
Sanguinary Rebel

An unidentified race wages war against earth, taking full charge over it's inhabitants. Luckily a scheme meant to ravage the life of a young teenage girl fails, and instead accidentally sends her back in time where she discovers the truth about earth's new unwanted visitors. Lexi reincarnates in the body of a newborn -Nyx and grows up encountering different hardships together with her new mother - Leila. However, even after facing different struggles and challenges, Nyx is still bent on saving earth and taking revenge on those who sent her on this gruesome journey of no return. Welcome readers to sanguinary rebel - A bloody journey of retrieval and revenge!

AlainaZ · Fantasie
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8 Chs

'Vare Terra- Goodbye earth

"What you're saying is that, Ivy's family is responsible for all this?" Lexi screamed in disbelief.

"Now don't get me wrong, I didn't say they are responsible for what is going on." Alex corrected

Lexi was getting impatient "Then what is it? spill it already!"

"Their position makes them to possess more power than ours, which is why your mother and I struck a deal with them. The deal we struck, is left for us to know and....."

"Is ivy aware about this deal?" Lexi interrupted Alex in anger.

Mrs Alex nodded with great difficulty after a long awkward silence.

Lexi felt her world crashing, both her family and best friend were keeping such a huge secret from her.

"Your mad at us, and well you've got every right to, but that is not the problem." He paused then continued "The aliens have agreed to stop attacking for a while, if we give them a child from either our family or Ivy's, but surprisingly..." Alex choked up, shaking in both fear and fury, so Mrs Alex once again chimed in "Ivy immediately suggested to her father to forcefully hand you over to the aliens."

"M...m..me..me, I..I..v..ivy?"

'This news is far worse than the first one' Lexi thought in despair. "To think that my own best friend, willingly sacrificed me as a form of truce material. I guess your handing me over to them right?" She muttered, wiping a streak of tear off her face.

"No! we won't, in fact your mother and I planned to take you some where safe." Alex replied.

Lexi did not need her parents to explain the reason they were so sad and gloomy, it seemed obvious that her going into hiding would last long, and they may have to cut off all connections with her.

Finally loosing control, she hugged both of them sobbing hard. Alex and his wife couldn't hold it anymore, joining their daughter in tears.

About two minutes later the whole building trembled, reminding them that trouble still lingered, and may befall them if they didn't act fast.

"Lexi baby, I..we want you to always remember we love you, and that we believe in you. Someday you'll figure out something, with that big brain of yours. Whenever your in danger or being driven by someone, ensure you use everything within your power to fight back. Never let anyone control you dear." Alex advised "Vare" he added, squeezing her one more time, before letting go of her.

"Roy take her now, make sure she is safe and no harm comes to her." He ordered.

"Very well the n, young miss we have no time to spare, come quickly" Roy grabbed her hand pulling her towards the special spiral shortcut slide.

'So this is it! In just one day, I loose everything and everyone who matters to me .' Lexi glaced back at her parents one last time, briefly watching her mother cry in her Father's arms.


Refreshed with determination for survival, Lexi picked up her pace, running towards the exit as fast as she could. Roy was taken by surprise, which caused him to nearly fall face flat, as he tried to keep up with Lexi, who now pulled him, greatly surpassing his speed.

On reaching a red and black Ferrari car, Roy became more shocked, when Ivy sat behind the wheels.

"Young miss, you don't know how to drive, remember I'm meant to protect you, and I cannot do that if we both die due to your terrible driving skills."

Annoyed, Lexi got out of the car and pulled Roy by his collar "Either you get into the damn car, or stay here and die by my parents hands."

Roy yelped in fear " I think I'll choose the latter."

"Lucky you, I would have happily blown your brain to bits, before my parents could even get hold of you." She snarled getting into the car again.

Roy didn't hesitate to put on his seat belt, and clutch whatever he could tightly.

"Oh dear God in heaven! please protect me from this impending danger, and gate to hell ."

Lexi frowns, but ignores him and revere the car engine, gently yet swiftly, driving off at an incredulous speed.

'This may be my last time driving, especially such an expensive car, so I've got to make it special'

"Err young miss, it seems we are being followed." Roy glanced being through the rear mirror."

"Here, take this and buy us sometime" Lexi handed a gun to him.

