
Sanguinary Path

The path to omnipotence is not easy, it can leave you in many states, broken and afraid, weak and powerless, or in most cases dead. Yet many still tread on this path all for their own goals, on this path the line between good and evil does not exist, the only thing that matters is who comes out alive. ‘Koshin’ is a person who has an understanding of how the world works. Being an orphan and having heard and seen the brutality that happens daily, he understands that being weak is not okay. Yet fate has dealt ‘Koshin’ a bad hand but his luck is not all bad, equipped with a lucky encounter, a goal, and a fragile body he has no choice but to attempt to become omnipotent Other tags: #SmartMc #ClamMC #SensibleMC

Wandering_Persona · Fantasie
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11 Chs


Navigating deeper into the labyrinth, Koshin couldn't shake off an uncomfortable sensation, a subtle prickling on the soles of his bare feet as they padded along the cold, dust-laden stone path.

Before long, another daunting entrance stood in his path. Raising his eyes to the top of the cave entrance, he found it barren of any runes. 'I would've noticed the ruins before, they must be hidden beneath the surface,' Koshin surmised, his mind working through the possible implications.

"Let's test it out," he murmured, a note of determination seeping into his voice. Stepping forth, he ventured into the new cave.

The moment he crossed the threshold, the cave shuddered, the familiar rumble echoing around him as the Aegis Azure Ruin sprung to life, sealing his exit. 'Just as suspected,' Koshin mused, turning his gaze away from the now inaccessible exit.

Without warning, two Crystalline Orbs rocketed up from the stone floor, their violent spins suspending them in the air. Koshin watched as they summoned the earth around them, chunks of the solid ground levitating and coalescing into a pair of formidable earth clones, each clutching a stone sword in their stony grips.

"Two opponents this time," Koshin muttered under his breath, his eyes scanning over the new clones as [Analyze] assessed their threat level.



Name: Mei (Earth Clone)

Age: 25

Sex: N/A

Race: Human

CR - [Tier 3 ] Infinitesimal State

Mood: N/A




Name: Liang (Earth Clone)

Age: 36

Sex: N/A

Race: Human

CR - [Tier 3 ] Infinitesimal State

Mood: N/A


Not wasting any time Koshin threw off his satchel and immediately let the Omni cell he had waiting outside his heart to enter it. He figure out that he could delay the activation of [Accelerator] by leaving the cell outside his heart until he was ready, the only downside was that doing this required him to juggle his concentration between maintaining the cell's position and focusing on whatever task he was currently doing.

Upon entering the first revolution of [Accelerator] Koshin burst forward with renewed vigor, charging head-on at Liang. As he closed the distance, Liang reacted with a swift downward slash aimed at Koshin's head. In a split second, Koshin leapt sideways, narrowly avoiding the deadly sweep of the stone sword.

His evasive maneuver barely ended when he had to spring back to avoid Mei's thrust. Positioned to Liang's left, Mei had been waiting for an opportunity to strike, its sword lunging forward with ruthless precision.

'Tch, this won't be easy,' Koshin inwardly chided, a grimace marking his face as he sidestepped yet another savage slash. The dance of avoidance had begun, and he had two partners now, both intent on dancing him to his doom.

Koshin weaved in and out of the onslaught of slashes with agile grace, his body bending and twisting to the rhythm of the deadly dance. Suddenly, the ominous glow of Mei's sword caught his eye. Instant recognition washed over him. 'The same technique as Landon's...,' Koshin realized, mentally bracing himself for the incoming arcs of destructive light.

His feet skidded and twisted on the cave floor as he executed a series of rapid evasions, each one narrowly missing the lethal streams of energy. All the while, Liang continued its relentless pursuit, breathing down his neck with its unwavering aggression.

With Liang nearly upon him, Koshin made a risky decision. He charged directly towards the stone clone, his hands outstretched to grab Liang's heavy, rock-like arms. With a guttural grunt, Koshin hoisted Liang off the ground, muscles straining with the effort. Then, with a forceful heave, he hurled Liang towards an incoming arc of light that Mei had launched.

The collision was spectacular, Liang disintegrating into a plume of stone dust and smoke. Taking advantage of the brief respite, Koshin zeroed in on Mei, whose rapid-fire arcs of light were beginning to slow. He closed the distance, ducking under a sweeping slash aimed for his head. With a swift uppercut, he shattered Mei's sword-wielding arm, fragments of stone flying everywhere.

