

If you have any idea for the book please write it or comment. I wrote the book to see how it is to have a smart MC so if you know how to continue the book please do it for me or make your own new smart MC novel/ fanfic.. Smart MC, does whatever it takes. Name: Vinal M William Mental age: 34 Physical age: 15 Backstory: He was a scientist in his past life. Who was always a  fan of marvel cause of there technology and futuristic thinking. So, he wanted that technology to be real. So, he tried to create them himself. And he succeeded making a few, using three-3d printers and sold them for a reasonable price making him some money. Another thing about vinal is that he liked to research blueprints from marvel. But he made a mistake once trying to make the super soldier serum. And when it was to late. He knew messed up....

PowerStorm · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs


(Time went by) 2 years before Black widow joins Shield.


My lord has sent us on a mission to get some people only telling us their useful, a mother and two daughters saying he'll go to a secret prison to get the father.

Medusa with one of her human droid body will get the mother and Munrea (storm) will get the younger sister, leaving me to get the older sister.

Watching as the woman who has been spreading the name black widow in the black market fights the bodyguards of the man she just killed.

I would like to trade note's with her now but my lord is waiting, I take out a tranquilizer gun. As the lord had put one on every soldier and guard saying there is no point on fighting when you can just put them to sleep.

While my team still in camouflage take out the remaining security I appear on her side pulling the trigger.

"Who's there??" She asked.

"The person who's going to carry you." I answered her while placing her on my shoulder.

With the Nano suit I and my team fly into the camouflaged ship waiting to take us to the North pole.

"General you don't look comfortable?" Asked the pilot.

"YA this ship is smaller and slower than my personal ship." I said.

"Don't understand why the lord told us to use this ship's when we're on earth that looks like Wakanda's." Said a guard.

"Their ship is one of the most advanced one some people of Earth have seen so it could hide some of our Tech." Said the pilot.

"We're here I know your awake, I am impressed by your skills, wouldn't want to drag you to the lord." I said to the fake sleeping widow.

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