
Chapter 1

``1023756, 1023757, 1023758, 1023759, 1023760…..``

A mechanical voice buzzed out rhythmically as each heavy step of his metallic body trudged through the endless sands, the scorching sun's rays diffuse over his rough and unpolished surface as the behemoth golem paced through the lifeless wasteland.

``1023761, 1023662, 1023663, 1023674.. wait, did I mess up again?`` The Giant stopped moving for a few seconds then sighed in frustration and started walking slowly once more.

``1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.... AARRRGGG I can't take it anymore! You told me I was supposed to save humans and fight giant beasts but I've been walking for almost a week and all I've seen was sand! Are there even any humans left? Are there even any beasts left?!`` The giant golem started shouting in frustration.

Though he seemed to be all alone a calm cold female voice responded to his shouts, from an outsider's point of view it would still seem as if he was talking to himself as the voice was only heard by him speaking straight inside of his head. ``There are indeed many humans and beasts left and statistically you should have already found 3 groups of humans and 2 giant beasts, it seems as if you are lacking the concept humans call ``luck`` therefore this is not the systems fault.``

He knew she was right he was just unlucky but it was still frustrating, after walking for such a long period of time all alone in a giant golden desert that looked the same no matter how far he walked, he would have already lost his mind if he was still a human being. Of course that's not counting the fact that he would have died 10 times over as he had no water or food but since he was now a giant solar powered humanoid machine the desert was probably the best place for him to be in.

``What cheat power do you want? She asked ``a giant mobile fortress that I was in full control of`` I answered…. I didn't want to become a giant golem you know!? How am I even supposed to get a girlfriend now?!`` grumbled the giant golem as he continued walking through the desert with slow and steady steps. ``Next time im reborn ill definatly be more specific.``

``INFO, the chances of you coincidentally getting picked up by a god for a second time in a row is 0.00000000000000000000000000003352%, the system suggests that you, as you humans say ``not count on it``. The cold female voice calmly responded to his grumbling.

Though he acted as if it did not hear her, if you played enough attention you would be able to tell that he had gotten extremely depressed as his speed had slowed down he started dragging his feed through the sand.

´That's not even my name! My name is Isaac! INFO is this stupid body's name! INtelligent FOrtress my butt!` he grumbled internally but he wouldn't dare say it out loud as he remembered last time when he was lectured by the system for hours about how ``this body was made by god and he should be honored that he was named by him personally`` Isaac quickly realized the worst way to be lectured is by a voice inside your head that can't be ignored.

After walking for 2 more days he finally saw something in the distance, If he was still human he would be crying tears of joy. Isaac started sprinting towards the small white object, his big heavy body leaving giant footsteps imprinted in the sand and the ground shook under his immense weight. As he came closer he focused his eyes and his vision zoomed in giving him sight of what he was running towards. It was a beautiful cat with long white fur hunching over a pile of rubble feeding on something that was dirtying the fur around his mouth red.

As Isaac got even closer he was finally able to see what the cat was munching on which made him stop in place stunned. Humans!! The cat was so large that the people he was eating looked to be the size of cockroaches! Isaac knew he was large but he never had anything to compare to now he could guess he was at least 50 meters tall!

Even though he now had the body of a golem he felt extremely nauseous as he saw the cat ripping people apart with its sharp teeth and claws.

``Humans found! Remove threat and begin extraction!`` the systems voice snapped him back to reality and his nausea quickly receded only to be replaced by burning anger.

Isaac started running once more, using all the energy he could gather he flew towards the giant cat monster at the speed of an Olympic athlete (if he was 50 meters tall). The cat seemed to have noticed the giant running towards him and hissed showing its teeth still dripping blood.

The closer the giant got the more courage the giant cat lost, it was extremely large and was used to being the biggest thing around but as the golem got closer he noticed it was much bigger than him, at least 10 times his size!

As the cat was deciding whether he should run or his hesitation allowed Isaac to catch up and deliver a kick that contained all of his rage. He could feel the cat's bones breaking once his foot collided with its soft body.

``KYAAA`` The large beast left behind a loud screech as its body was hurled away at an extremely fast speed until it was no longer in sight even from the golems powerful sight, however before he could be happy about defeating his first beast Isaac was reminded by the system of the humans he was supposed to save.

The golems large body crouched down over the destroyed village and began to search for survivors but all he could see was the rubble of the buildings and the bits and pieces of the humans the cat made his lunch lying in pools of blood. Anger once again started to consume him but he quickly calmed down and decided to look closer as there could still be survivors hiding in the rubble.

Taking a large sigh the giant calmed himself down and started to speak in his loud robotic voice ``Threat has been eliminated, are there any survivors?`` he repeated himself a couple of times but there was still no answer.

`is there really no one left?` hearing no response Isaac started to slowly get up from his crouching position and was ready to leave when he heard moving in the rubble.

He crouched down once more and tried to help whatever was trying to get out by removing some of the rubble carefully not to hurt whoever was trying to get out. After a few minutes a extremely dirty young woman with disheveled black hair crawled out. When she looked up and saw INFO she was startled frozen on the spot.

Isaac tried to show her he meant her no harm so he pointed to himself and started to explain `` This golems name is INFO, A mobile fortress created by humans, don't worry I mean you no harm.``

She looked skeptical but the rubble behind her started moving once more. The noise seemed to have reminded her of something as she ignored Isaac and ran back to the rubble and using all her strength she started to lift pieces of wood and rocks and move them to the side. With his super vision Isaac could see that she had many scratches and bruises on her arm and hands some that was even oozing blood as she moved away the heavy rubble.

Isaac slowly and carefully moved his giant hand and started to help her move the pieces one by one as he was afraid of accidentally hurting whoever else was under it, she was startled for a second but quickly returned to what she was doing.

1 hour later there was a group of 65 people mostly woman, children and old all covered in dust, some were crying of happiness of being alive while others crying in sadness for the people they lost. Apparently that building used to be the village elders house and it had a large shelter underground for emergencies.

Isaac wanted to say something but before he could he got an alert from the system.

`Tier 1 Cat Beast killed! Reward: Cold weapon of choice`

`Congratulations to the host for killing your first beast! Reward: Human body clone`

Isaac was stunned ``Human body clone?`` he was about to ask the system but he noticed the young woman who was the first to crawl out of the building walking towards him. She stood in front of the towering giant and gave him a bow and shouted ``thank you for saving us!`` it seems she was trying her hardest to make her voice reach him.

``There is no need to thank me this is what INFO was built for! Also there is no need to shout I have pretty good hearing`` Isaac chuckled as he spoke, with his super vision he could see the woman's face had gotten a little red in embarrassment.

She looked behind her at the people who were left from her village and it seemed like she wanted to say something but was having a hard time saying.

Isaac stayed quiet and calmly waited for her to make her decision. The young woman seemed to struggle a bit more but eventually having no other choice she opened her mouth to speak.

``I know this is asking a lot but c-can you help us get to the next village? Most of the men are gone and everything is destroyed, the next village is far from here and if we tried to make it there in this condition we would lose most of the people who are left`` she seemed afraid of being refused as her fists were clenched shut as she spoke.

``The next village? Why would you want to go to another village? Didn't I tell you before? The golem's name is INFO, it stands for Intelligent Fortress. This giant golem isn't a weapon, it's a shelter!`` Isaac said with a smile leaving not only the young woman stunned but all the other people who were listening behind her as well.

For writing prompt contest so if you enjoy the story please leave some stones for this poor newbie.

PeaceAndQuietcreators' thoughts
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