

Rin was enjoying this completely

*Rin...i hate you, genuinely*

*Yeah, yeah, go follow orders from your master.*

With a sigh, Sunny turned around and left the clearing.

Rin wanted to talk to nephis, well not really rin just didn't want this to be so awkward, so she drew near to changing star, her steps echoing the cadence of anticipation as she steadily advanced toward her

"Hey, um... Those were some cool moves you did back there"

Glancing over her shoulder, she fixed her gaze on Rin, and with a dry tone, she uttered a word


'well...this is awful, and akward'

Nephis eventually broke the silence, delivering her words as though seamlessly concluding a thought.

"Throwing sunny back there was pretty cool too, quick thinking"

"Thank you"

Nephis unsheathed her sword, skillfully dismantling the carapace. With precision, she retrieved the soul shards and tossed them to Sunny, who had returned alongside Cassie. Catching the crystal, Sunny gazed at Nephis in astonishment.

"Why are you giving it to me?"

Nephis blinked and stayed quiet for a few seconds. Then she said as a matter of fact:

"I don't have pockets."


Still a bit bewildered, Sunny put the soul shard into his rucksack.

*But why wouldn't she just absorb it?*

*We probably would have been pissed at her and the team Dynamic would be ruined, leading to are probably downfall and death, but if you wanna go for the normal thinking, she was being nice*

"We'll divide the spoils later."

"Ah. Alright."

Nephis, meanwhile, turned to Cassie and said after some deliberation:

"I was careful."

Then, she smiled.

*You probably look ugly smiling like that*

*Rin what the Fu-*


[Your light grows stronger.]

[You have helped slay an awakened beast, Carapace Scavenger.]

[You have helped slay an awakened beast, Carapace Scavenger.]

[Your light slightly grows stronger.]

[Your light grows stronger.]

[You have helped slay an awakened beast, Carapace Scavenger.]

[Your light slightly grows stronger.]

Rin began to sense the emerging synergy within the team, particularly in her effective collaboration with Sunny. Their coordinated efforts were seamless as they launched a synchronized attack on the scavenger. The presence of additional members in their group provided a strategic advantage, enabling them to confront and overcome a greater number of monsters.

She and sunny would hide in the, while Nephis would act as bait. Then, when the time was right, Sunny and Rin would stealthily approach and finish the fight with a precise strike of the Azure Blade, or a deadly cut of widows bane, What's more, her performance was a mix of her Aspect Abilities.

With a swiftness that matched her calm demeanor, she moved with precision in every step. Each action was carefully calculated and flawlessly timed, showcasing an innate understanding of the rhythmic logic of combat. This intuitive grasp allowed her to anticipate the mindless beasts' next moves, turning the confrontation into a strategic dance. It became a matter of leveraging her physical prowess to deftly evade and, at times, skillfully manipulate them.

Rin checked her fragments.

[Light Fragments: 35/1000].

'its getting higher and higher, if im in this place any longer I'll hit that one thousand fragments'

They stood at the brink of the labyrinthine trail, positioned along the direct route to the colossal statue of the headless knight. Between them and the statue, a band of scavengers leisurely traversed the path, exhibiting no sense of urgency.

The sunset was near, but they still had time.

Slowly, minutes flowed by. At some point, Nephis gave the command to move.

Rin, vigilant, shifted towards the rear, scanning for scavengers lurking in the shadows. She trailed Nephis, swiftly navigating the expanse that lay exposed between the labyrinth and the imposing statue. Their next objective was clear - ascend to the pinnacle.

However, it wasn't that easy. Scaling the two-hundred-meter tall monument would have been hard in normal circumstances, rin volunteered to be the last one up as they somehow pulled Cassie up. Nephis and Sunny took turns pulling the rope every twenty meters or so. Cassie would hold onto the rocks and wait until they climbed higher, and then the process would repeat. It was slow and and probably torturous for sunny

Rin ascended last, unconcerned with the time she required; her throbbing arm necessitated a more deliberate pace. Determined not to impede her team's progress, she climbed at her own rhythm, mindful of the urgency to reach the summit before the encroaching water levels escalated.

But they all managed to get to safety before the dark waters washed them away.

As nightfall draped its veil upon the land, the trio of Sleepers gathered at the heart of the circular stone platform, settling in for a moment of respite. Lacking the means to kindle a flame, their culinary options were limited, compelling them to nibble on morsels of dehydrated meat and pass around a vessel filled with seemingly boundless water, their only source of refreshment in the growing darkness.

After some time, Nephis gave Sunny a sign to take out the spoils of today's journey. He took out the four shimmering soul shards and put them on the ground.

*Rin im gonna give her my cystals in exchange for training*

*Alright, why are you telling me?*

*Second opinion, if ill be honest*

*Do it, you need the skills, also, since when was i a good opinion to follow*

Without any discussion, Changing Star moved four crystals in sunnys and rins direction and took two for herself. Then, she gave one of hers to Cassia.

