
Save and Load Ninja

Naruto/ multiverse fanfic. Your classic tropes of isekai, rebirth, and golden finger. With the twist of not being super op at the start. Heavily researched naruto lore… like a lot..like write a history book a lot, so I’ll try not to info dump too much. *Insert disclaimer about Naruto IP here*[I only have rights to my OC and all that]

Alexdmercer · Anime und Comics
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Rens Databook: Byakugan vs. Sharingan

I clearly stated in the last databook the Sharingan is 100% better than the Byakugan. People who watch Boruto feel like that can't be true though so here we are.


Sharingan is plain bullshit. End entry.

Just kidding but not really. First let's look at the wiki definition of how to activate the Sharingan.

" When a wielder of this kekkei genkai experiences a powerful emotional condition with regards to a person precious to them, their brain releases a special form of chakra that affects the optic nerves, transforming the eyes into Sharingan; for that reason the Sharingan is described as an "eye that reflects the heart". Often, as per the Uchiha's so-called "Curse of Hatred", this emotion is a negative one, brought on by stress or loss.The emotion can also be positive, driven by a desire to protect or reunite with a loved one."

Ok that's not that bad whatever. Here is what it does after you meet its conditions.

1. Increases the power of your chakra. (Power not reserves)

2. High chakra control is required to keep it active so this naturally increases with its use.

3. Increases the users reaction time.

4. Obviously the enhanced perception. (Bullshit prediction abilities, basically observation Haki. Minor version of all Byakugan sight abilities )

5. The user can see chakra, giving it color in order to distinguish it by its composition and source. Though not as capable in this regard as the Byakugan, it can see chakra through some (but not all) obstructions and detect irregularities in a person's chakra flow, such as those caused by genjutsu.

6. In the anime, it is shown that with advanced enough prowess, via eye contact, the user can even enter the target's mind to look through their memories and even erase them within a long range for several targets.

7. Perfect recall and advanced memory capabilities. (They can copy and remember any jutsu they ever see.)

8. The user can perform what is generically called Genjutsu: Sharingan. (Basically Lelouchs geass. Works on tailed Beasts)

9. Izanagi and izanami. (Most OP Nonsense added)

10. Able to escape most genjutsu easily. Sound genjutsu seem to be a weakness for everyone though.

No I did not forget Mangekyo and Rinnengan. That's a whole separate set of OP shit. Mangekyo is also unique to the user so I can't truly define it. Susanno alone is BS though. Rinnengan requires two Ōtsutsuki incarnations chakra.

I don't really need to explain how broken this all is right?


Recently Boruto has highlighted the Byakugan to make it similar to what the Sharingan is to the plot of Naruto. It's still not as good as Sharingan regardless of that though.

Unlike the Sharingan, which does not manifest until users meet certain conditions, the Byakugan is present from the time of birth. This is virtually the only real benefit it has over the Sharingan.

It's also kind of a detriment. The Sharingan kind of sucks to steal because of the ridiculous chakra drain and the fact the activation isn't really under the thief's control usually. Byakugan is so much better to steal. Ao clearly being the proof. Solution cursed seal mark.


1. Almost 360 vision.

2. X ray vision.

3. Telescopic vision. (Can Zoom in on anything in sight)

4. Visual range from 50m to 10km. It varies but can be improved. (Hiashis radius spans countries apparently.)

5. The Byakugan can see chakra to a greater degree than the Sharingan. ( IDK if that's really true anymore but it's what was said in the official databook)

6. Minor predictive abilities. (Apparently not sharingan level but similar)

7. Users can emit chakra from all their tenketsu. (It's how eight trigrams work)

8. Infrared sight? (Anime only so not sure)

9. At high enough levels mind reading. (Hiashi and Kaguya displayed this)

10. Genjutsu resistance. (Apparently can boost the power of users genjutsu as well.)

If it seems like I'm just trying to add stuff to the Byakugan that could really be in one bullet point… it's because I am.


The base abilities of each Dojutsu are heavily skewed to favor the sharingan. Then evolution of the eyes is favorable to Sharingan as well. Especially in part 2 of Naruto where they were like I wonder how OP we can make this shit.

Now the common argument to the debate these days is Tenseigan and Jogan. Both of which are Ōtsutsuki dependent similar to the Rinnengan. On the fact Mangekyo can be achieved without Ōtsutsuki shenanigans I feel it proves Sharingan is better from the get go.

To be honest the whole thing is not really a fair fight. Clearly Sharingan was central to the plot of Naruto so it got some crazy buffs. Similar to how now that Byakugan is central to Boruto it's getting the buffs. I wouldn't be surprised if Byakugan got some crazier things as Boruto progresses.