
Qin Qirui

The Year 2154, which was 54 years after the Cataclysm.

In a remote corner of China, there was a remote Village called the Harvest Village.

This was a Village that was located in the mountains, surrounded by the Sakura trees that were planted there by the first Village Chief, Qin Shoucheng.

Although it was known as Sakura Village in the past, due to the vast number of Sakura trees in its surroundings. But as of recently, the Villagers had decided to call it as the "Harvest Village". This was in remembrance to the first Village Chief and his immense sacrifices and efforts which lead to the establishment of the Village. In this Village, the majority of the Villagers were farmers as it was a convenient job for them and it also ensured bountiful meals for their families.

Villagers could be seen working happily while living through their meaningless yet peaceful lives. They lived as if they were one big family.

Today, In the Village there was an atmosphere of celebration as it was the birthday of the Village Chief's son, Qin Qirui. Who was a young and a kind boy that was well-liked by everyone in the Village. Everyone in the Harvest Village had come to attend his birthday celebration and to congratulate him. There were also many middle-aged women who took up this chance to recommend their daughters to the Village Chief, In the hopes that one-day they could have their daughters married into the Village Cheif's Lineage.

Just like always, Qirui was accompanied by his best friend Qin Jian. It could be said that the duo, who had grown up together, always had a great relationship with each other and that they would even be willing to die for one another.

Qin Jian was an orphan who was adopted by Qirui's father and had since grown up together with Qirui. They were like blood brothers, and they looked very adorable and charming when they stood together. As such, all the mothers in the Village would instantly awaken their motherly-instincts when they saw them together and they would dream of engaging their daughters to them.

Both of them always ignored the fiery looks of those women, as it had become a habit to them. After all, those fiery-looks were always directed at them and it had become a regular occurrence. Today was considered as an auspicious day for Qin Jian. As it was Qirui's birthday, Qin Jian felt tremendous joy for his friend, whom he had considered as his brother in this life.

Looking at the joy on Qin Jian's face, Qirui couldn't help but feel amused, " Lil Jian, You look so excited as if it was your birthday" Qirui joked.

"Stop joking Brother, obviously you should know that this excitement is due to your birthday!" Qin Jian joyously replied.

"Qirui" said the Village Chief, as he made his way to the happily chattering duo.

Previously, he was surrounded by those middle-aged women who wanted to engage their daughters to Qirui, as such, the poor Village Chief had struggled to make his escape from those "fiery women".

The Village Chief soon approached Qirui with something that was wrapped up carefully in silk covers.

"Happy birthday, my son." He wished.

"Father, did you know that this is the fifth time that you have wished me today?" Said Qirui.

"I know that this is the fifth time...what? is it the fifth-time?..cough*…Anyways, this time, I have brought you a gift." replied the Village Chief with a smile.

Saying that the Village Chief carefully opened those silk covers and revealed a sword which was in a woven golden sheath with the hilt tied by a red string.

As Qirui looked at the sword, he was shocked,"Father, this is…"

"Yes, this is the sword that was left behind by your grandfather. It is called as The Sword of Promise, it was given to your grandpa by your grandmother. This sword served as a promise between the two, which was to have a home surrounded by beautiful Sakura trees, where there was no influence of war and people could live on happily."

"But alas, your grandmother didn't live for long to see that day as she died of an illness. But I believe wherever she is, she would be at peace because your grandfather spent all his life away just to establish this Village to fulfill your grandmother's wish." Said the Village Chief, his eyes filled with nostalgia as he remembered the beautiful bond of his parents.

"Son, I'll entrust this sword to you… I hope that if something untowardly happens in the future, you'll protect all the Villagers from the harm's way, promise me." He said seriously.

Qirui accepted the sword, he felt this sword was not just a sword, but a sword which represented love and responsibility!

"Yes, father. Your son, Qin Qirui will protect everyone if something untowardly ever happens in the future! As long as I, Qin Qirui lives, nothing will ever harm this beautiful Village!" said Qin Qirui with a dignified look, he resembled a loyal undying warrior with his heart burning with passion.

"It's a promise, son, remember to keep it." Said the Village Chief, as he felt pride in his son who suddenly felt so matured.

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