
Sensual Snatcher

A young man awakens to a startling transformation, finding himself thrust into the body of Song Qingshu, accompanied by Zhou Zhiruo. “Girl, your smile is so sweet!” “Madam, you smell so good!” How can I live a happier life than Wei Xiaobao if I don't become the number one expert! #Sexual Cultivation Technique #Ancient China #Beautiful Female Lead Betrayal #Enemies Become Lovers #Harem #Kingdom Building #Older Love Interests #R-18 #War #Younger Love Interests It's basically a story about a guy reborn in a story he knows about. Also, check out "BLACK TECHNOLOGY", it's another fantastic story about reincarnation, tragedy... Although it takes a different part, also that novel isn't R18, and Honestly, I think it's way better.

peace01 · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Thick thigh

A pair of young riders came into view, mounted on horses of contrasting hues—a white steed and a yellow one. The girl possessed a striking beauty, her features captivating and elegant. The young man, dressed in a resplendent yellow shirt, stood tall and lean, while the girl exuded a mysterious allure, her dark complexion complemented by a billowing white garment.

"A truly striking couple," Song Qingshu quietly admired, though a tinge of discontent lingered within him as he observed the two riders traversing the streets. Sensing an air of importance surrounding the duo, his curiosity piqued, prompting him to trail their path.

It soon became apparent that the young men had collided with another individual—a braided young man donning a dignified official attire. Observing the scene with great interest, Song Qingshu noted their interactions.

"Damn it! Take that!" The boy, though not truly harmed by the collision, appeared visibly shaken. Glancing back, he sought to confront the culprit.

"Hold on!" The boy turned around, his gaze falling upon a spirited and resplendent young woman atop her steed. A wave of delight washed over him, for he found himself ensnared by the girl's captivating presence.

Making a quick decision, the young man altered his tone, raising his hand to adjust his hat with a swift motion. "Allow me to clarify. Had there been an assassin attempting an attack just now, I would have effortlessly dispatched them. Do you think they could pose a threat to someone as formidable as I am? It's thanks to the young lady's kind reminder that we remained vigilant."

"We apologize, Lord Wei," the boy's guards promptly bowed, acknowledging their mistakes.

"Wei Jue?" Song Qingshu cast a puzzled gaze upon him. A young man holding a significant position within the Qing Dynasty—was he not Wei Xiaobao? Who else could it be? The inn patron's mention of the Manchu-Qing alliance messenger echoed in his mind, linking the pieces together.

Wei Xiaobao concluded his reprimand of the guards and, with a sly grin, turned his attention back to the white-clad girl. "Fair maiden, as a token of gratitude for saving our lives, I would like to extend an invitation to both of you. Let us dine at the nearby restaurant."

The white-clad woman wore a bewildered expression. After all, it was her horse that had collided with him just moments ago. However, witnessing the sincerity in his words, she almost believed she truly had rescued him from imminent danger.

As Wei Xiaobao conversed with the others, his gaze remained fixed on his cousin, igniting a surge of anger within the man's heart. Witnessing their earlier embrace and the significant status of the newcomer, he grew concerned about the implications of today's encounter. However, rather than pursuing the matter further, Wei Xiaobao redirected the conversation towards his own cousin, rebuffing him with a cold retort.

Although a smile still adorned Wei Xiaobao's face, his internal thoughts turned dark as he cursed under his breath. He held an intense disdain for individuals who resembled him, particularly this fair-faced man who seemed to have captured the attention of the white-clad woman. Suspecting a potential romantic connection, he contemplated employing unconventional means to intervene, even resorting to coercion if necessary.

In response to her companion's words, the woman in white joined in the verbal assault. "We, the Bell Swordsmen, hold a deep-seated aversion towards lascivious individuals like you, let alone a dog-like Tartar official. If it weren't for our concern about disrupting the alliance between the Song and your family, we would have taken justice into our own hands today."

"Shui Sheng and Wang Xiaofeng?" Song Qingshu recalled the identities of the two individuals when they introduced themselves. It seemed that due to the influence of her Jingzhou and his entourage, they had not yet encountered the ancestor of the Blood Saber.

"How shamelessly lustful you are, but where is this so-called flower? Zhang Kangnian, have you ever laid eyes on a beautiful black flower in this world?" Wei Xiaobao's words elicited knowing laughter from Zhang Kangnian and the others. "I have never come across any beautiful black flowers in my humble existence."

