
Sex System In Naruto

All men have lost their ability to stand their Little brothers... All except the MC This book is made for degenerates like me, so if you want to get more chapters ahead then go to Patreon.com/izana07

Izana07 · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Kurenai's A Bitch

The closing bell finally rang and students started leaving the class, today had been a hectic day of History and even Rem found himself bored to death by Uruka's lectures.

But right now, He had something he wanted to do. He approached his beautiful teacher.

"Umm, Miss Uruka," Rem said and the Chunin turned her head up to meet Rem, she was sitting down.

"Yes?" Uruka asked.

"I wanted to ask if you could help me, with after school tutoring. I want to be a better Ninja," Rem replied.

Her eyes brightened.

[Affection Points: 13 / 100]

Rem was alarmed at how ten points were instantly added to the balance but a smile curled to his face.

It wasn't like Uruka disliked him but rather she disliked how he was carefree with his studies.

Seeing that he was getting serious with studying gave him 10 Affection points… he wasn't so far from his goal, was he now?

"Are you serious?" Uruka asked.

"Yes, I'm very serious Sensei," Rem replied, "I want to become stronger,"

Uruka gazed at the young man and gave him a small smile.

"Okay," Uruka said, "So should we start now?"

'She seems incredibly impatient,' Rem noted.

"Well, I want to work with my Taijutsu," Rem said and Uruka nodded.


"Haah!" Rem cried out and threw a punch forward, aiming for Uruka's face.

The Chunin dodged though, speed laced in her movements as she ducked quickly. Rem widened his eyes.

"You're fast," Uruka commented and threw a kick, Rem could barely go to the right as the kick brushed against his own face.

What was that he was saying about being able to keep up with a Chunin?

Rem was quick to react, his legs moved forward as he leaned downward and tackled Uruka or so he thought, she leapt up dodging his tackle.

"But you're not fast enough," Uruka said as she kicked him in the face, the force behind the kick sent him propelling backward and slamming against the ground.

Uruka landed on the ground, It was not that she didn't like her student but he was a foreigner, All the way from Sunagakure and when people learned of this- They would start attacking him.

When they started, He would need to be powerful enough to defend himself but Uruka hated it when he was being complacent with his studies.

'His Taijutsu is a far cry from Naruko's,' She thought, her thoughts flickering to the blond haired Uzumaki.

But those thoughts were interrupted as Rem flung himself upward, his feet landing on the ground as he stood up.

"Uruka-sensei, you are really strong," Rem said, taking the Academy Taijutsu stance, "But I'm going to win this battle,"

Uruka gave Rem a small smile as he dashed toward her, closing the distance between them instantly.

He threw a punch forward and Uruka dodged only for him to pull his fist back and twist his body.

'A feint?' Uruka thought.

Rem attacked with a spin kick which Uruka instantly blocked.

'I'm wide open!' Rem thought in alarm.

Uruka decided to use the opening to her advantage, her eyes fixating on Rem's figure as she thrust her fist forward, She was certain she was going to hit him and she did…

Rem flew backward, his back landing against the ground once again only for his body to explode into a puff of smoke- Uruka realized he used the Substitution Jutsu, the said Jutsu was low rank but even high ranking Ninja like Jonin and the Hokage realized it's uses.

The log of wood landed on the ground simultaneously as Rem appeared behind the back of the Chunin, He punched but she caught his attack rather easily, and under his shocked gaze, She threw him into the air.

Before Rem could get any time to gather himself, He was hit by two successive kicks before smashing into the ground.


Rem rubbed his wounded face as he applied some ointment, After Taijutsu practice; they had gone onto a revision of some subjects that were treated in class.

The lectures with Uruka were very lively and he found himself learning more about Konohagakure which was the village he was living in.

But once again, dread ensued as he decided on what to write to the Kazekage about Konohagakure.

They were an allied village, but that was only in name. Surely, Konohagakure had enough manpower to eliminate Sunagakure in a full-blown war but was the Kazekage made aware of such power?

There were Jonin with mysterious abilities and each of them had high stats, If Kakashi and Guy could combine their abilities and power- Beating the Kazekage was not a far goal.

And that was only talking about Kakashi and Guy, not the other Jonin like there was one named Hayate who was very proficient in Kenjutsu.

With such strength, Rem couldn't help but wonder why Konohagakure was not conquering the other villages. They were clearly one of the strongest villages around.

And then it dawned upon him, 'The Hokage' was the reason. When he met the Kazekage the first time, the man had exuded an aura of power and reminded him that he was an unwitting pawn.

