
Shadow Bug

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In a world where Shadows are hunted like monsters, Kato Hamura is forced to live as one after a mysterious transformation. Hunted by both Lighters and humans, Kato fights to survive while uncovering dark secrets that could change everything. With the support of his few trusted allies, he must navigate a world of hatred and fear to protect those he loves and discover who he truly is. But when faced with impossible choices, how far will Kato go to ensure a future where Shadows and humans can coexist? "Shadow Bug" – A battle for survival, redemption, and the truth beneath the surface and a thrilling story of friendship, and the fight against prejudice.

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Chapter 1Bite

Black & White,

Two sides of this world

Black brings despair and suffering

White brings peace and prosperity

In fear and spite we attack the dark,

Only to be consumed by it

Kato's head was fuzzy as he slowly opened his eyes. He realized he was chained to a chair in a dimly lit room. In front of him, four men were talking, but their conversation stopped when they noticed Kato was awake.

1st Guy: Gaki, he's awake

Gaki entered the room through the door at the end of the hall

Gaki: Is he now? (he approaches Kato)

Kato: Umm.....where am i? Who are you guys? Where's my mom?

2nd Guy: You ask a lot of questions for someone in your situation.

3rd Guy: It's hard to believe he's the only one who survived the shadowfication process.

Kato: Survived? What are you talking about?

Gaki: Since you're so curious, I'll explain. Our organization has been searching for humans compatible with shadow energy. The shadowfication incidents of the past two months? That's us. We've been using shadow bugs to transfer shadow energy into people. Most of them fail, either turning into shadow monsters or dying. But you, you survived.

Kato: wait.....how is that possible?

Gaki: (shrugs his shoulders) Beats me. I don't get it either.

It was at this moment that Kato realized what it meant for him to have survived the shadowfication process that killed a lot of people.

Kato: So that means....


*Hours earlier*

On this July morning in 2021, Kato prepared for school. His best friend, Takimo Zenoshi, was waiting for him.

Takimo: Hurry up Kato. We're gonna be late for school again. You know I don't like to miss roll calls.

Kato: (With his mouth full) Then go on ahead.

Takimo: No Way. Walking to school alone sucks. It's much more fun when you walk with someone.

Kato: Huh? Then go walk with someone else if you wanna get to school early.

Takimo: Walking to school alone really sucks and besides you're my best friend so I always wanna walk to school with you.

Kato: (Grins) Expecting me to blush?

Takimo: (Grins back) Don't make this weird. Hurry up!

Kato: (continues eating)

Takimo: By the way, our final exams scores are dropping today

Kato: Wait, that was today?

Takimo: Yes, it's today. How could you forget?

(At that moment a woman with black hair who is Kato's mom entered the kitchen to make herself breakfast.) Good morning Mrs Hamura.

Korra: Oh Takimo. How are you?

Takimo: I'm fine. (Turns back to Kato) By the way, what were we doing last night? I called you last night to remind you about today.

Korra: He was watching Studio Ghibli movies again.

Kato: Mom!!!! (embarrassed face)

Takimo: (cartoonish face) Again?! (Looks at Kato who was too focused on his food) Why do you watch that piece of crap anyway????

Kato: The plots of those shows are really interesting and it catches you at the first episode.

Takimo: (cartoonish face) How can you say that with a straight face?!

Kato: I always keep a straight face.

Takimo: No you don't!!!

Korra: (laughs)

Kato: (looks at the time) Let's get going. We're going to be late, Takimo.

Takimo: (Grins) That's what I've been saying!

Kato: (washes his dishes and carries his bag) We're heading out now mom.

Korra: Alright dear. Take care and be careful

Takimo: We will.

As Kato and Takimo walked to school, they passed a district that had been attacked by a shadow monster the night before. HFA members were on the scene, investigating.

Turns out the owner of a store just turned into a shadow monster out of nowhere. Kato and Takimo observed for a little bit and continued their walk to school.

Kato Hamura, a seventeen-year-old student at Benville High School in Haiwa, lived with his mother in Benville City. This world is perpetually at war with shadows—supernatural beings with shadow energy. Humans rely on Lighters, supernatural beings with lighter energy, to fight shadows. For 500 years, shadows and Lighters have been in conflict.