As Wei Xiaobao uttered those words, Shui Sheng's complexion darkened. Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile. Shui Sheng possessed a slightly darker skin tone, yet it remained even and delicate, far from unattractive. This natural tan imparted a healthy vitality to her appearance, rendering her a truly beautiful young woman.

The two valiant Bell Swordsmen, brimming with youthful vigor, found it difficult to tolerate such insults. Shui Sheng, in particular, could not bear being disparaged as a lady of loose morals. Swinging her horsewhip towards Wei Xiaobao, she shouted in outrage.

"How dare you! I will not tolerate an assassination attempt on the Qing Dynasty's envoy in broad daylight." Wei Xiaobao's earlier provocation was intentional, aimed at inciting the two individuals into action. Zhang Kangnian, his loyal subordinate who had followed him for a considerable time, failed to grasp his intentions and unsheathed his swords, encircling the duo with Lingjian Shuangxia.

Wang Xiaofeng recognized the escalating tensions and swiftly drew his sword to shield Shui Sheng.

The two factions clashed, engaging in a fierce skirmish. Song Qingshu, unimpressed by the spectacle, stifled a yawn. His martial prowess had long elevated him to the ranks of the world's top masters, rendering such brawls devoid of any intrigue.

Concerned for Wei Xiaobao's safety, Kangxi had dispatched a substantial contingent of martial artists and formidable palace guards to protect him during his diplomatic mission to the Song Dynasty.

The Lingjian Shuangxia were typically more than capable of quelling rogue martial artists, but now they found themselves confronted by a pack of ferocious beasts. The guards from the Imperial Front struggled to contain the situation.

Before long, the guards subdued the combatants, forcefully restraining them before Wei Xiaobao. "Now that the would-be assassins have been apprehended on the spot, please instruct us, Lord Wei, on how to proceed."

Wei Xiaobao paced around the two captives, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Attempting to assassinate the envoys of two nations in broad daylight? There must be a deeper conspiracy at play, a mastermind behind it all! Very well, to prevent any collusion between the two, I have decided to separate them for trial. Zhang Kangnian, you will be taken to the prefect Yamen of the Song Kingdom. I command you to be securely bound and subjected to rigorous interrogation. As for this woman, I will personally handle her trial in the Qing Dynasty, uncovering who seeks to disrupt the relations between our countries."

"My lord, your plan is truly cunning and unpredictable," Zhang Kangnian chimed in, offering another round of flattery.

Wang Xiaofeng's eyes widened in anguish. He wasn't a fool; he could discern the ulterior motives behind Wei Xiaobao's actions. If his cousin was taken away, he would have no chance of proving his innocence.

Song Qingshu observed the scene with a sense of intrigue. He hadn't anticipated Wei Xiaobao to be even more shameless and direct than portrayed in the original book, but it suited his own tastes.

A question from a past life website lingered in Song Qingshu's mind: If given the choice, would you pick Guo Jing or Wei Xiaobao as a friend?

While he couldn't speak for others, Song Qingshu knew his answer with certainty. He would undoubtedly choose Wei Xiaobao as his friend, for one reason alone—he was a cunning and intelligent individual.

Being Wei Xiaobao's enemy was a sure path to misery. Liu Yizhou had suffered defeat and ruin due to NTR, while Zheng Keshuang, the woman who loved him, fell victim to his machinations, eventually becoming a prisoner.

However, being Wei Xiaobao's friend had countless benefits, too numerous to list here.

Did Guo Jing have friends? Aside from an old, mischievous comrade, there were hardly any true friends to speak of. Wei Xiaobao, on the other hand, was different. Whenever he needed assistance, he merely had to raise his arms, and a wave of loyal companions would come rushing to his aid. This was evident from the "Killing the Turtle Conference" and the spotlight on Zheng Keshuang.

In Song Qingshu's view, Wei Xiaobao possessed the most reliable support network among the fourteen golden books. He was a thigh worth clinging to tightly.

However, this act of bullying both men and women did strike Song Qingshu as somewhat unsightly. He furrowed his brow, unable to shake off his concerns about their association, when suddenly a few bald monks emerged from the shadows, brandishing gleaming scimitars. They rushed towards Wei Xiaobao, their cries echoing through the air: "Divine intervention!"

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