Rin absorbed her two crystals

(A/N - can someone do the maths on the two soul shards I don't know how much they are worth)

.By the time Nephis and Cassie had absorbed their soul shards, sunny still didn't make a move to take his. After a while, he took his crystal and moved them to Nephis.

The silver-haired girl looked at him with surprise.

"Don't you want... to grow stronger?"

Sunny grinned.

"Of course, I do. But these won't do me much good right now. It's no secret that you are the main fighting force of our group."

*Oi, im here too you know*

*Im not exactly gonna tell her that rin... am i*

He sighed.

"The stronger you are, the better our chances of survival will get. Plus, it's not a gift. It's a trade."

Nephis raised an eyebrow.

"A... trade? What do you want?"

Sunny deliberated for a few seconds before answering.

"It's rather simple. I will give you these soul shards, and all other soul shards I earn on the way to that castle..."

Then, he looked her in the eyes and said:

"In return, you will teach me how to fight."


Nephis looked at him and contemplated. This time, she remained silent longer than usual.

*If she tries to kill you, i wont intervene*

*Thanks rin, great help*

*She most definitely contemplating wether you are worth it, im gonna guess you aren't, yoy dont exactly look like student material*

After some time, she took the soul shards and nodded.


*Wow im shocked she made a mistake*


*congratulations thoughon a successful deal. Not only did you receive a lot while not losing much, but you also managed to create a bit of a favorable impression of yourself in the eyes of Nephis and Cassie. As far as performances went, you did great.*

Sunny smiled

"So when do we start?"

*Oh i wanna see this*

Nephis shrugged.




Sunny cast a glance towards the fading sun, realizing it was nearly dusk. The prospect of training in total darkness crossed her mind, yet she wasn't perturbed by the notion. However, for Changing Star, the impending challenge seemed to pose a different set of obstacles.

"We will start with some words. That will be enough for today."

After hesitating a little, she added:

"Cassie, Rin you two, listen."

Sunny, rin and Cassia turned to Nephis, listening to her like three obedient students. Despite the fact that their age was more or less similar, all three knew that, in terms of martial prowess, their companion had authority that was as beyond theirs as a dragon's might was beyond that of a worm.

Nephis thought for a while and then said:

"Mastery of combat can be divided into two aspects. One is body, and the other one is mind. Training the body is not easy, but it is rather simple. All you need is repetition and experience. In a fight, things happen too fast to consider every detail in the moment. That's why your technique must exist in your muscles and bones, so much so that it almost becomes an instinct."

She paused.

"You can achieve initial results through repetition. Then, it must be cemented through experience. The more battle experience you have, the deeper a technique will be assimilated into your body. There is no other way. A thousand hours of training won't be as impactful as one real fight. Only those who survive countless battles can be truly in command of the body."

On one side of the spectrum, the notion of improvement through consistent practice seemed entirely sensible. Conversely, the assertion by Changing Star suggested that those esteemed Legacies, despite their extensive training, were akin to innocuous children. Regardless of the caliber of their mentors, the absence of genuine combat exposure remained a notable factor.

Yet, in a contradictory twist, she effortlessly outclassed each of them, barring Caster, raising the possibility that Changing Star's statement held truth. This, however, prompted a compelling query-what sort of existence had Nephis lived to amass such profound battle expertise by the mere age of eighteen?

*Should I stop calling her "princess"?*

*You were calling her that to begin with?.... Do you want to die by her hand sunny*

Meanwhile, Nephis continued:

"Training the mind, however, is not simple at all. That is because, once you reach a certain level of skill, the mind is where the true combat takes place. The outcome is often decided before your body begins to move. And to master the mind, the first step is to understand the essence of combat. However, very few people truly do."

She looked at them and asked:

"What do you think that essence is?"

*The... essence of combat? What might it be?*

After a minute or so, Cassie finally answered:


And almost at the same time, Sunny said:


Rin spoke after:

"Not dying."

Changing Star shook her head.


Then she rubbed her neck and pierced them with a cold, fierce gaze.

"The essence of combat is murder."

Cassie flinched and opened her eyes wide. Sunny frowned a little. Nephis, however, did not seem to care. In the same calm tone, she continued:

"At the core of it, there is only this: you are trying to kill your opponent, and they are trying to kill you. In the end, one of you will be killed, and the other one will be the killer. Everything else is just noise."

*Spoken like a poet*

"Style doesn't matter. Weapons don't matter. Reason and intent do not matter. The only thing that matters is to be the last one standing. In this way, anything you do in combat must be viewed as only serving one of two purposes: either to kill your enemy or to prevent the enemy from killing you."

Nephis lowered her eyes.

"If you can understand that, you will have enough clarity to master the mind."


