
Shadow dreams

Christopher is a struggling basketball player in Greenland high school, trying to keep up with his grades and skill to help him secure scholarship for University. Till something happens between his best friend and his male friend that leaves him crippled. Theresa is an aspiring engineering student who wants to be like her father, but things turn out bad when she disappears mysteriously. Matthew is a new student with many deep secrets. His presence changes as things begin to happen in Greenland high school.

Valeriewilson2005 · Horror
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8 Chs


Matthew got to school to find a sea of polka dots white shirt and red trousers and skirts swarming the hallways.

A month away from school and everything looked different. Everyone dressed up in anticipation for the inter-schools games. The excitement of Evey student flooded the atmosphere.

Sadly, he had English class and that excitement doesn't carry over into Mrs. Dara's class.

"I'm giving you this essay topic to decide about your future.What you want to be will be decided in this essay." Her light voice drones through the walls of the classroom. The class let out a grain. "I've decided to join you all in groups."

Matthew didn't know other students that well. He felt like he didn't fit in. The rich ones, the middle-class and the ones like him. Those that were friends have a nod to each other that they would be partners.

"But sadly, I've added extra things this time. Instead of letting you students pick your friends. I did the listing myself. A group of three people from different backgrounds." The groans got even louder. "I have the list pinned to the wall. Make sure you check it on your way out."

Everyone made their way out of the class as quietly as they could. Matthew packed his books as Christopher and Theresa made their way to his seat.

"Aren't you going to see the list?" Theresa asked walking past him.

Going through the list, they saw that they'd been partnered. Theresa walked away, so did Christopher immediately. Why did they leave? He wondered holding up his books.

At lunch time, Christopher watched as Theresa walked in, limping. Chatters buzzed throughout the room. Even though Greenland had a large student body, most people sat with their friends, in the same spot, all five days of the week.

He waved his hands beckoning on her to come over. "Are you going to tell me what happened to your leg?" He stood up to help her sit down.

"Nah, I don't think I want to talk about this." She sighed. He looked at her with concern in his eyes.

A hand came around her shoulders making her to jump out of her skin. She let out a loud shriek, catching the attention of other students.

"Relax. It's me, Matthew." He shoved his hands into the  pocket of his leather jacket. He greeted Theresa, Christopher, justice, Simon, and Selene. "Can I sit with five for lunch?" He blinked.

"Sure. Sure." Christopher agreed turning his face away. But it was okay to come out of his comfort zone every once in a while.

Matthew nodded with a smile before settling down. Throughout lunch, all six of them discussed about their essay.

Theresa had to make them stop because of the pain. "I think I should just go home." She looked at her friends.

"I'll escort to the nurse to call your mother." Christopher offered, but she shook her head, telling him she would be fine. He noticed that she wasn't herself. The normal Theresa would argue with them that they shouldn't do their assignment this way but that way. Today she didn't argue. She looked frightened, of what?.


Sunlight stippled the basketball court. Dust mites dances in the early evening light. Too late, their coach reached the basketball court before he did. One slanted beam of sun fell on coach Ekemini's face, highlighting the planes of his angry face.

Christopher wasn't listening. The coach moved around all fifteen players in circle, much the same way he did everyday.

"Maybe you kids aren't prepared at all," he murmured. He held the ball in both hands.

"We are coach." Christopher said out loud. The coach walked over to him, looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Your extraordinary talent Williams," he went on, giving the ball to Christopher. "Show me what you've got."