
Scum of an unknown planet

The bottom of the barrel

BigBoomBoomThe3rd · Filme
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Am I Floating? Am I in water? Last time I checked there's not a pool on our ship. Wait. I'm not on the ship, where am I? Is this a jungle? The grass is blue and the sky is lime green. The trees around me are as black as coal with white leaves and weird violent triangular fruit. I don't remember a planet with this description in the database of the ship. Where are my crewmates? Maize has to be here somewhere, I should try comming her with my comlinking device. I press the side of my ear and my helmet forms over my head. "D-16 comlink 16786 Maize" I say to my helmet. I hear ringing, but she doesn't pick up. I wonder what's going on. What about RZ-7? "D-16 comlink 27933 Arzee" I say. He doesn't pick up either, what's going on? I should get up and go find them. Who knows I may find a Jedi artifact along the way.

As I walk through the jungle I see all sorts of bizarre things and that's coming from a guy who explores the galaxy searching for Jedi artifacts. There's these animals that look like those Banthas on planet Tatooine, but without the fur, tusks and legs, their long trunks are still intact though. They're floating like a Sithlord or a seasoned Jedi. I see blue Bha'lirs floating around the jungle searching for prey. I duck behind trees and bushes as I make my way through the jungle. I should climb a tree to get a layout of this planet. As I climb up the tree I notice those triangular fruits, I'll call them Kiwiprees. I take one and put it in my pouch and continue climbing. I made it, I'm at the peak. Woah. All I see are those weird trees, the whole stretch. I'm unable to see any other type of land, what type of planet am I on? There's literally no planet with this description in our database. We have to be in another galaxy. Hm, is that our ship? I see the ship on a few broken trees. Looks like that's my next destination, I hope someone's there.

As I make my way to the ship I see footsteps, which look like Maize's shoe size. This has to be her, she must be looking for me, I guess I should follow them. Five minutes after I start following the footsteps I see a red substance. Is that blood? What happened here? I walk over and touch the bloody handprint on the tree. I get a vision.

Maize is trying to run from something. Her ankle has a stick going through it. Looks like a man in some type of black and gray full-body armor. He has a black hood on that makes it impossible to see his facial features. All I'm able to see is his piercing red eyes that look like orbs of a raging inferno. Is that a Sith symbol? It can't be, they're supposed to be extinct. He has a red lightsaber in his hand. He walks while Maize limps away in fear of what he might do. As he gets closer I hear him whistling a joyful tune. Maize falls down in mud and as she tries to get up the footsteps draw closer to the point that it sounds like mini quakes. Maize turns around and as soon as she does the man grabs her with what I assume to be the force and throws her through two trees. As the Sith is walking towards her he says "You thought you could get away? That's funny" he says as he starts laughing. "You know, I could have crushed you like the tiny bug you are with the force, but I decided I would love to see your survival instincts kick in." he says in a smug tone. He stops walking and crouches down to her face "You're terrible at running, I wonder if you could survive 20 seconds of electrocution. Just a little experiment, you would be lucky if you die before those 20 seconds are over" he says in a crazed tone. Maize looks him in the eye and spits blood on him. "You're scum, worse than any other scum I've met traveling the galaxy. The bottom of the barrel." Maize says in a weak voice, sounds like every word she spoke was extremely painful. The Sith bursts out in a boisterous laugh and says "You're funny". The Sith stands up and electricity starts to spark around his hands and then says "Let's hope you don't survive". As he says that the vision ends and I wake up leaning against the tree. I rushed towards the area where I saw them in the vision, following the blood trail. As I make it there I see what looks like a humanoid charcoal with ash coming off of it. I fell down to my knees crying. Maize. My first real friend dead, no murdered. I'm going to search for that Sith and make him pay. I get up, wipe my tears and walk away.

It's been an hour since I found out that Maize was killed. I'm trudging through this jungle searching for Arzee and that Sith. I haven't stumbled upon any of them yet. I hope Arzee hasn't. As I walk I notice that it's starting to get dark, if you can call the sky turning blood red dark. I see what I assume is a cave and walk in. As I sit against a wall I start to sob. As I sob I fall asleep slowly.

OW! What's going on? I look down towards my left and see that my arm is gone. All I see is a charred stub with embers coming off of it. I start to hear footsteps. "Were you with that hilarious girl? She told me a joke before I killed her. She told me 'You're scum', it was really funny" I hear. It's the same voice of that crazed Sith. I get up no longer caring about my non-existent arm and run towards where I heard the voice coming from. I see him. I speed up and then suddenly I freeze. "You're just like your friend, easily excited. Don't worry you'll die quickly." He lets me go and I fall face first on the cave floor. As I turn on my back I see him right above me. "You're lame, unlike that girl. You aren't screaming or crying. That girl was. Even that model RZ-7 droid was. But you aren't. Why? You're no fun, so I'm gonna kill you now" I try to crawl away, but I'm not able. As I try to get up I see him raise up his saber and slash down. As he slashes my whole life flashes, the times I was happy with my grandmother, whenever me, Maize, and Arzee escaped from my home planet in search of a better meaningful life, even the times I was bullied by most of my classmates. Every memory. As the lightsaber goes through my chest like it's butter I say "You're gonna get what's coming to you, one day. Scum".