*Hey are you asleep*

*I was trying to before some asshole disturbed me*

*Rin be serious for a second*

*Fine what do you want?*

*Repetition, experience, clarity. That's what nephis said....*

*Indeed she did, keen ears sunny im glad you were listening*

*Rin shut up and listen, are we more adapted to this situation with our... Experience....it seems like we exchanged one battle for another.... I dont like that*

*Oi, if we are speaking seriously now, sunny we have a an advantage Most of those chosen by the Spell were forced to somehow adjust to this merciless way of life. But we have always lived like this. We are both very suited to be awakened*

*I.....thats a good point, thanks rin*

*Good now shut up and go to sleep, or i will drop kick you off this statue*

*Goodnight rin*

*Night, idiot*

... In the early morning, she was awakened by a piercing scream.


Without hesitation, Rin swiftly rose to her feet, the weight of her katana already familiar in her grip as she positioned herself beside Sunny. Her unwavering resolve drove her to ensure the safety of her partner, unwilling to expose him to the danger that loomed.

Sunny, having awakened promptly, assumed his stance with a sword at the ready, displaying a readiness to face whatever threat they were confronted with.

Amidst the unfolding tension, Rin sought to comprehend the situation. Nephis stood nearby, her longsword held defensively, ready to confront the imminent challenge. Cassie's whereabouts and actions remained a mystery, adding an extra layer of uncertainty to the unfolding scene.

*Where's Cassie?*

*I don't know Sunny, keep an eye out*

Apprehensive about the potential horrors lurking in the darkness, she cast a wary gaze, half-expecting colossal tentacles to emerge. Surveying her surroundings, the eastern horizon timidly unveiled the early stages of dawn, casting a subtle gray hue that mingled with the prevailing obscurity. Within this abyss, no ominous signs manifested.

Ultimately, relief washed over her as they finally laid eyes on Cassie.

The sight unfolded as the visually impaired girl, her disheveled blond hair reflecting the chaos of the moment, teetered perilously at the brink of the platform. A profound sense of terror etched across her face as she reached out with outstretched hands, navigating an unseen void. In this open expanse bereft of walls, Cassie grappled with the disorienting reality, knowing that the only imminent fate awaiting her was a descent into the obscurity of the turbulent, inky waters below.

As the visually impaired girl teetered on the brink of the platform, a look of terror etched across her face, Rin found himself reacting instinctively. Without fully comprehending the situation, he propelled himself into a sprint. Such impulsiveness, however, lacked foresight, for he remained oblivious to the source of Cassia's distress and the potential perils lurking in the darkness. Nephis, shrouded in the dim light, might not discern Rin's approach, risking a hazardous encounter where her sword might unsheathe in response to an unforeseen threat.

*Sunny you good?*

*Yeah im fine*

All of these were good reasons to wait and observe first, but in an uncharacteristic and completely irrational manner, Sunny acted before thinking.

He caught Cassie moments before she took a step off the platform and, holding her tightly in his arms, dragged the blind girl back.

*Sunny yell so nephis know you're there, and doesn't take your head off*

"I got her!" Sunny yelled

And then, in a quiet voice, he said to Cassie:

"I got you. It's alright. Everything is fine. Calm down..."

*Why is she so scared*

*I don't know Rin*

Nephis was listening to the sea for the same reason. After a few seconds, she asked:

"Do you see anything?"

Sunny helplessly shook his head.


Guiding Cassie to the platform's center, he assisted her in settling down. Nephis and Rin maintained vigilant watch overhead, ensuring their safety. Sunny carefully examined the blind girl, scanning for any signs of injury; fortunately, her body appeared unharmed.

*She okay?*

"She's not hurt anywhere."

Shifting his gaze downward, Changing Star maintained a stoic expression, yet a subtle hint of discomposure lingered on her face. After a brief pause, she uttered words in a tone that could be interpreted as an attempt at reassurance. Strangely, it echoed her typical cadence, leaving room for ambiguity.

"Cassie? What happened?"

In a mysterious turn of events, this appeared to bring a measure of tranquility to the blind girl. It seemed to soothe her unease just enough for her to muster a quivering voice.

Cassie extended one hand and pointed down.

"Th-the head... I saw... oh gods!"

Sunny frowned and looked at Nephis rin kept her gaze on Cassie.

"Did she see a vision? The past?"

The tall girl was silent for a moment.

"I don't know. It never happened before."

Both of them turned to Cassie, not sure what to do.

In the absence of any evident threat, they alternated attempts to soothe the distressed girl. Despite their efforts, a profound silence ensued after that solitary sentence, and she staunchly resisted any further communication. All attempts to alleviate her distress proved futile.

After a while, Nephis sighed.

"Let's... leave her be, for now. Maybe she needs time."

*Agreed, shes not in the best condition to talk*

They both just nodded.