Without wasting a heartbeat, he drove his fist forward, his punch landing with devastating force against Mei's chest. The Crystalline Orb within Mei's torso exploded under the impact, reducing the stone clone to nothing more than a pile of rubble.

Steadying himself, Koshin glanced down at his hand, the crimson stain of Mei's blood from the orb standing stark against his skin. Then with a slow, deliberate turn, he directed his attention to the scattered remnants of Liang. His footsteps echoed eerily through the now-silent cavern as he navigated the battlefield.

Bending down amidst the rubble, Koshin's fingers closed around Liang's cracked Crystalline Orb. Pieces of loose shards bit into his skin, but he barely noticed, his attention riveted on the orb in his hand. With a swift, unyielding squeeze, he shattered the orb. A cascade of crystalline shards tumbled from his grasp, glinting briefly before disappearing into the dust.

The moment the orb was destroyed, a deep rumble reverberated through the cavern. Another path, marked with the ominous '3', unfurled before him. Simultaneously, the previously impenetrable barrier at the entrance dissipated, the ethereal azure glow fading into nothingness. His path was clear once more.


[Absorb Blood] - [Mei] - Yes/No]



[Absorb Blood] - [Liang] - Yes/No]


A single word slipped past Koshin's lips, his voice a tired whisper echoing in the cavernous expanse. "Yes."


[Blood absorbed, [Mei] blood clone is now useable.]



[Blood absorbed, [Liang] blood clone is now useable.]


After confirming Koshin's gaze drifted towards the newly opened passage. A weary sigh escaped him as he took in the foreboding entrance. "Ha~ If I have to fight again I don't think I'll make it without straining myself. I can already feel my body getting heavy," he confessed to the silent cave, a hint of frustration marring his usually composed demeanor.

The aftereffects of using [Intense Focus] and [Accelerator] had begun to manifest, the gnawing fatigue seeping into his bones and mind. He realized his current strength was yet insufficient to sustain prolonged use of both skills without paying the toll.

'I need to conserve my strength for the journey back. As for the herbs...,' Koshin pondered for a moment, 'I'll gather what I can on my way out of the grove.'

Walking over, Koshin scooped up his discarded satchel, its familiar weight a grounding presence, then with measured steps, he started towards the exit.

Pausing at the threshold, Koshin cast a lingering look over his shoulder, a sense of finality looming over him. 'I don't need to be too eager, I can always come back,' he assured himself. With that last thought, he crossed the threshold, stepping back on the path to the first cave.


Stepping back into the grove, Koshin took a moment to gather the shimmering jaspers that served as the key to the testing cave. As he resumed his journey, he took advantage of his surroundings, plucking any herbs that decorated his path.

Before long, the tall, imposing gates of Void Crow loomed ahead. A gruff voice cut through the chatter of those waiting in line. "Next!" barked a guard as Koshin approached.

The guard scrutinized Koshin, his eyes narrowing slightly. Koshin couldn't help but wonder, 'Does he suspect something?' To quell his curiosity, Koshin cast a glance over the guard's stats.



Name: Evan

Age: 40

Sex: Male

Race: Human

CR - [Tier 5 ] Human State

Mood: Curious


"Where were you and what were you doing before coming here?" Evan's question snapped Koshin back to reality. "I was gathering herbs in Emiria's Grove," Koshin responded, his voice steady.

"Is that so? Let me see your haul. Open your satchel," the guard instructed. As Evan rummaged through the assortment of herbs and jaspers, Koshin noticed the guard's eyebrows knit together, but after searching, he simply nodded and waved Koshin through.

Confusion clouded Koshin's thoughts as he stepped through the gates. 'What was all that about?' he mused, directing his steps towards the inn.

As Koshin stepped into the inn, Eris, the innkeeper, caught his eye. Her usual bored expression was replaced with one of concern. "Are you okay?" she blurted out.

Taken aback, Koshin tilted his head, "Um, yeah? Why?"

"Were you attacked? Aren't you in pain?" she asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Attacked?" Koshin echoed, feeling a sense of realization dawn. Glancing down, he finally took in the sight of his chest which had a gash with dry blood around it, a vivid reminder of his earlier encounter with Landon. He was bare feet, his straw sandals long disintegrated during his fight, further which added to his disheveled appearance. 'So that's why the guard questioned me,' he mused, he wanted to facepalm as he shouldn't have overlooked his appearance.

"Well, I kind of had a run-in with a qi beast while venturing outside," Koshin started, trying to mask his embarrassment with a sheepish grin, "And while trying to escape, I ended up tumbling down a slope. I lost my sandals and it looks like I slashed open my chest. Honestly, I was so relieved to escape, I didn't even notice."

