

Sophia Salvatore is the long lost sister of Damon and Stefan. While one brother is aware of her, the other is kept in the dark. Secrets and lies. She is the most powerful heretic to ever live, the bloodline of Qetsiyah, the biggest threat. Witches want her dead. An ancient wolf pack, as old as time comes looking for her. What connection does she have with the Mikaelsons? Will she be the salvation they had been long waiting for or will the betrayal of the past be the very thing that kills them? Love. Loss. Betrayal.

anabinthussain · Fantasie
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60 Chs

Chapter forty four


We advanced towards our humble abode, feeling unexplainably defeated. The council was slowly dying down with nothing left and the only thing keeping them afloat was an unknown witch. As she stormed out, I managed to catch a glimpse of ash blonde hair—nothing else was traceable. I hadn't concluded to what I wanted to do with them. The old me would have killed them and had been done with it. This version of me, he wanted to approach it with a less diabolical solution. "We need to come to a decision quickly regarding the council." I mumbled, jogging up the steps after Stefan, into the house.

"Let's inform everyone else before we do anything." He advised after a long exasperated sigh.

"There you boys are!" Caroline jabbered. "We've got a lot to discuss."

"Yeah, you and me both sister." I swaggered in and passed her. She opened her mouth to speak, then her face dropped.

"GET IN THE HOUSE!" The voice ordered from outside. I paused, cocked my head to one side and listened on. Pattering footsteps. A runner. I vamped to the door and pulled it open. Sophia stumbled in, letting out a yelp as she spun back around and crashed into me. I held her firmly till she calmed down and saw my face.

"E-Elijah is still out there somewhere..." still heaving. "We were being followed." She finally managed. She turned back looking into the darkness waiting for him to return safe. Finally he re-emerged into the stream of light.

"What happened?" Stefan questioned, pushing past us.

"A vampire. Whoever it was is long gone." He focused his attention on Sophia. "Are you okay? What did he say to you?"

She trembled and hugged me tight. "He said my name. He knows my name."

A hand yanked her away from me. I lifted my head up to see Kol hold her to his chest, tangling his fingers in her hair and kissing her head. "I'm fine." She mumbled, sinking into him.

"Thank god Elijah was with you!" Care bear began.

"I'm fine, I'm just going to head to bed and forget this all happened. It's probably a silly vampire playing tricks on us."

"Wait." Stefan called out after her. Her raised foot hovered above the step then she placed it back down and turned to face us. "We ought to be careful. There could be more," he turned his head to me. "We'll keep an eye out."

She rubbed her arm in thought. "I'm sure it's fine.

"Hopefully it means nothing, but everyone be on alert. We don't know who's working with them or who they are."

"Bitsy, I hate to be controlling but can you please just not do anything without telling us?" I insisted, well pleaded more like.

She shared a nod.

"Find out what you can, maybe this vampire that came for our Sophia is related to Jameela." Elijah concluded. Once it was all settled, we headed for our respective rooms waiting for the new day to arrive. A feeling in my heart settled deep. It was panic and obsessive worry. Why was I feeling that way? It sparked a rage in me, a restlessness. I struggled so hard not to let my mind venture into the what ifs, into fear of losing her. I couldn't ignore it though, could I? Bonnie snuggled closer, tucked away safely under my chin.


He peeled his heavy eyelids open. It took moments for him to adjust to his surroundings but the grogginess ruled over him. Feeling heavy weights around his wrist and arms stretched out, he lifted his head with what little strength he had left. When his sense of being chained hit him, he thrashed violently, desperate to break free. Adrenaline soared through him. Every fibre in his body urged him to run, to break through the chains and flee. His eyes darted from corner to corner. The room dark, the only light source coming from the various candles lit and scattered around the echoing room.

He counted in his hazy state: one...two...four in that corner...six.... There was no other source of light. Despite the melting candles, the room was deathly dark. A herb like smell entered his system, choking him from within. Closing his eyes, he forced himself to recall last night and how he ended up chained. It was misty, his memory. Walking down the street. Footsteps. High heels. He shook his head, evoking a groan. Water squeezed out as he blinked rapidly. A flash of blonde hair. Icy blue eyes. Smoky mauve-red lips and perfectly whitened teeth as the woman cackled. He winced, wanting to recoil. "You're awake. How lovely."

The mere movement of his head was nothing short of hot pokers being inserted into his head. The heat spread rapidly through his body. She stuck her hand out doing something to his head. When she stopped, his body hummed. "Just kill me." It came out broken and croaky.

She gave another repulsive cackle. "No. Where's the fun in that?"

