
Sentient Awakening

Autor: Spufferman
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  • 8 Kaps
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  • NO.200+

What is Sentient Awakening

Lesen Sie den Roman Sentient Awakening des Autors Spufferman, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.The Infested have invaded the solar systems. Sentients, the protectors of the realm, are falling left and right and planets are being lost.After various failures, the solar council has tactically relo...


The Infested have invaded the solar systems. Sentients, the protectors of the realm, are falling left and right and planets are being lost. After various failures, the solar council has tactically relocated their forces only to maintain the status quo. Years later a man named Noff wakes up, he isn't a sentient, he's just a normal human being, does he have what it takes to defeat the infested and reclaim the solar system?

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Nobody962 · Fantasie
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Shameless author review by the author himself.


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