
hospital stay

she is still connected the fuck your cursing people. she tried to tell you that pill was just her way of telling you signs of the curse. This bride chains was unlocked all you did was give her extra power. she can take it from anything and you tried to do a thought spell. now I'm more mad but if she stays in me. than no one unless the girl gets angry very angry. That means to run. how will she be free? 1. stop trying just try more and get her extra power. Anything to do with church or ghost stuff doesn't affect her. I have tired getting help. yes but your mind is controlled by the Satan bride. why did you choose me? Your the toughest human to trade bones with a demon to ever get a reward. yea I forgot. we made her this in trade for trying to get help. So she can live but she now cure. how did you cure me? your illness is fake. Satan why won't you leave. I'm closing my open way out. your keeping is locked up until I am able to get processed through the body fully. Yes! that's why I'm making you my queen of hell. Queen of hell OMG! your in love with Satan. so he casted a love spell on me all this time making me psycho. your getting free but only if you kiss Satan. I would but I don't believe you. we will see about you being in chains too. no. your lucky this bride kissed me. So anyone I love anymore I become psycho. no you become the queen of hell now. I gtg