In 1950, the Lighters formed the Hunter Force Association (HFA), a police force dedicated to eliminating shadows and shadow monsters—humans or Lighters who had undergone forced shadowfication and turned into monsters. Though shadows mostly hide, shadow monsters can appear unexpectedly.

Kato: Damn. That must have been a huge monster.

Takimo: Aren't you scared? It was close to your neighborhood.

Kato: Yeah, I'm scared, but I try not to think about it. The Hunters will handle it.

Takimo: Yeah. The Hunters are so cool.

Kato: Then why not join the Hunters after we graduate? You're a lighter aren't you?

Takimo: (Sighs) I admire the Hunters, but it's not my thing. I'd rather use my powers differently—maybe open a restaurant and sell grilled food.

Kato: Ooh. Free food?

Takimo: (Laughs) Idiot.

Kato: I'm supposed to be your VIP!

Takimo: In your dreams.

They both enter the train and stopped at the next station and came out and continued walking to school. At one point they got to time square in Benville City which had a gigantic TV which displayed a lot of ads and stuff. But this time it was announcing some news. Kato tapped Takimo and they both watched the newscaster make her announcement.

Newscaster: Last night, a total number of 16 people were turned into shadow monsters. Reports say that these people were usually fine during the day and had no symptoms whatsoever before turning into shadow monsters. The Hunter Force Association are still carrying out their investigation to find out the cause of this incident but they urge us citizens to stay safe and report anything or anyone who seems unusual. Have a good day. This is Sarah McBarry and this is the Benville News.

Kato and Takimo eventually get to school but they were late for their roll call.

Now it was their lunch break. The final year students were awaiting their results and decided to pass the time playing sports games and what not. Kato and Takimo were watching the other boys play football on the school field.

Takimo: Hey Kato. What do you want to study when you get to college?

Kato: I dunno. Haven't given much thought to it yet.

Takimo: Really? Why?

Kato: Well, I'm seventeen and the college I want to attend only accepts eighteen-year-olds. You're older, so you can apply now. I want to stay with my mom until then. It's my way of supporting her.

Takimo: You really love your mom don't you?

Kato: Yeah I do. She doesn't say it alot but I can tell she's still hurt that my dad left the way he did and it's my job to make sure she doesn't go through anything that will make her sad or make her stress too much.

Takimo: So that's why you always ace your exams the way you do. It's your way of keeping her happy.

Kato: Yeah that's it. I don't work that hard for my sake. I do it for her.

Takimo: You're amazing Kato

Kato: Really?

A group of girls walked by and waved at Kato. He waved back.

Takimo: (Sighs) I wish the girls noticed me like that.

Kato: Why do they go for me?

Takimo: Huh?! You're the top student in our class and you're good-looking. Of course, they'll notice you. If I were a girl, I'd fall for you too.

Kato: (Grins) Expecting me to blush?

Takimo: (Grins) Don't make this weird. Why not date one of them?

Kato: You know why.

Takimo: Huh? Oh, right. Still have feelings for Mira?

Kato: (Blushes) Shut up!

Takimo: (Laughs) Bet you fantasize about her.

Kato: (Embarrassed) No, I don't! That would be weird!

Takimo: (Grins) Ooh, here she comes.

Kato: (Panicked) What?!

Mira Smith. An eighteen year old girl in Kato's class. She was adored by everyone in her class because of her dark red hair. She and Kato have been in the same class since high school began and have been friends since then.

Mira: Hey guys. What's up?

Takimo: Oh hey Mira.

Kato: Hey Mira. (Takimo starts to tease him) Cut it out!

Mira: What's up with you guys?

Takimo: Oh nothing. Just that Kato has something to tell you.

Kato: (to himself) I do?

Mira: He does?

Takimo: Of Course he does. Now go on. (He moves away from them so he can give them alone time)

Mira: So....what did you want to tell me?

Kato: (to himself) Damn you Takimo! Pairing me up with Mira like that?! Gosh this is so embarrassing. Maybe the world should swallow me right now

Mira: Uhh...Kato?

