

"Prepare yourself Ren now that we've entered the Land of Whirlpools things will become more like the ninja life you dream about."

"Why would that be? Isn't this where the Uzumaki clan lives?"

" That's exactly the reason. While the Uzumaki clan are heavily linked to Konoha they did not benefit from the armistice agreement between the five great nations. None of the smaller hidden villages really got any benefit, despite the first great war occurring on their land.

Which means the smaller villages tend to still be at war with each other over resources. Naturally these smaller wars tend to be good business for the five great villages and where most our high rank missions come from.

Though with my parents and grandma here the amount of attacks have decreased on Uzu. Don't let your guard down though."

"Worry not my wife I shall protect you! ….Or at least help us run away…"

"Haha now you're thinking like a medical-nin little pervert."

Despite my pleas to this worlds god, nothing happened even as we arrived at Uzushiogakure. Maybe I should ask Tsunade to remove that stupid ninja headband so I can finally fight someone. I have already stopped thinking my adventures will be like Naruto's dumb ass, but come on she said to be ready to fight!

The saving grace to this day was that the village gate to Uzushiogakure was quite a beautiful sight. The biggest stand out was the sheer amount of Fuinjutsu layered into the entire village wall and gate. I have no idea how this place gets destroyed but I'm calling bullshit.

"Young lady welcome home. The Young master will be pleased to see you. Hmm…who's the kid?"

" Haha I hope Nawaki hasn't caused you any trouble, thank you for looking out for him. This kid Hyuga Ren is my disciple try to remember the pipsqueak."

Walking through the gates you'd think everyone was seeing a celebrity, the amount of people greeting Tsunade was a little suffocating. As we reached the center of the village there was a fortress looking compound, and some kid came crashing out of it jumping straight into Tsunade with a bear hug.

" Sis I missed you!!!!"

" Umm my brother in law is kind of…. A sis con?"

Has a rival appeared?

"Brother in law? What's he talking about sis? Who is he? Can I beat him up?"

"He's my disciple and a completely delusional pervert. Nawaki, say hello to Hyuga Ren. The self proclaimed Fourth Hokage."

" What! No way! I'll definitely be the Fourth Hokage! Not this pervert. How dare a pervert want to be Hokage!" [pointing with outrage and a slight tremor]

"Umm I've continuously apologized for that wife, I guarantee you I won't let the current pervert Hokage corrupt me further!"

"Corrupt you further? Wait uncle Hiruzen is a pervert too!?"

" Yes honorable brother in law you must be careful of him, don't let that old scammer corrupt you. Come here and I'll warn you of all his tricks."

" Okay thank you! [claps his hands and closing in gives Ren a pat on the back] I'll give you a good position when I'm Hokage."

[Rens getting kind of chummy with Nawaki already. Tsk like I'd let you corrupt my little brother.]

"Ohhhh if you're no longer corrupted why'd you learn the transparency jutsu from Jiraya?"

" Uhh… of course for future espionage missions wife. How could you accuse your husband of having any vile intentions!"

"Hmm I don't believe it. Either way he wants to be Hokage too, be careful of your rival Nawaki."

"Non sense wife, honorable brother in law can be the fourth Hokage, I only want to be a simple medical-nin now. Have you seen the old guys paper work? I'd rather die than sit through that."

"Umm… paperwork?"

"Ahh worry not honorable brother in law. When you become Hokage you'll have mine and wife's help so don't be scared."

" Right! Thank you little brother we'll make Konoha the best village ever!"

"Of course!"

"Hahaha!!" [laughing in unison with a bro hug]

[Did my little brother just sell me off to this kid!?]

Two older figures came out after hearing the ruckus. A tall, blond haired, strongman accompanied by a red haired beauty. The woman's resemblance to Tsunade was uncanny but it seemed Tsunade got her impressive pectoral muscles from someone else.

" Tsunade please come inside, let these two get acquainted. We have some private details to discuss. Nawaki please show our guest around the village."

