
Ducks in a Row


Being at the Penthouse without her was hell. 

He walked in, his mind buried in all the details he had to check and arrange, but the first thing he saw walking through the door was the spot on the floor where they'd sat that first night, before he learned she was a virgin. The place he'd tasted her, almost taken her. The place she'd touched his skin…

She'd taken his face in her hands and pulled him in. They both sucked in hard as their lips touched. He was shaking with restrained lust. Trembling. She leaned into his chest and with a groan, with a slide of his tongue, he straightened his legs and reached around her, pulling her into his lap until she straddled him, her fingers curled around his neck, and his at her waist.

The kiss was deep and promised so much more. His breath tore out of his throat as he gripped her to him, leaning in to deepen the kiss again, and again. 

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