
What did you think

Yuan was very bored and not feeling sleepy , he kept thinking about her , his Chen, the kiss they had this evening in the car was just repeating inside his head , the investigation his assistant did on her , her number was there he as save it on his phone.

He was just thinking if he should call her, what if she is sleeping he kept thinking if he should , he wanted to off his phone when his hand mistakenly dial the number ,he wanted to end it but the phone started ringing and the call was picked .

He heard her sweet voice , saying something to him but his mind was just on her voice not understanding what she was saying.

He came back to himself when he heard her say something about is this a prank call, he knew she was going to hang off the call,he have to answer her before she hang off .

He told her he was the one calling ,but she kept asking why he called ,he did not answer her ,but why did he keep hearing heavy wind passing ,this should not be inside her room right ,what type of heavy wind will be inside someone's room.

He then asked her where she was going this late at night, because a girl should not be walking this late at night.

He found out her father called her to come home, buy why will he call her this late at night,why not wait till tomorrow a girl walking at night is very dangerous.

He told her to wait for him his coming to pick her up,he did not wait for her to reply before he hang off the call, he ought to pick her up as her boyfriend, what if something dangerous happened to her.

He pick his car key and went to his garage and drove one of his car, he knew where are family house is because it was on the file ,on getting close to the family house he saw someone standing on the road side that must be her.

He stopped the car close to were she is standing and came out from the car.

"Chen, why don't you put on jacket, there is so much cold outside and with heavy wind" he said to her when he came close to her, removing his jacket he then put it on her.

"But what about you, are you not going to catch some cold" she said looking at him,wow this guy is so handsome , beyond handsomeness, she kept looking at him without retreating her eyes.

"But I have you to warm me up" he said teasing her.

After hearing what he said she turn her face looking at the other side, she was blushing and feeling shy.

" He took her hand and take her to the front seat of the car , open the door for her to get in, close the door and went to the driver seat after closing the door he put on his seatbelt , but she have putting on her seatbelt whe came very close to her.

Chen was stiff ,she could not move his breathing was close to her neck.

" hey what are you doing " she said but as usual he did not answer her, after putting on her seatbelt he went back to his seat.

"What did you think I was going to do" he asked with a smile no his face.

This is so embarrassing, Chen was so embarrass that she did not look at him , she just focus her eyes outside the window.

After sometime, the car started to move true different route.

"This is not the road to my house,where are you taking me to" Chen asked looking at him.

" I know that this is not the road to your house, can you tell me what the time is" he asked looking at her.

She look at the time is 9: 15 p.m." is 9:15 p.m. why are you asking what the time is?"

"What time do they normally close your gate" he asked her ,he could see the confusion on her face.

" They close the gate at 9:00 p.m. but how do you know all this?"she asked him, because he knew so many things about her.

" Am sorry, I did some findings about you, that is how I knew something about you" he saw she was angry " Do I even have some privacy anymore" she asked him.

" I'm sorry I just wanted to know about you, I know am at fault I should have ask you about it" When saying it he hold her hand which is close to him.

Chen could see how sincere his apologies are " is ok if you want to know anything about me just ask me" Chen said " where are you taking me to then?"

"My place, I stayed alone you don't have to worry about people seeing you" Yuan said .

What is he saying that should be the more reason I should be afraid because no body is there even if i shout no one could come and rescued me.

But she did not say anything because if he wanted to do something bad to her he would have done it yesterday when we did not know each other.

On getting to the estate , the security man came and check who the person was, after seeing he was the person,he allowed him entering , because the full estate is one of his .

Yuan came out of the car and went and open the passenger seat for her to step out from the car.

"You said you live alone here,what about you family " Chen asked because the house was very big for one person to live in.

"My family are at the old mansion, the house was far from my office that is why I came to live here" after saying that he took her hand and walk into the house but not after putting his password on the door.

"Welcome to my home" he said , removing the jacket from her body for her to feel comfortable, he took her to the seat kept her bag on the rug carpet.

"what do you want to eat I know you've not taking your lunch yet" after saying that he look at her.

Chen have some shock on her face "How did you know have not eaten lunch yet, are you the bug in my stomach" she asked which earn her laughter from him.

After hearing is laughter and seeing his genuine smile, Chen could not stop looking at him ,he was even more handsome when he smiles.

"You look more handsome, when you smile from your heart " Chen did not know when she said that out loud.

"You think so?" he asked when coming close to her.

" you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" he said , taking her hand and kissing it, after doing that he stood up and went to the kitchen to make some noodles ,for the both of them.

Chen was so shy and embarrassed about what she said , what would he thinks of her now, she touch the hand he kissed her ,why did he like kissing her ,what if he want more then kiss ,Chen what are you thinking ? she shake her head, but I always got weak when ever his is kissing me.chen thought was so deep that she did not even know when he came back and seat close to her.

"What are you thinking that you're deep thought" he said touching her.

Chen was so shock with the touch that she wanted to stand up but he hold her.

When she find out he was the one close to her she breath out in relief " what were you saying" .

"I said you should come let go and eat before the food got cold, that will not be good when it get cold" after saying that he took her hand and lead her to the dining table .

After which they have sittle down on their seat he took out new chopstick and gave it to her.

They eat so quietly, she just look at him, she could see that the way he eat with courtesy, he as been taught since he was little.

When they were true he picked the plate to go and wash it in the sink" let me wash the plate ok you're the one who made the food, you can't do everything ok let me do this " but he refused

" You're a guess let me do it today ,you will do it another day " he said that .

" Who said I will come here again" after saying that I turned and went to the sitting room.

Yuan let her go because he could see that she was shy to even look at him face.

When he was true with washing the dishes he went and meet her in the sitting room.

"Will you stay in the master bedroom or the guess room" he asked her because she as not accepted to be his girlfriend yet , even though he badly wanted her to sleep with him, he knew he could not pushed it.

"I prefer the guess room" she said.

even though he was disappointed he did not let it show on his face" Okey, let me take you to the guess room.

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