
Rescue mission

We swiftly moved to the garage from the back door and settled in his Mercedes. I requested him to drive fast as it was already 4. I regret my request because he drove like a madman. God damn it, he was driving at the speed of 60 while speed limit was 20.

I would not be surprised if traffic police would chase him. But luckily, we have reached Hotel Imperial Blue Heaven without any interruptions. He refused the valet by saying that he would park his car himself.

"Why haven't you handed the keys to valet?"

"Why should I, Darling? Just think when we will rescue that girl and need to leave the hotel then what will I do? Go to the valet?" he mocked me and I rolled my eyes. He was reasonable and I was stupid.

When we reached the front of the hotel, I was facing a magnificent building. I started counting its storeys and I felt an arm snaked around my waist. I tried to flinch but his grip tightened.

"Stop counting the storeys of hotel. Don't show them that you have visited such hotel for first time. Stand straight and be confident. We are a couple here so don't flinch when I touch you." He whispered in my ear and handed me pair of sunglasses. His warmth was seeping into my body which was feeling very good. I looked at him from corner of my eyes, he was looking extremely handsome.

But I masked my real feelings and glared at him and got a smile in return. The bar was at the right wing of the hotel. We have chosen a place between the bar and main hotel to wait for Maddy. We could keep an eye on every visitor from that place.

Thank god the hotel has only one entrance otherwise it will be a problem for us. It was already 4:45 and I was desperately waiting for my enemy. I will break his every bone today before rescuing that girl. Alex asked me to wait and moved towards the bar. He fetched two cans in his hand.

"What is this?" he handed me one can.

"Fruit beer" I scowled.

"I don't drink beer" I tried to give that can back to him.

"Darling, I know you don't drink beer but I have given that thing to you to pretend, not to drink. What do you want to drink in front of a bar, Milk?" he leaned beside a pillar while sipping his can.

I also leaned on a wall where some potted plants were beautifully kept and I tried to pretend drinking beer but my eyes were glued on the entrance.

"Look, there he is" I didn't know when Alex came beside me and pointed at a guy in cream color polo T-shirt and waving at a girl in red dress.

They started heading towards the bar and Alex turned me towards him.

"Lisa, baby let's go inside. How long we will wait for your friends." He took my hand in his left hand and cupped my cheek with his right one.

"What happened if your phone got stolen, baby I swear I will buy you new one today only. Now please cheer up honey. Don't spoil the day, please baby" he was acting like a caring boyfriend whose girlfriend is upset over a stolen phone.

Maddy and his girl gave us a quick glance and then entered into the bar. We followed them after a while.

The bar was big and beautifully decorated with red and white balloons and roses. There was a dance floor and a big screen. Maddy and his girl settled in a corner seat and we took the opposite corner. There were other couples sitting there so they couldn't see us but we could watch them easily.

The girl was looking familiar but I couldn't recall any other information about her. It was possible that she was in our school. She was beautiful and wearing a red color one piece dress. Maddy was talking sweetly to her while caressing her cheeks.

He had some minor injuries visible on his face which he got from our brief fighting encounter. The girl was happy but I sensed that she wanted to say something but she was nervous. May be I was imagining things. Maddy has gestured her to wait and left his seat.

"Look, he is going to fetch drinks. I am going there. When he will mix the sedative in her drink, I will remove my aviators and clean them to give you a signal. Okay?" I nodded at him in understanding.

"When he will come back to his table, I would engage him in talk and you will stop her from drinking. Okay?" he added further and I nodded again.

I was closely watching Alex. He has fetched two drinks and then put them on the counter. He took off his aviators and cleaned them. I walked over to the girl and asked her if she could lend me her mobile to make a call as I have lost my phone. Maddy come back to his table and Alex was following him.

"What happened baby" Maddy dirty voice filled my ears.

"Janu (My life) she has lost her phone." She explained to him. Maddy has lustily looked at me from head to toe. Disgusting! He carefully put one drink on that girl's side and other on his side.

"Lisa, baby. What happened? What are you doing here?" Alex came with drinks and also put them on Maddy's table. He quickly put his hands around my shoulders. I wanted to shrug but I remembered his warning.

"Sorry guys! Actually her phone has been stolen while we were shopping and my phone went off" he flaunted his iphone.

"No, it's okay" the girl replied sweetly.

"Here, you can use mine" she offered her phone to me.

"Hey mate, we are new here. Can you please tell me any nearby iphone store here" he turned to Maddy.

"No, there is no mobile store nearby but there is a market on some distance. You can find good stores there" he replied politely.

"Actually buddy, my phone has switched off and I don't know how to find this market. Can you just show me where to go? I would really appreciate your help" Alex was acting so well but he was not ready to remove his hands from my shoulders.

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