He spat out a mixture of blood and saliva. His lips opened partially to form words but her smooth work of her hands had him gagging and gasping for air as he tried fighting against her spell. "What...what did you say? I can't hear you." She laughed manically. "I'll kill you; don't you worry. The message I send will be heard loud and clear." She swiped her arms down and his chains came undone, releasing him from her grisly hold and he hit the ground with a reverberating, splitting sound.


Taking my time, I ran my fingers up and down his chest before gripping the fabric and pulling it over his head. Spinning me around and in a sensual manner, he unzipped my dress, letting it flutter down and pool around me. I peeked into the mirror and caught his smirk at the revelation. He ran his tongue over his lips, making me to blush under his gaze. It was good. This was good. I needed it. I wanted it.

"Darling, you are magnificent..." he whispered, admiring every inch of my body, his hands sliding up and down my exposed skin. Pulling me to his chest, with one hand he skimmed my bra then swiftly unclasped it. The way his fingers brushed my skin sent shock waves throughout me and my body responded to them like second nature. The straps slid down my shoulders and the material was pulled away, replaced with his large hands gently kneading my flesh.

With one arm wrapped around my waist he twirled me around and continued to massage. Tiny, soft moans escaped me. I had no control over my body or the sensations that soared through me. Most certainly not when he lowered his lips to my left breast and took it in his mouth. I gripped his forearm tightly, my free hand winding into his hair as I moaned to every touch. His smile grazed my skin. The heat emanated from both our bodies. Desperate for more of him I reached for his lips. He washed over me like a wave of warmth, curling my toes, unfurling all my senses as the taste of him silenced all my thoughts.

Slowly, he gripped under my thighs, lifting me, and encouraging me to wrap my legs around his hips. Keeping our eyes locked he carried me to the bed and lowered me down, moving the hair out of my face. Abandoning the rest of his garments he climbed between my legs and my body arched immediately, spiralling to every wet kiss he planted down my body. I was not in control. It was his turn. My body reacted in pure bliss to every kiss, every caress, and every nip he created. I wanted him so bad, and I begged him to enter, to give me it all but he didn't listen. He was enjoying himself. Every inch of my body was awake and set ablaze.

"Bite me." I gasped out as he lay warm, wet kisses between my thighs. He grinned and towered over me. I knew it's what he desired most. But never would he take it without my permission. He was too afraid at times but my trust in him encouraged him. The veins beneath his eyes appeared and his fangs slipped out. In a gentle manner I stroked the bulging veins, finding beauty in them. Beauty in him. His fangs attached to my neck, and he drank. Pressing his body to mine, he kissed my neck up and down. I wanted it so bad, but he didn't give in. Wrestling around, I bounced on top, my lips trailing down his hot body. My lips showed him just how much I wanted him, just how mad he drove me and how they craved his taste. Burying his fingers in my hair, he let out a rough, pleasured moan. His hands grabbed me and flipped me over.

I sunk back into the pillows crying out softly as he finally entered me. With each thrust my body rocked and I clung to him, holding him close, clenching and crying out. He captured my lips in another loving kiss. The pace slowed and he held me close, enjoying every slow movement, our lips, and bodies against one another. He panted in my mouth, lips trailing down my neck. I felt the fangs nip at my skin once again and ever so lightly they sunk in and my eyes rolled back, closing as he drew out the blood. "By the time I'm done with you, you won't be able to walk." My body shook, the wetness between my legs intensifying. Pleasured moans left me. The pace picked up and the kisses grew stronger and passionate when our lips reunited. My cries grew louder. Our fingers locked, my nails biting into the back of his hands. The hours felt like minutes.

For the sixth time the shaking of my legs began, and my body convulsed as the release came again. He desperately held me as he came and spilled inside of me. His imprint flowing through me and becoming a part of me. He lay back and tugged me close, snuggling and whispering sweet words of love. I buried my face in his chest, trying to stabilise my breathing. A single tear drop trickled down the corner of my eye. This was our last night together. The last time we would ever make love. The last time I would feel his arms wrapped snuggly around me. The final time I'd feel his lips on mine. His lips on my forehead- kissing my soul. I closed my eyes knowing the floodgates to my heart had opened.

He was finally asleep, and I was safely tucked under his chin. Switching positions, I turned to admire his face. He slept soundlessly. Oh how I wish this could last forever. Placing my hand to his cheek I let the warmth spread through me. His eyes flashed open. The slightest of movements and his vampire senses kicked in. "I'm just admiring my husband." I smiled, running my fingers through his ruffled hair. Laying there with him our love felt untouchable.