Kato: YESS?

Mira: What did you want to tell me? Are you okay though?

Kato: (Nervous) Uh, I was wondering if you'd go on a date with me?

Mira: ((Surprised)

Takimo: (Watching from a distance) He really did it.

Kato: (embarrassed face) Of Course If you don't want to go, it's fine. I can just....

Mira: Sure. I'd love to go on a date with you.

Kato: Really?

Mira: Sure. I'll text you my address so you can pick me up tonight at eight. Don't be late.

Kato: (smiling) I won't.

After school, Kato rushed home to get ready for his date. His mother helped him pick out an outfit and gave him advice.

Korra: Make sure you get her flowers on your way to her house.

Kato: Yeah mom. I will.

Korra: And make sure you tell her she looks beautiful. Women like that sort of thing.

Kato: Yeah mom.

Korra: (grabs a comb and begins to comb Kato's blonde hair) Just making sure you look good.

Kato: Alright mom. I have to go now or I'll be late.

Korra: Alright. (grabs Kato's arm before he leaves) Before you go can you help me take the trash to the back?

Kato: (sighs) Right Right. (picks up the trash bag and moves towards the backdoor)

As Kato reentered the house, two insects followed him in. One bit him on the arm, while the other bit Korra.

Kato: Okay mom. I'm heading out now (picks his phone as is about to call Mira)

Korra: Okay dear. Enjoy yourself....(starts to feel dizzy and drops to the ground.)

Kato: (notices his mother collapsing and runs to her) Mom? What's wrong?

Korra: (groans in pain)

Kato: Mom? What's wrong?? (he notices the insect on her hand and how her blood veins were glowing dark blue. He also notices that the same thing happened to his arm but he wasn't weak or anything.)

Korra: (groans in pain)

Kato: Mom!!

Kato picked up his phone and called "911" and told them that his mother had collapsed. After giving them his house address he hung up the phone and turned only to see a man that he didn't know and the next thing he knew, he was knocked out by someone who came from behind him.

*Present Day and Hour*

Kato was still in the room with Gaki and his men and Gaki had just said the words he didn't want to hear.


Kato: It's a lie. It's all a lie. YOU'RE LYING!!!

Gaki: Hey brat! If you really weren't the one, then we won't have taken you in the first place.

Kato: So there's no way to prove that I'm a shadow?

Gaki: You can sense our energies can't you?

Kato: (suddenly realizes that he could feel a dark energy surrounding everyone in the room and he could feel the same energy within himself) No.....that's not true...you guys are.

Gaki: (punches him in the face)

Kato: (groans in pain and spits out blood)

Gaki: I was gonna punch a tooth out but that didn't happen. Guess you really are a tough guy.

Kato: (shudders in fear and then remembers) Wait...what about my mother? Did she become a shadow too?

Gaki: Your mom? No she didn't. She's been put in a coma. I thought that she would be compatible too but I guess this compatibility comes from your dad and not her. Anyway what I'm saying is that she wasn't compatible with shadow energy and SHE'S GOING TO DIE. But that's too bad. She really had a pretty face.

Kato: (in shock) Where is she?

Gaki: We left her behind. Besides, the HFA stormed your house after we left. And-

Kato: (tears flow from his face) My mother is going to die??....

Gaki: I told already didn't I? She's lucky she didn't turn into a shadow monster immediately after being bitten.


Gaki: (punches Kato) Sorry to break it to you but the world doesn't work according to your desires. You probably looked at all shadows as monsters all your life. Well now YOU'RE ONE OF US NOW AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. (to the other three guys there with him) Lock him up. Zero will decide what to do with him.

The three guys carry Kato who is still chained at his hands and feet and they lock him in a dark room where he couldn't escape.

Meanwhile back at Kato's house, the HFA had responded to Kato's phone and met his passed out mother on the kitchen floor. She was taken to the hospital. The HFA began investigating the house and found Kato's phone with fourteen missed calls from Mira and Takimo who left a message wishing him luck on his date with Mira.

The next day, the HFA announced Kato Hamura as a missing person.

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