But meeting the Hokage for the first time stirred in different thoughts, Especially with the thing about the Will of Fire!

It all sounded like a bunch of bullshit to him.


Rem sat at a chair in the small Café, his eyes landing on a beautiful raven haired woman with crimson eyes.

She would be his next target.

[Name: Kurenai Yuri]

[Title: Genjutsu Master]

[Reputation: 1, 000]

[STR: 33]

[SPD: 40]

[END: 32]

[AGI: 38]

[CHA: 100]


[Cooking [LV. 2]: A basic skill that allows the user to prepare food]

[XP to Level up: 3 / 20]

[Washing [LV. 2]: A basic skill that allows the user to wash clothes and plates]

[XP to Level up: 3 / 20]

[Weapon Wielding [LV. Max]: A Shinobi skill that allows the user to wield dangerous offensive weapons like Kunai, Shuriken and Katana]

[XP to Level up: --- / ---]

[Yin Burst [LV. 4]: A Shinobi skill that is exclusive to Genjutsu users. This allows the user to release a burst of power that can be used to amplify the Genjutsu]

[XP to Level up: 30 / 50]

[Affection Points: 0 / 100]

[Hearts: 0 / 5]

[Depravity: 9 / 100]

His eyes arched a bit.

'Is she a pervert?' Rem thought while lifting his eyes away from her figure.

She was drinking down sake at an absurd rate too.

Since she was one of the girls he planned on getting onto his bed, He stood up and approached her.


Kurenai dropped her cup and wiped her lips, which were stained with Sake.

"This is really some good stuff," Kurenai commented.

"Hey Darling, might if I join you?" a voice asked and Kurenai looked to the voice only to find a handsome black haired boy with gray eyes.

"Sure," Kurenai said.

She didn't have much to do anyway.

Rem took a seat next to her and gave a small smile.

"So you're the famous Kurenai Ahoy, huh?" Rem asked making Kurenai bolster her face with confidence.

"Yes I am," Kurenai replied, "The master of Genjutsu and an Elite Jonin of Konohagakure, I've seen your face before,"

"I'm Rem, and you met me at the gates of Konohagakure," Rem said, he was slightly disappointed that she had forgotten about him.

"Oh? You're the boy from Sunagakure," She said, her voice wasn't loud but it was enough for Rem to hear.

Rem scratched his hair, feigning embarrassment.

"Yeah, I'm him," Rem said, "But you're quite stunning yourself, Ms. Kurenai,"

Kurenai didn't flinch at his compliment.

"You look quite good yourself, Been gaining a bit of that man muscle," Kurenai said and leaned her back against the chair, "So what do you want?"

"Is it a crime to spend some time with a beauty like you?" Rem asked.

"Normally I wouldn't let any guy near me, but since I recognized you, You got the permission but if you don't have anything to say," Kurenai replied, locking her eyes with the gray orbs of Rem.

She stood up shortly after and exited the café with swaying hips…

'She thinks she's a big shot,' Rem thought with a sigh.

Ayame and Uruka were nice women and were worthy of his love but Kurenai… was one of those kind of women who believed that they were the center of everything, and Kurenai happened to be the kind of woman that Rem wanted to break.

Once he had a night session with Ayame, he would restock himself on SC and then head to the shop to buy some bounds for that bitch, a collar, an aphrodisiac that would make her attracted to him and the works!

'Kekeke, I am really evil,' Rem thought with an evil grin.

Unknown to Konohagakure, Sunagakure had many hostages from their clans here. And Rem was the product of one of those Hostages…

Life was really drastic but he found himself in Konohagakure and he wasn't angry about it in the least, In fact, he was very happy. The Screen was providing everything he needed to get strong and conquer women and who was he to refuse…?

Rem stood up from the chair, He had just come to the Café to chill not to order anything.

And as briskly as he had come in, Rem exited the Café.


Rem arrived home and heaved a small sigh of relief, Ayame should be at Ichiraku Ramen so he would get some breathing space.

He twisted the knob and opened the door only to reveal a blond haired woman with love in her eyes as she looked at him.

"Welcome home Darling," Ayame said.


Author's Note:

Haha~ Let's get some good R-18 up in the next chapter~

If you wanna immerse yourselves in chapters ahead of my fic, head over to patreon.com/izana07 and enjoy my Lemons!

I want to say that I'm really grateful for the support over at my Patreon, It's the beginning of a new month and I expect to see more patrons! There are daily updates over there!

I want to thank my Patrons, Cesar Montemayor, Nirojan Raventhiran and Miguel Munoz for being with me.

✌️ Happy Easter day too!