Eris shook her head, a mixture of disbelief and disappointment painted across her face, "Sounds like quite an adventure! But you should clean that wound before it festers. I have some antiseptic in this kit," she suggested, reaching under the counter to produce a small medical kit.

"Sounds like a plan," Koshin agreed, approaching the counter. "I'll pay to use the kit and for a bath."

"That would be 8 copper," Eris stated, accepting the coins from Koshin's outstretched hand.

"Appreciate it, Leah," Koshin responded, nodding appreciatively before heading upstairs to get his other robe.

As he retreated, Eris watched his departing figure, a contemplative look on her face. 'That's no mere tumble injury,' she thought while picturing the vivid gash on his chest. 'That has the markings of a sword wound.'

Once inside his room, Koshin swiftly grabbed his other robe, he then descended the stairs to retrieve the antiseptic kit from Eris and made his way to the bathing area. As the lukewarm water cascaded over him, thoughts meandered through his mind, 'I need to get new sandals. Ha~ looks like I'll need to head out again. I guess I can sell what I've gathered while I'm at the market,'

Post bath, Koshin diligently cleaned his wound and his ripped robe, he then put on the fresh one he brought along. 'This damaged robe could be handy for future explorations. I can't risk ruining all my clothing,' he mused, carefully folding the damaged attire.

Having returned the kit to Eris, Koshin then put away his ripped robe in his room and made his way to the bustling market. He then traded his collected herbs, purchased sturdy new straw sandals, and added another money pouch to his inventory. One would safeguard his silver coins, while the other would hold the copper ones.

Returning to the comfort of his inn room, Koshin perched himself on the edge of the bed, entering a meditative state as he started cultivating, patiently awaiting for the Omni-Realm to open. After a long, anticipative wait of 11 hours, during which he had ventured out to get something to eat, the Omni-Realm finally opened.

Settling down on his bed, Koshin entered the Omni-Realm, calling forth the three new blood clones he had acquired. Much to his surprise, they now held a distinctly human form, a stark contrast to their earlier stony appearance, seeming to have regained their original visage.

Surveying the clones, Koshin's gaze first fell upon Landon. Landon emanated an aura of assured confidence. His lustrous blonde hair, a cascade of golden threads reaching his waist, framed a chiseled face highlighted by penetrating blue eyes. His muscular form, lean yet powerfully built, was clad in a vibrant blue robe over what appeared to be a fitted black bodysuit, contours of his muscular chest and arms straining against the fabric.

Next was Mei, the most petite amongst the trio. Her raven black hair flowed in a series of intricate braids, cascading down her back, interspersed with delicate flowers that lent an ethereal quality to her look. Deep, captivating emerald green eyes added depth to her delicate features. Like her counterparts, she was dressed in similar attire, the fabric gracefully accommodating her lean physique.

Lastly, there was Liang, who despite having the most nondescript visage, had a presence that was hard to overlook, courtesy of his towering height of around 6'7. A dense crop of short black hair and dark brown eyes enhanced his simple looks. His hulking muscular form suggested raw strength, which seemed to resonate with the larger sword he held, standing apart from the other two's weaponry.

Contrasting their healthy robust appearances with his own slight frame, Koshin found himself questioning his physique. Even after getting the inheritance and being healthy, no notable change manifested in his physicality. Even with dedicated training and hearty meals, his body stubbornly clung to its original shape. While there were moments of doubt, a lingering indifference overshadowed them all – Koshin thought that as long as his current form didn't hinder him, he was content.

Approaching Mei, Koshin smoothly disarmed her, her sword transitioning into his possession. Then with swift precision, he aimed a slash at her neck, effectively beheading her. Her headless form crumpled to the ground, lifeblood spraying in a gruesome arc before both her body and sword dissolved into nonexistence. The only thing that stayed was the spilled blood. 'I see, so the weapon seems to be tied to the blood clone,' Koshin deduced, stepping away from the crimson pool.

"Now let's see if they're any different than their stone counterparts" Koshin mused as he got into a battle position. Willing Landon to attack, he saw the clone acknowledge, his sword raised in a battle-ready posture, its pointed tip aimed menacingly at Koshin.