"Go to sleep love. We have the rest of our lives to appreciate each other." He mumbled with his eyes half closed. Pressing myself closer and snuggling in I pushed back the heavy guilt that chipped at me constantly. It felt like time was burrowed. How was I to breathe? How could I just walk away as if nothing mattered, and I had nothing to lose? I didn't sleep the rest of the night. I lay in bed, eyes closed and watched as every moment of my entire existence flashed before me. Many times, I reconsidered my decision and I was so very close to giving in but the thought of them in pain, being in line of fire, terrified the wits out of me and I knew I had to push on through and be resolute. The day was nearing but a darkness washed over me, engulfing the room and it didn't matter if the sunlight seeped through the crack of the drapes because the darkness was overbearing.

The house was still. There was not a sound nor slight movement. The passageway dripped with grey than I last recalled. I was positive it grew colder and the hairs on my arms sprung to life, standing prominently. Emotions like torrents, swirled inside me. Gripping the handrail, I descended step after step, breathing so harshly. I hated this restless feeling. Turning into the kitchen, the lights clicked on.

"Hello gorgeous." The spirited voice greeted. Not expecting it, I jumped, letting out a tiny yelp and clutching at my chest.

"Enzo! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Adjusting my sight, i glanced his way. He stood by the fridge, leaning back with folded arms. Seeing his smile, it hurt me because he wasn't physically here and, in those moments, when I needed him, I wasn't blessed. Feeling her presence, I spun around and there she was, sitting at the island and grinning at me. "Val." My body wanted to run to her and pull her into a massive hug but remembering she wasn't physically here, I retreated back.

"Are you okay?" She asked, now standing on her feet. Concern creased her features. It's as if the glow that I saw a second ago dropped when she peered into me.

"No... I'm not okay and I don't know what to do-"

"Don't do it!" Enzo's voice sliced through.

Hugging myself, I faced his icy stare. He was angry and disappointed. "Do what?"

One blink and he stood an inch away from my face, staring me down. "You know what I'm on about! Drop the act darling sister."

Massaging the space between my eyebrows, I let out the heavy breath that was trapped within. "I have to. It's the only way they'll stay safe. She promised me she will leave them alone if I do it." I cast my gaze down with my head. I couldn't face him; I couldn't see the sheer disgruntle.

Valarie came into view, pushing Enzo behind her as if that was going to stop him from sending daggers with his glare. "Look Soph, if you tell them the truth then maybe you have a chance-"

I turned away and stalked to the sink, flipped the tap on and snatched a glass. The water gushed into it, filling it to the brim. "It doesn't matter! I made up my mind and if Jameela said she'll keep her word then I'll take it!"

"So you trust her after everything?!" He was riotous in the way he spoke.

"I'll do what I want! It's better that-" I whipped around so fast and heated, my arm knocked over the glass and it shattered on the tile flooring, creating an uproar that split the silence that grew between us. With wide eyes, in a frozen state, I glared at them. The smashing of the glass was so loud it was enough to send the entire family running down. Stammering over my words, glancing right to left was all I could do.

"What the bloody hell!" Rebekah was the first to comment. It was question after question that was fired at me. Getting to my knees, i miserly gathered the larger bits of the glass. Caroline and Rebekah vamped before me, taking over the task.

"I can do it!" I snapped.

"No, we've got it covered. We don't want you to get hurt-"

"Oh for crying out loud! It's not going to kill me! I can do a simple task of cleaning broken bits of glass! Leave it...I said leave it!" They fell back and looked at me with furrowed brows. Stefan and Damon made matters worse. Everyone being here made it impossible to breathe. "WHY ARE YOU HOVERING OVER ME!" I fumed, huffing, and puffing and hands shaking horrendously.

The kitchen fell silent as they watched me. No one said a thing. Kol tried to reach for me but I warned him back. It was suffocating. I just wanted to scream.

"Don't take it out on them. It's not their fault." His voice sedate and only known to me.

Just as rapidly it came, the anger fizzed away. "I'm sorry...." Chewing the inside of cheek and pinching my nose, I sighed softly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lashed out at you all. I just wanted a glass of water and it slipped from my grip and-and with you all just looming over me, I just feel like you think I'm so delicate and fragile that I can't be trusted to do the simplest of things!"

"It's fine. You don't need to apologise."

"No Elijah! It's not fine and I should apologise. It is not right for me to take my frustrations out on you all."

Damon and Stefan took me in their arms, and I clung to them both tight. They were my peace. To protect their peace, I had to what was necessary. They were reluctant to let me go but did eventually and I ran to Kol. Kissing my forehead, he pulled me in close and I breathed him in. Caroline and Rebekah cleared the mess away, ensuring not even the finest speck remained. Guilt was heavy on me. Like a boulder it pressed down on me. I was reaffirmed in my belief and knew I was on the right track.

Peering over Kol's shoulder, I shared a smile with Klaus and Elijah. "I'm sorry for waking everyone up. At least Freya and Bonnie haven't been disturbed by my clumsiness." I managed a genuine laugh and they chuckled softly. That's one way to handle the situation.


