
The Joley Night

In the brief time the snow fell as the wind blew through the city Street's of New York. The man walking through the streets of New York's name was Mark Stagger Heart, He was a man with a very complicated life he always feared everything around him.

He's been living on his own in New York City after his parents kicked him out once they found that he was doing drugs. On the 20th of the cimber Mark met up with a man in the back alley of a McDonald's he was a mysterious man full all in a black Trenchcoat who offered a special drug there was newly being tested on the market.

The special drug cost $5000 once he paid the price he ran off very quickly into the city streets underneath one of the street lights He took the drug immediately he felt the sting in the back of his throat it was a throbbing sensation. After a couple of hours the drug finally started to kick in mediately he started to see the faces of all the people hes ever disappointed in his life. Then something weird happened from behind he felt someone touching his shoulder he quickly looked back since he was afraid of pretty much everyone touching him but the person that touched him was not a person who is a black figure with no face he immediately started running forward screaming and hollering he tripped on a rock on the ground.

He sorta began to go insane for quite a while.

Only thing the black shadows wanted to do was enter his mouth once they entered his mouth they would be able to take over his body. He started to run back home to try to get away from the black figures that were chasing him they were a endless onslaught they wouldn't give up until they infected him.

As he was running down the streets he finally came across the corner that he was supposed to turn on to go back to his apartment once he went up the stairs to get to his apartment he immediately opened the door slammed shut behind him blocking any of the shadowy black figures from getting inside at his apartment. After he immediately ran for the kitchen counter grabbed a kitchen knife and slit both of his wrist to make sure he got the job done. When the morning came all the neighbors heard was The sirens of the police cars at his apartment all my day the police found his body with both of his wrists slit he was dead all there was left of his body was a black gooey substance somehow the black figures managed to get into his body at the exact moment that he slit his wrists.

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