An unexpected white glow from Landon's feet drew Koshin's attention before Landon seemed to vanish from sight. "What?!" Koshin exclaimed, barely managing to activate intense focus to the best of his ability. As everything slowed and his perception sharpened, he discerned Landon's form slowly materializing behind him. The startling speed left Koshin astounded - 'What kind of speed is this?! He wasn't able to do that before' Koshin thought as he ducked.

Taking a split second to analyze the situation, Koshin deduced, 'Their cultivation realms are the same. Seems like that stone body held them back'.' Yet, his musings were cut short as Landon relentlessly pursued him, his sword dancing in a barrage of aggressive strikes, giving Koshin no room to breathe.

In a fleeting heartbeat, Koshin's once-pristine robe morphed into a mosaic of tatters and tears, each rip telling a silent story of the fierce battle. Small, shallow cuts sprawled across his body, like an artist's strokes on a canvas, each one stinging with the harsh reminder of Landon's blinding speed. The wounds weren't deep, but they were many. The pain bore into him, amplifying with every breath he took. 'He's too swift...I can't match his pace,' Koshin thought inwardly, his heart pounding relentlessly in his chest.

Koshin kept moving, dodging, and ducking Landon's fierce attacks. After a minute had passed, Koshin was finally able to complete one revolution, activating [Accelerator].

Newfound vitality surged through Koshin like a jolt of lightning, rejuvenating his tired muscles and invigorating his senses. A feral spark lit up in his eyes, turning his anxiety into burning confidence. He lunged forward, meeting the fierce Landon head-on. Koshin's hand shot out, intending to grab Landon, but Landon was as elusive as a shadow. The man sprang back and retaliated with a vicious slash aimed for Koshin's vulnerable neck.

Koshin's reaction was swift. He jerked his head back just in time, but not without cost. The sharp edge of Landon's blade had grazed his neck, leaving behind a thin, crimson line. A warm liquid trickled down his throat, seeping into the collar of his robe. The tang of iron filled his mouth. 'Close...too close,' Koshin screamed inwardly, reeling backwards to gain some respite from Landon's relentless assault.

Then he saw it. A terrifying glow radiated from Landon's swords, the ambient light reflecting off them ominously. Koshin instantly recognized that gleam, 'I can't catch a break,' Koshin thought as he readied himself.

Landon's blade became a beam of blinding white light, arcs of qi then rocketed toward Koshin at a relentless pace. Previously when Koshin had fought him in his stone form, the arcs of lights had been intermittent and predictable. Now the arc of lights came like a storm, each one quickly replaced by the next, leaving no room for rest or strategy.

Koshin's heart pounded in his chest, fear and adrenaline intermingling as he launched himself into a frenzied dance of dodges. His body became a blur, contorting and twisting to evade the rapidly approaching death.

He'd counted up to seven near-misses when he found a momentary gap. Then with a burst of his speed, he rocketed towards Landon, the world blurring around him as he did. As he neared, he deftly sidestepped an attempted slash, his fingers latching onto Landon's right forearm.

The grip was iron-clad, and with a savage wrench, Koshin twisted the arm. The unmistakable sound of a bone cracking echoed ominously in the Omni realm, but Landon's face remained impassive. In the blink of an eye, Landon shot his knee toward Koshin's midsection.

Koshin met the knee with his own, the impact reverberating up his leg. As he released Landon's fractured arm, his fist darted out toward Landon's head. But the clone was quick, reflecting the punch with the open palm of his uninjured hand.

Landon's body spun fluidly, his elbow slicing through the air toward Koshin's temple. But Koshin was faster. His hand shot up, catching the elbow before it could make contact. He took advantage of the stunned clone, wrenching the good arm in a sickening angle. Then, with a swift and brutal motion, he pulled Landon's body down to meet his upward-surging knee.

Landon's face exploded into a bloody mess, his body crashing to the ground. Without missing a beat, Koshin drove the sole of his foot into Landon's head, causing it to burst like an overripe fruit.

With that Landon was finished, and the battle came to an end. Koshin silently stood there as he deactivated [Accelerator]. 'He's completely different from before,' he thought to himself, his hand wiping away the blood splattered on his face.

"Tough, but they're perfect training partners," Koshin murmured, his voice resonating with a note of excitement. A subtle smile tugged at the corners of his lips, unconsciously surfacing as he turned to look at Mei and Liang.

2 weeks then passed. Every day Koshin would still go out to gather herbs, and would only enter the ruin when he felt he could take on the next challenge.

Each subsequent challenge would add another Earth clone. Koshin got up to cave 5 before he stopped. During this time everything was going smoothly, but unbeknownst to Koshin trouble was just around the corner.