
Chapter 1: Hot Feet

The hot concrete warms my feet as I walk along the side of our new apartment complex.

My mom and I just moved here, from Florida. When I say here, I mean Seaside, Oregon. And when I say just, I mean a week ago.

I still haven't started school yet, since we have been busy unpacking. My mom has been settling into her new job, and finding me a new therapist. Which I don't need!

I finally reach, the dumpster and sling the black full trash bag, I am holding into the dumpster.

I make my way back, along the cozy tan two story apartment building. As I start to reach our a apartment, I see a guy leaning against the door of the one next ours. On his phone.

I thought our neighbor was that middle aged man, Todd I think. Maybe that is Tod.

I approach my apartment door, and as I get closer I see he is taller than Tod, also thinner and more muscular. I still can't see his face, it's blocked by his black hoodie.

He looks up, and I freeze. His cold blue eyes stare into my deep green ones. I try to look away but I can't. He has tan skin with dark brown hair, almost black. He is hot!

Before I can drool anymore, he looks back down at his phone. I finally reach the door and try to open it, it's locked. That's just great!

I knock on the door and lean against the wall next to it. I am so close to him that if I took a small step I could reach him. But I didn't of course. I wish I could reach him.

A door opens interrupting my thoughts. Only it wasn't mine it was his. Someone throws a beer bottle at the guys feet and slams the door, causing me to jump.

The guy seems unfazed, and goes back to being on his phone. That must have been Todd.

"How do you know his name?" The guy growls next to me. I said that out loud?!

"H-he is my neighbor, so I met him once." I stutter, I feel like I'm shrinking. He is so tall!

Before he can answer my apartment door opens, and I rush inside. Thank goodness!

"Who was that?" My mom says wiggling her eyebrows.

"I don't know." I reply honestly.

"It's probably Todd's son, I heard about him." My mom flicks her black hair off her shoulder.

"We've only been here a week, where did you hear about his son?" I was honestly curious.

"Just around, I guess. He's a senior like you, but not much people talk about him. He's kind of a mystery. I did hear him a Todd don't have a very good relationship though." She said, seeming focused.

"I'll say." I state rolling my eyes, making my way through the apartment.

When you come inside you walk into a long dark green hallway with photos running down them and a door on the right, and another door on the left side. The left door is my room, and the right door is the bathroom.

Down the hall is a open space with the kitchen to the left, and the living room to the right. In the middle of the rooms is a sliding glass door that leads to the tiny back porch. Luckily we have some grass because we are on the first floor.

The kitchen has a marble counter and white walls. A bowl of apples sits on the island in the middle of the kitchen surrounded by bar stools.

The living room has a dark grey couch and a bright blue chair next to it. There is a shaggy rug in the middle and a hanging tv against the back wall. Next to the tv is a door that leads to my moms room that also has a bathroom.

My mom strides into the kitchen with her long black dress flowing behind her.

"Ready for your first day tomorrow?"

"Ugh, I don't even want to talk about that." I whine.

I get up and walk to my room wanting to distract myself. Once I reach my room, I grab a book off the white bookshelf in the corner and throw myself onto the queen bed in the middle of the bright yellow room.

I get snuggled up in a purple blanket and read until my eyes feel heavy, and I fall into a deep slumber.

"Chris wake up, your gonna me late!" My mom shouts in my ear.

I jump out of bed when I see I only have 5 minutes to get ready. I run around my room putting on a blue oversized hoodie and black leggings. I grab my Nike sandals and slide them on after brushing my teeth. I try to pull the brush through my blonde curly hair, it doesn't really work out so I settle for a messy bun.

I make my way to the kitchen to see my mom already for work. I grab my house key and run to the front door locking it behind me. I take the same path I did along the apartments yesterday and hop over the chain fence.

Here I was Oceanside High school. I look back once at the apartment complex, and see a black sleek car pulling out and driving off. Nice car. Wonder who was driving it, before I can wonder to much the black sleek car pulls into the school parking lot and the guy I met yesterday gets out with his bag slug over his shoulder.

What a coincidence. Sorta. He looks even better than yesterday, and I'm not the only one that thinks so. All the girl's he passes are practically drooling. I stand no chance.

I make my way through the grassy field closer to the white and blue, two story high school. On the side in big blue letters is the high school abbreviation, OHS.

I pass groups of people, while making my way to the front door. All of them were staring at me as if I grown 3 heads! I guess this high school doesn't have a lot of new students.

Today is gonna be interesting...

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