Not even two seconds later Nawaki was already pulling me out of the compound telling me details about every food shop. Is every Naruto copy a glutton?

As the two boys were fading out of view.

" Is something wrong father?"

" It's about the boy. Hiruzen already sent word about him and knew you would come here hoping to undo that seal. Now step inside, anything else we say is private."

Stepping inside the three sat around a table. Tsunades father seemed nervous about what had to be said.

"Tsunade what do you think of that boy?"

" He's a genius father. The Hyuga are too stupid to understand that distinctions between branch family or main family don't matter. To not nurture such a talent for something so trivial is foolish and I'd say even treason against the village."

" Your father meant what do you think of the boy himself Tsunade, his character, his personality?"

" Umm he's a bright child, kind, and caring despite what he's been through. I can't tell if it's because he's mentally broken or not anymore, but I think at his core he is a good and just person."

" Very well then. We've reached out to the Hyuga and an agreement has been made. He is now your fiancé and you will marry on the day he becomes a genin or he reaches twelve years old."

" What is the meaning of this father!? I can't marry a kid!"

" No Tsunade, you can and you will. The Senju have been reduced to me, you, and Nawaki. By marrying you to the child of the Hyuga clan we will have an opportunity to revive our clan and the boy will have his cursed seal removed, his rightful place in the Hyuga main family restored. Didn't you come here for a way to remove the seal?"

" Not in this way father and you know it! How does this even benefit the clan? For that matter how does this even benefit me!?"

" The boy will be taking our name, reminding the village our prestige is still above the so called strongest noble clan. Despite that concession, you will also receive the full support of a Hyuga main family member. That means all their medical jutsu and secret techniques Tsunade, along with a pair of Byakugan."

"….This seems to favor us too much no? What do they get?"

" The support of the Uzumaki and Senju clan is valuable Tsunade. While they may not be as blunt about it as the Uchiha do you think the so called strongest noble clan enjoys not having a Hokage to their name? In exchange for our terms they will have both our families resources, a Senju Uzumaki princess, and be able to openly claim the genius known as Hyuga Ren, or Senju Ren now I guess."

" Mother you agree with this madness as well? Do you know the cruel things Ren's been through with his own mother? Do you really think he'll just forgive them!?"

"Where do you think your new pair of eyes will come from? If that doesn't quell the boys anger he can execute her for all they care. His value exceeds hers at the moment and they will do what is necessary. Never forget this can be the fate of a kunoichi Tsunade, in comparison having to marry the child is nothing."

"… is there really no other way mother?"

" None. Even if your grandmother undoes the seal, the agreement has already been made Tsunade. Do not plead further to your mother. Now please bring us our new son in law. There's matters to discuss with him as well."

" I…but… argh!! Understood father… I'll grab the b— my fiancé."

After Tsunade leaves stomping and slamming the door behind her. Only a husband and wife remain.

" The age gap is a bit much isn't it? Not to mention they originally wanted her to marry the Hyuga heir not some random kid. In these negotiations you fought for her to have as much of her desires fulfilled. You should tell her so she doesn't hate you for it."

" She's smart enough to realize it on her own. Her kunoichi training was meant to deal with royalty and noble clans exclusively, you think our daughter wouldn't realize the kindness we've done her? Just let her cool off."

" Hmm fair enough….There is a risk the Senju will be absorbed by the Hyuga though you know? Is this really the right thing to do?"

"We still have Nawaki and you read Hiruzen's report. Do you really think that boy will want to carry on the Hyuga name or the Senju name? Those fools only saw this as an opportunity to raise their station without knowing that kids not just a medical genius, he's the second coming of my uncle, possibly the next Hokage they desire so much, and his family name will be Senju."

" Haha… Very well seems we really got an extraordinary son in law."

Before the questions come Tsunades parents are a mystery. They definitely died but no clear info on how or when. It was definitely after the first ninja war and before the second though based on the info we have on Mito Uzumaki.

Alexdmercercreators' thoughts
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