
The Room Of Beginnings!

-1st Person & 3rd Person.

Looking out, I could see darkness overtaking my vision. My world experienced a terrible ending, an unescapable apocalypse. 

I come from your standard run-of-the-mill world, so it was nothing special. There was my family, which consisted of my mom and dad.

There was suddenly alarming news that an asteroid was going to hit our planet. By this point, those rich and famous people went into hiding. They had hidden themselves in shelters along with some fortunate civilians who had been chosen.

These facilities were worldwide, but unfortunately, my family wasn't picked. Once this announcement was put out; people naturally didn't believe it.

However, over time, once it was confirmed that this piece of news was true—you could probably guess the outcome.

Chaos ensued with the crime rate increasing by more than 40 times! People were giving into their sick desires that they had hidden.

Say, kidnapping kids for sick purposes, doing the deed in public without a care. This was simply endless and I would rather not recall such horrific things.

Unfortunately, I couldn't even contact my parents at the time. There was so much going on that nothing could be done right.

In the end, it didn't matter. That asteroid touched down and laid waste to the planet's surface. This was especially so for those close by. Even if they hid in underground shelters, they were finished.

I looked into the horizon and saw it. It was a wave of fiery light, with heat so intense that it might rival the sun's surface.

And with a flash of burning red and white light, I was no more. I had been completely extinguished from the earth just like that.

At least, so I thought. 

"Where is this place? I'm sure I was burned into nothingness—without even my ashes being able to survive."

I was confused about my situation, as this setting didn't make sense. My legs and feet couldn't be seen, I wasn't sure if I even had them anymore. 

There was just endless darkness, but I understood that this had something to do with my death.

"I can't even rest in peace." I could only sigh, but just before I could close my eyes and rest; something miraculous happened.

In front of me were five cards that revealed their backsides. The back of these cards had a hand on it that was spread open revealing its palm. The universe was in the palm of this hand—with the hand bearing resemblance to the Hand Of Creation. 

I stared blankly at the cards for about ten minutes contemplating to myself. Afterward, I reach out to choose a card. My option was the middle card, which I had selected at random.

Once I grabbed and pulled the card toward me; the other cards disappeared immediately after. 

I turned the card around to check it. There, a man was sitting on a throne in white robes with an uncountable number of people kneeling before him. His face was covered in white light and couldn't be perceived.

The title of the card read...

"God Level Authority?" What did this mean? Why would it say something about a God-level authority? The words are written in gold, and it looks like some rare holographic card.

Suddenly, the card flashed with a brilliant light before disappearing. 

Before I could say anything, I felt some horrific rumbling sounds. It was uncontrollable shaking and then I blacked out.

After an unknown period, I awakened in a room. This room was all white and resembled some containment chamber. 

The strangest part was that there was a desk, chair, CPU monitor, keyboard, and mouse on the desk. These objects were placed in the middle of the room of all things, it was truly odd if I had to say so myself. 

There was also a sign written in blue at the end of the room hanging up. It resembled the typical open sign that was powered by electricity. 

What was written truly shocked me. The words written said 'The Scp Foundation World'. 

"The Scp Foundation?" I knew too well about this organization, as it was a fictional organization that caught, secured, and protected out-of-place anomalies.

These entities would be given a designated name starting with Scp before being assigned a number. 

"Have I been caught and given a number as well?" I was worried, but something like this was impossible.

How could I travel to another world? I didn't see any doors that led out of the supposed containment chamber.

I took a deep breath before taking a seat at the desk. The screen was already on, but it was white and blank. 

I blinked a few times because there was nowhere to click on the screen. However, once I touched the mouse, several words appeared. 

🎉Congratulations, you've been chosen.🎉

🎉Congratulations, you have drawn the [God Level Authority Card!]🎉

🎊Congratulations, you've been given the Ultimate Power [The Origin Force!]🎊

I saw several notifications that seemed to be congratulating me. There were even emoji to celebrate such an occasion. 