*Y..You...young M..Miss, I c...can..can't m..mu..mur..murder anyone " he stuttered, already covered in his own pool of sweat.

Lexi shook her head in annoyance and frustration

"So much for my last time driving [grit teeth], let's switch sides, you drive, I kill."

Although it was a bit hard, they managed to miraculously swap positions without crashing into anything.

Lexi slid open the mini window on the roof top of the car, and positioned her machine gun, ready to fire."Go to hell!!" she screamed, madly shooting at the black fleet of cars, until one tumbled over, blowing up into tiny bits.

"Nice" Lexi smiled, getting back down into the car. She glanced at Roy who had turned green, and was shaking in fear "Are you alright?"

Roy stared her dead in the eyes, pointing his index finger a dark figure stationed at the middle of the road. "I..it..its go..go..going to kill u..us"

"Roy reverse the car now, we've got to take another route! hurry!!" Lexi screamed, but it was too late.





Afore the car could stop, Roy was decapitated by a black shadows like claw. Lexi felt helpless, and could only bare the pain, as her body got badly injured.

"Hack hack hack !" Lexi coughed drily "Help" she said in a muffled voice.

The car door seemed to be jammed shut, so it took a lot of effort and will power to kick it open, nearly falling on the broken shards of glass. Lexi took a few minutes to regain her full senses, the scene in front of her was almost impossible to believe.

"What the.....!!" she screamed, hurrying over to the side of a truck. Terror written over her pale face, together with sweat streaming down as though it was melted butter, as she watched Roy's headless body dance aimlessly around, after which he dropped dead on the cold coal tar road. To make things worse, Lexi realized that everything around her, were decapitated human beings, with ugly looking creatures and beasts of different kinds, feasting on them.

Lexi jerked up into action, running and then hiding behind a tall mahogany tree.

'Ughh why does this freaking tree give me the creeps' she pondered.

"You damn little human!" The tree unexpectedly shrieked "How dare you touch my butt!"

Lexi gulped ' How was I meant to know that you've got a butt, it's probably small which is why I didn't notice it, you beast!' she screamed in her head.

The tree's branches merged, growing into two big hands,almost the size of a door, which it used to grab Lexi, and then threw her in front of the motionless dark figure.

"Boss I caught, this girl, that has been given to us as a treaty, trying to run away." The tree said proudly.

"Good, very good." The dark figure commended "Master will be very proud of you" he added, then without warning mercilessly chopped the tree into tiny bits.

"Fool, did you really think I was gonna let you take the glory, for my own hard work. It growled.

Dark tendrils of mist entangled Lexi's body, pulling her into the being's shadow "Come on little human, its time to feed you to my master."



"mmmmmmmhh" Lexi winced, squinting her eyes, due to the intensity of the light. "Where am I?" she muttered.

"Close to death" a voice echoed harshly "Aboard Tue desolate crimson ship."

"desolate crimson ship" Lexi repeated, gradually processing her situation.

sirens rang loud in the ship [Alert, alert intruders have accessed the entrance.] The system warned.

A strange yet familiar figure in humanoid form, stabbed the alien guarding Lexi, who was glad someone had come to rescue her,,, or so she thought.

The human grabbed Lexi's wrist and pulled her further into the ship, towards a metal door that had the word 'Adio' written above it.

"Where are you taking me to?" Lexi asked, struggling to break free.

"Shut up!" The human snapped in annoyance. jerking her harder.

Inside the room different circular machines were arranged side by side, each possessing various variety of colours.

"Quick, bring her here" A voice which seemed to ring a bell in Lexi's head commanded.

As soon as Lexi came face to face with the familiar person, she nearly pucked gastric acid. It was none others than Ivy the wretched betrayer."

"Hahaha, Bastard today you die a painful death" Ivy shrieked, laughing evilly.

"Throw her into the black portal." she commanded.

Lexi gazed at her in regret. "Your foolishness should bother you more than mine, after all who makes a bastard their best friend if not only an ignoramus like you."

Ivy turned red when she heard Lexi's comment, causing her to smile in satisfaction.

Then abruptly a sturdy bodyguard pushed Lexi into the transporter, asonly one thought passed through her mind.

This might be the end! Vare Terra!

Ivy does not deserve Lexi right?


AlainaZcreators' thoughts