It was an early start for us. Sophia's mishap had awoken the vampires of the house. Damon left with Elijah to deal with the council once and for all. Klaus set out to bring back chocolate beignets for Sophia. Making breakfast in the past wasn't something I enjoyed. Now it was. I enjoyed preparing it for Sophia. On the menu was the traditional English breakfast. Something I realised she absolutely loved and devoured, minus the sausages. She preferred her hash browns and potato waffles. Setting the table, Caroline assisted with laying out the plates and cutlery. Rebekah squeezed several fruits for fresh juice. It was a regular occurrence with the family, and we upheld it religiously.

I glanced up at the doorway. She returned all dressed for the day in a simple white dress. I picked up on her dress sense. Recently she opted for white and all dresses of moderate lengths. "Good morning again." She pecked my cheek, strolling by.

"Morning. Breakfast is ready, go and take a seat." I ushered her forward.

"Thank you, Stef. I love you."

"I love you too." I grinned. She pulled out her chair and seated herself down, pouring herself a tall glass of water and then a small glass of freshly squeezed raspberry juice. She always started her day with water before anything else. Watching her complete these small tasks brought a smile to my face and lit up my universe. Watching her in that moment made all my fears and worries dissipate. They no longer existed. As long as she was before my eyes, I was alive. I was at peace. The room effused an intense glow. There was light all around us and it touched every face. She then took a sip of her juice before tucking into her scrambled eggs. She was different. Silent at the table. I missed her constant yapping at the table and her rebuttals.

A few bites later she decided she was full and pushed the plate away. "Not bad." I exulted. "Better than the last few days, you've eaten more than your usual." Looking down at her plate she giggled in a childlike manner.

"Alright everyone! This evening we have a family dinner so everyone and I mean everyone must be present!" Caroline addressed and dictated.

"I'll help you prepare care." Sophia offered with a smile.

"Alright Perfect! The more hands-on deck the better."

Breakfast was cleared away and we sat around the table laughing and babbling away. Laura joined just in the nick of time. I stared at the doorway waiting for Theo, but he didn't appear. "Isn't Theo coming Laura?" I questioned, motioning at the doorway with my head.

"No, he had a family emergency up in Bristol. Soph, he messaged you. Didn't get the chance to tell us face to face but I think his Nana isn't doing too well so they called him up."

Sophia frowned. "Oh. I didn't see my messages yet but I'm a little bummed. Do you know when he'll be back?" Her face dropped.

She shook her head. "Said he'll let us know." She was indifferent. I chalked it up to my imagination and lack of blood. I was consumed with worry regarding Sophia, I neglected to feed, and it was messing with my perception. Of course Laura cared about her friends. It didn't take a genius to know. I was being far too suspecting.

The buzzing of my phone reached my ears. Picking it out my jean pocket I looked down at the caller ID.

"Damon." I answered.

"Good news brother.... the council has been dealt with."

"Dealt with as in?" I pressed on.

There was a terrible pause and it stretched on. "We compelled them to forget about their noble cause and the supernaturals and live a decent life—after we drained them of vervain of course," there was a short chuckle. "We didn't kill them even when we knew it possibly was the right thing to do."

"It would make Sophia happy. At least with the council gone we can rest easy. What did you do with their supplies?"

"Most things we're bringing back with us, and the rest burnt or in the trash."

"What about the witch? Anything on her?"

He sighed. "She just poof-disappeared."

"Does it mean our problems are all solved?"

"It looks like it." He enthused. He told me he'll be home soon and cut the line. As Optimistic as he wanted to sound, we both heard the uncertainty loud and clear despite it being unsaid. Part of me wanted to grab my sister and take her away from this place. Far far away where she would be safe and under our watchful eyes. It wasn't an option. Once it had its talons hooked into you, darkness never left you alone. I wanted to share with Damon how in my gut I had a feeling something was wrong, and I couldn't shake it.

Tapping the phone on my palm, I directed my sights on her. She got off the phone and heaved out relief. "Dhanika's fine. She's much better and they're going away for a while."

"Do you trust her?" It was a valid question Freya asked.

She smiled, placing the phone down. "She's not ignoble like her mother and as much as you're all vacillating, let's be sure to remember that she was manipulated."

Caroline frowned, settling back in her seat with her checklist. She was magnificent, her hair tied up in a bun with strands of hair framing her face. The way her lips curved into that smile when Sophia spoke. "I suppose you're right. I mean, from a young age she was taught of your betrayal and it's all she had."

"I've been maligned viciously." She chuckled. She was so certain everything was fine, and no one meant her any harm, but it didn't persuade me. How was I to continue on with this deep, virulent inkling? Aryton escaped with the daggers, Jameela was out there and so were other deceitful witches. How could I rest knowing everything that wanted to destroy our salvation?