
Sanctuary God

( ON BREAK TILL FURTHER NOTICE ) “Protect, what needs to be protected. Help those you find worthy of help. Don’t let anger take over you, fight through sorrow, and rise a victor. Destiny did not choose you, you chose it, learn from what you’ve lost, and adapt right afterward, that's what it means to be a Martial Artist”

Sin_KG08 · Fantasie
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381 Chs

At odds with death

Shu was caught completely off guard by the sudden boost in speed his opponent just received, but it didn't seem like it was only speed, the punch Blue landed on him was extremely powerful, his organs began to break apart, even his ribs were shattered, causing him to vomit out a great amount of blood.

" What do you think? Isn't my exoskeleton extraordinary? "

Blue questioned as Shu tried to get up, just to drop down on a knee, not only that but his body flopped completely, his forehead slamming loudly against the ground

" Fuck, my regeneration isn't as fast as it was when I had sanctuary energy "

Shu thought to himself as he tried to push himself up, trying his best to force himself to stand but he couldn't, his organs were too damaged

" What's wrong? Can't your exoskeleton heal you? Or is it that the damage was too great? "

Blue said as he walked toward Shu, taking careful steps in complete caution, he wasn't sure if Shu had anything else up his sleeve so he kept a good eye on him just to smile when he realized Shu couldn't do anything

" I guess I was right "

Blue whispered before kicking Shu right in his ribs, sending him flying into a tree, breaking it in two the moment he made contact with it

" You know, I was told by many of my comrades and even the grand general that this planet wasn't all that advanced and that it was barely even reaching a tech level of 0.3 but I'm surprised that someone like you has come in contact with an exoskeleton capable of healing the body "

Blue said as Shu would then start to stand, as blood started to drip from the sides of his lips; indicating that he was still severely injured

" Like I've been telling you this entire time, I don't know what an exoskeleton is; I heal because that's my nature, my body does it by itself, I don't have an artifact to do it for me "

Shu replied, completing shutting the alien who just stared at him in complete awe; his lips parted a little and his eyes widened a bit

" Humans aren't supposed to heal, so then you must be— "

Whilst Blue was distracted talking to himself Shu dashed forward, landing two powerful punches against the man's stomach, using all the strength on his fists which would break a few parts of Blue's exoskeleton.

" You fuc— "

Blue couldn't finish his sentence as Shu just simply continued to hurl his punches, thrusting his arms forward at a fast pace, breaking his knuckles with each punch but in turn damaging what gave Blue his strength.

In an attempt to stop Shu, Blue would form a blade of metal with his exoskeleton which he used to pierce through Shu's stomach; but Shu didn't stop, he continued to punch the Alien, barraging the alien's stomach none stop.

" Stop it you piece of shit— "

Blue said as he would try to pull away from Shu, but Shu just moved toward cashing the sword to stab through his back, reaching the end of his other side but he continued to punch, so much so that he had burned off a bit of Blue's skin, which allowed Shu to see the man's ribs.

Without any time to waste Shu shoved his hand into that spot, forcing his fingers through the Alien's muscle fiber till he finally reached his ribs, which he started to pull with force

" Uaaaaahhh!!!! Stoooop!! That hurts you inferior fuc—guaaaahh!!! "

Blue would then open his mouth wide, proceeding to bite down on Shu's shoulder, using the strength the exoskeleton had given him to rip off a great amount of muscle from Shu's shoulders, pulling it off with a smirk, but seeing as Shu didn't stop, neither did he.

" I'll manually stop myself from healing so that I could have enough stamina to kill this fucker off—normally I'd just rely on my sanctuary energy to power my healing factor, but now that I'm out it's by default eating away at my stamina, so I have to make this quick "

Shu thought to himself before pushing his arm further into the man's stomach, grabbing one Blue's organs which was protected by the rib Shu had just pulled.

With it in hand, Shu squeezed, popping it, causing Blue to spit out a great amount of blood on Shu's back as Shu would just continue to destroy the man's insides.

In a final attempt to get Shu off of him, Blue would pull the arm he had generated the blade from and stabbed Shu with to the right, opening Shu's abdomen in half causing most of the Albino's intestines to fall out, but by then Blue had lost too much blood and was on the verge of death, falling on his back once he saw that Shu dropped down on his knee.

Blue had died in that instance, thinking to himself that he had killed Shu; and he wasn't far from the truth, Shu's stamina wasn't enough to heal him completely, he was able to heal a few of his organs, but the massive lost of blood and bones broken was just too much for his regeneration to keep up, since all it had to power it was just the very small amount of Stamina Shu had left.

" Am I going to die like this? "

Shu said to himself as his blood tainted eyes turned to look over at the man and woman he just saved

" I helped these people, but I doubt they have anything that could help the state im in right now "

Shu thought to himself as he closed his left eye, starting to breath heavily whilst his hands unconsciously started to push his intestines back into his stomach, but it was of no use since his stomach was now split open, and couldn't even hold the organs he had just regenerated

" I have too many regrets to die now.. "

Shu whispered as he would then drop on his back, looking up at the dark sky, as tears of blood fell from the sides of his eyes

" I need to find the person that killed my grandfather, I need to kill the demon in the vampire continent and I need to make amends for Arthur's death "

Were the thoughts that ran through Shu's head as he became more and more comfortable with the idea of dying; and just when he was about to close his eyes, he was looked down upon by Moses who stared at him with a calm smile, but finally Shu's eyes closed themselves.