
shackles of the fate (bl)

yue_xingxing · Fantasie
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4 Chs


On a construction site in city A, a gate appeared so it is time for a team to take it.

The team named 3 lights took it. it is a team that is formed of 1 captain named Yun Min, and 12 other members with Ji yang and Leng Qin Min in too.

They entered the gate after all of them came.

a couple of orcs appeared but soon were killed.

in the fight, Leng Qin Min got injured so he moved aside to treat his injuries but suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned back to see Ji yang with a cold face, he said to him " let me help you"

" huh?"

suddenly a yellow ball appeared in his hand and started healing his injured right arm.

"I noticed you are a right-hand person so it is more uncomfortable for you to treat your arm so I am helping to, nothing else"

Leng Qin Min widen his eyes and then started laughing " cute"

" cute?.. "

" oh you heard"

before Leng Qin Min continued, he notice Ji yang's face blushing and his reddish ears so Leng Qin Min started to laugh while Ji yang is glaring at him but soon he stopped teasing him and that to make Ji yang heal him totally and then ran away from teasing.


soon they finished and clean all the monsters.

suddenly the captain came with a shining weird thing.

" This is what you get after killing a monster, this is a magical core of his and the higher the monster is, the more money you will earn from".

so they started to collect the cores but suddenly a member shouted " hey, everyone there is another door here"

and all of them came and found the door opened " did you open it?"

" no, I didn't"

"I have never seen a such room with such pattern"

the door is light gray with Medusa's head in the middle and it was split after the door was opened and weird sentences were written

" what is written"

" oh it seems like a greek language"

" mmm yeah it is"

" it says ' only the chosen one will find the truth and become the lord of all hatred'?"

" huh? what does this mean?"

" like hell, I know"

"I bet you didn't know how to spell it"

" anyway let us kill the boss and the gate only will only close if we killed it so we are going to enter, get ready and any danger you must leave"

" yes captain"


they entered the gate then suddenly red flames came out, lighting out the whole place.

The place was all surrounded by greek gods' statues and on the side is a throne and the greek god Zeus was sitting on it.

" beautiful structure"

"I have never seen such a dungeon so let us scatter and check the place up to find something"

" These statues make me feel uneasy"

" yeah they all are greek gods and holding a weapon"

they searched around and found on the ground a circle that appear as a magic seal of all constellations.


Suddenly loud screams surrounded the place, all turned to the place it was heard of, but what they saw is a half-split member's body and one of the greek gods moved which is Athena and already had the sword in him then she throw that dead member to Zeus statue which suddenly opened his mouth and ate it.

The nightmare started