"Okay. I'll keep an eye on her. And change watch over her when the time is right"

Changing Star, however, had other ideas.


As the sun ascended in the sky and the retreating tide revealed the shoreline, Nephis opted to grant Cassie some solitude. Leading Sunny towards the platform's edge, she remained vigilant, ensuring the blind girl lingered within her peripheral view.

Nestled on the platform, Cassie embraced her knees. Though her eyes remained shut, intermittent shivers coursing through her form betrayed her wakefulness.

*Shes suffering*

"Are you sure it's okay to leave her like this?"

Nephis gave him a complicated look.


Then, after some thought, she added:

"Cassie is strong."

*She doesn't look strong at all. Wasn't she someone who constantly needed their help?*

*I think she means mentally dimwit*

"If you say so."

Upon Nephis's command, he conjured forth the Azure Blade. Studying its mystical form for a brief moment, she nodded approvingly before effortlessly drawing her own longsword from the ethereal plane.

Despite its considerable size, the weapon exuded an inherent elegance. Its slender, double-edged blade surpassed the length of the Azure Blade, boasting a symmetrical tip of exceptional sharpness. Crafted entirely from what appeared to be silver, the blade, along with its unembellished cross-shaped guard and pommel, shimmered in the soft glow of the morning light. A meticulously wrapped black leather handle completed the striking design.

Putting the two swords side by side, Nephis spoke:

"Your sword can be used with one hand, but its true potential can only be revealed when held in both. It is created primarily for cutting and severing, hence the higher center of gravity. However, it can thrust as well."

Then nephis gestured to hers:

"My sword is a bit more versatile. It is created for both cutting and thrusting, and it has a double edge. However, the principle of wielding these two swords is effectively is the same."

"Rin you want to join"

*I hate you*

"Sure sunny ill join*

She stood up and summoned her own sword

The Widow's Bane is a sleek and deadly katana, its blade forged with the precision and elegance of the monster black widow spider that she killed. The obsidian-colored steel shimmers with an ominous sheen, mirroring the spider's inky hue. The guard is intricately crafted, resembling the delicate yet deadly legs of the arachnid, while the hilt is wrapped in a web-like pattern, offering both aesthetic allure and a secure grip. Etched along the blade are subtle silhouettes of black widow spiders, a subtle nod to the lethality concealed within this masterfully crafted weapon by the nightmare.

She took the swords in both hands, placing one near the guard and another near the pommel. Then, she performed a downward slash.

"They are both leverage-based weapons. When held with two hands, one hand pushes," she pushed the sword down with the hand near the guard. "While the other hand pulls."

The hand near the pommel simultaneously pulled the handle up, giving the blade a tremendous boost in speed.

"This is how you generate force and perform powerful strikes. Now, your turn."

Nephis carefully watched Rin as she retrieved her sword and mimicked his pose, noting the precision in her movements. Her attention also lingered on Sunny, assessing the dynamics between the two.

"You two need to understand that a strike doesn't come from the hands. It comes from your whole body. Power comes from your feet, your hips, your core, your shoulders, and is only then transmitted to your hands. Like this."

Once more, she skillfully executed the downward slash, prompting both observers to scrutinize not just the sword but every nuance of Changing Star's bodily stance and movements. This meticulous attention allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the technique, elevating the martial arts or swordsmanship training session to a level of detailed precision.

She always had that special muscle memory of each action but performing something from memory was different

She consistently possessed a unique muscle memory for every action, yet executing a task solely from memory presented a distinct challenge and experience.

They executed the straightforward downward slash repeatedly, receiving tailored guidance and corrections from Nephis after each attempt. After a series of iterations, Nephis ultimately found their forms satisfactory.


*Well done block head*

Sunny smiled, probably proud of his achievements.

*Thanks rin*

Nephis looked at them thoughtfully and nodded.

"Now, do it a thousand more times."

The smile froze on Sunny's face.

*Oh we are going to have so much fun*

*A... thousand? Did she say a thousand?!*

*She did indeed*

He blinked.

"Uh... sorry. How many times?"

Changing Star tilted her head and thought for some time.

"Well... we don't have much time today. So, yes. Only a thousand."

*Ha. Ha-ha. "Only" a thousand, eh?*

*Go on start*

Rin saw that Sunny definitely forced himself to sound polite.

"I see. Alright."

As Nephis walked back to sit with Cassie, they both turned to the sea and raised their swords.



The blades whistled as they cut the air. They raised it again.



*Sunny you were kinda slow for that one*




*Strike with your whole body, not just your hands.*



*Repetition, experience, clarity. Repetition...*

By the time they were done performing a thousand strikes, Cassie was finally ready to speak.

very important vote.

Should the connection between Sunny and Rin be romantic. comment Below



This decision will only change stuff in the future and not now.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Dashkins74creators' thoughts