"The Origin Force? What is this Origin Force?" I gave a soft mutter under my breath. 

My question didn't go unanswered for long when I saw the words below. The words were exactly the explanation about the Omni Force.

There, it revealed a full explanation and meaning of this Origin Force. It was as I thought, with Origin meaning Beginning.

This power was like cosmic power but magnified in strength hundreds of times. 

It went on to explain that I had been chosen to become a Cosmic Entity. Just this line alone shocked me! Cosmic entities were beings that could warp reality, right?!

Furthermore, I was chosen to contain such power. 

The Origin Force started at zero percent, but he had to level it up by mastering certain powerful Laws.

It explained that the first batch of skills I would need to master would be related to the six senses and the physical body.

Furthermore, once I've maxed out my understanding of a Law, I could fuse it with the Origin Force to increase its percentage. This would increase its attainment in that particular field dramatically. 

Now, I was interested. It seemed that this Cosmic Power wouldn't simply be handed to me. I wasn't aware of it, but a smile had found itself across my lips.

I scrolled down and a familiar layout appeared. It was something that would normally appear in video games—particularly, RPG games. 



<Name: --< p>

<Tier: --< p>

<Gender: Male Age: -- Weight: Height: < p>

<Ultimate Power: [The Origin Force: 0%] < p>

<Current Laws: N A< p>

"This layout isn't filled and only shows [The Origin Force] and its percentage ratio." This layout was no doubt my information.

Except they weren't present. Why was this?

"Speaking of which, I can't remember my name, height, age, and weight! What's going on?" He said in surprise.

I kept thinking about it but to no avail. I could only sigh and give up, however, I could still remember my parents' faces. 

I scrolled down further and it gave complete details about this Origin Force. 

Once the Origin Force had reached a certain percentage rate, I would be given a new set of skills to master.

To activate these new skills I would have to say the word [Ascend.] Any Laws integrated into the Origin Force would disappear from the strange gaming sheet.

I understood the basic details of my power, which excited me greatly. After mastering the different Laws my strength would increase exponentially.

These were the 'Laws' of the multiverse, so they were completely different. For elements, it wasn't simply Pyrokinesis or Fire Control but many leagues above them.

I finally reached the bottom of the screen.

[You will be transferred to the Tutorial Space, also known as the God Space. This is the location where all Cosmic Entities, God, and Deities are born from the prime universe. You will be placed at the beginning of time itself until you are ready to leave.]

[Note that this is trillions of years before the birth of humanity. You will also be temporarily given the strength and power of a Tier 1A (Extradimensional High Outerverse) Level Entity.]

-Tutorial Objectives-

☐ Create a real body image for yourself. (Reward: +1 Cosmic Card)

☐ Establish a name for yourself among the Cosmic entities, Elder Gods, and Deities. (Reward: +2 Cosmic Card)

☐ Create three Anomalous Non-Living Objects. (Reward: +1 Cosmic Card)

☐ Create three Anomalous Living Objects. (Reward: +1 Cosmic Card)

☐ Create Two 'Special' Anomaly. (Reward: +3 Cosmic Card)

Note: You may be rewarded two extra cards depending on your performance. These are one-time objectives that will reward you with things to aid you in Transcendence. You are the first entity in existence, so you will be alone for a while.

[Click the transfer button to begin the tutorial.]


He looked at the screen with widened eyes when he read through it non-stop. His heart palpitated as he read the words over again to ensure he was reading it correctly.

"I'm the only existing being in the multiverse!" This was completely outrageous, this would cause anyone to go mad at some point, right?

Why was the Scp world my only choice? Could he have gone to the Marvel World or something, and reached transcended there?

Sitting in the chair, he knew he didn't have much of a choice at this point. 

"What is a 1A Extradimensial High Outerverse Entity? Damn, there are too many things I don't know!"

With a sigh, I just clicked the transfer button. At that moment, I felt an extreme amount of energy filling my body.

I couldn't describe this power, it was a power beyond my current understanding. The process continued for two minutes before he was warped away.