
Sky Island ii

Book One

Volume 2

Ch. 24 Sky Island ii



"So what can you do, Kara?" Kalgara asks

"That is not an appropriate question to ask a deity" the elder slaps Kalgara in the back of his head

"No it's alright, I don't mind" I laugh it off

"Ahem*" I clear my throat "I.. well Ignia has been teaching me how to manage the four elements"

"Like fire, water, earth and wind?" Kalgara thinks

"Air" I correct

"Oh okay" he nods

"yeah" I nod as I tap my finger nervously, hoping he wouldn't bring it up the ritual in front of Rhea

"What is it?" Kalgara asks

"Hmm?" I look up at him

"Hey a-about that ritual" he says as the entire camp goes silent


"i-is it true? w-will you let us talk to Noland?" someone asks

"I-I uhhhh" I look over at Rhea who was already glaring at me

She grabs my wrist and pulls me aside

"What?" I ask

"When did you agree to do this?" She asks

"L-look, I just… felt bad?" I say

"What the hell were you thinking? Even if you can really do it, it's forbidden to call forth the dead, Kara" she slaps me

"H-hey" I stumble back "Ignias let me practice on some puppy once, I think I can do it" I puff my chest even thought it was a complete and utter lie

"You are an idiot, why would you promise to do something like this?!" she whisper-shouts

"I felt bad, okay? I'm sorry I just want to Help!" I whisper-shout back

"Oh God, Kara you really-really messed up now" she shakes her head

"Listen, I'll be fine, woman. I promise" I grab her hands

"hmph* F-fine whatever not like anything I say is gonna change your mind anyways" she pouts

"Alright then" I smile widely before walking back over to Kalgara



I can't believe that idiot is really going through with this

Not only is it dangerous, it's forbidden. Making it well 10x more dangerous, but whatever.

I walk over to the campfire where Kara was explaining things to Kalgara

Once he was done Kara finally stands up

It felt like the entire forest went silent

The birds stopped chirping the wind stopped blowing it felt like everything just froze, it was a little creepy

Kara slowly sat down in the middle of the fire

He gave me a little smile before finally shutting his eyes

He began meditating in his head and after what felt like hours went by the fire around him began turning darkish blue the same color it turns once it's infested by spirits

I've heard this specific blue flame is almost impossible to control because of these spirits

The only reason Kara can manage to call forth the dead is because he has the exact same hateful essence our father

It reeks of sadness and death. Just like any spirit you'll find wandering on Gaia

The clouds in the sky began swirling around the whole island, leaving nothing but the full moon in the middle surrounded by pitch black darkness before he began chanting in the divine tongue

After he finishes the chant his eyes roll back and blood began oozing out his eye sockets forming into an inverted crosses on both his cheeks

He looked like he was in so much pain as blood began oozing out of his mouth, running all the way down forming one last cross across his chest

I clench my fists

"I-I'm sorry w-we should stop him" Kalgara trips over his feet

"Wait" I stop him "he's already this far into it, might as well let him go through with it"

We look back at Kara who's fur slowly began turning into a darker blue than his flames

"Come for the, Mont Blanc Noland " Kara finally summoning his friends soul

A blue aura slowly formed in front of Kalgara as what felt like every ounce of heat just disappeared in an instant

We look back at Kara who looked like he was struggling

"Noland?" Kalgara calls forth his old friend

Noland takes a deep breath "hello brother" he gives him a sinister smile

I push Kalgara out the way before Noland could slash his face

"Nghk*" I grit my teeth as his talons just barely scrape my cheek

"Wh-what is it?!" Kalgara asks

"He summoned the wrong spirit" I step back just barely evading the demons attacks

"What do we do?" Kalgara asks just as the evil spirit slaps me aside and pins him onto the ground

"Nghkk*" Kalgara grunts as he tries his best to push it back

I could hear something trampling behind me

I quickly turn my head to find Beast, stomping over as a three meter dire wolf

"Hsssskkk*" the demonic spirit Kalgara was fighting hisses as Beast pins him onto the ground

"We need to wake Kara" Kalgara shouts over the loud growls and hisses of Beast fighting

I nod before I tripping over my feet as I hurry to Kara

"Kara!" I shout as the flames shoved me back

These blue flames were burning hot, even so. The flame was frosting the grass around him

It's no wonder only Ignia could master whatever the hell this is

"Damn what the hell were you thinking?!" I shout at Kara

"What do we do?" Kalgara asks again

I could hardly think over the battle ranging behind us

"Kara, p-please" I set a foot into the fire

"Mrs." Kalgara grabs my wrist "you sure this wise?"

"I have to try something" I hide the pain in my voice as I could slowly feel the strength from my knees draining

"Kara" I barely manage to sit on his lap "b-baby please come b-back" I whisper in his ear "we n-need you to come back" a tear rolls down my cheek

"C-come b-back pl-please" I press my forehead onto his hoping to get some kind of response but all I felt were my lips burning, the blood running down my neck as his flames engulfed my body



I was standing before a very large man, who was slouched on a throne made of bloody cadavers, resting his chin on the back of his hand as if he were bored

There was a massive hellhound even larger than a Dire wolf laying down right behind him, staring into my soul

The hound slowly began standing up

"Down, Odin" the man says in a foreign tongue, even amongst the Gods of Othrys

But somehow I understood "the fruit is not yet ripe"

"Who are you?" I ask

"Who are we, indeed " he sighs

"What are you talking about?"

He glared at me for a moment as if debating whether or not to respond to my question

"Long ago our mind was split in two. Reincarnation and My suppression has resulted in your half being the dominant personality," he says as if it were a pity "but alas the time will come to rule over Heaven and the Cosmos once again"

"Heaven?" I ask

Though I could feel myself slowly going back

"What do you mean?" I ask as he extends his arm

"I mean… as I said. The time will come when we become one. Now go, you provided a vessels for a child of Satan" he spits aside almost as if getting rid of the remnants of saying the name out loud

"Satan?" I ask

He smiles

"Don't get me wrong. I'd love to see her slaughter your little friends, but we can not have him take what is not his."

What is he talking about?

I was about to ask more about this Satan but I notice the blue flames around me

I was awake again

I felt Rhea in my arms, she had a tear frozen on her cheek and her lips were glued onto mine

I take a deep breath

As I exhale all the ice surrounding our bodies began melting

"You okay?" I whisper

She nods

I get to my feet, still holding her in my arms

"K-Kara?" I hear Kalgara who looked like he'd seen better days along with everyone else

The only one still up was Beast who was fighting some devil

"Take her" I set Rhea into Kalgaras arms

"What's happening?"

"I'm not sure" I get to my feet still a bit dazed from that dream


I don't bother getting into a stance

I just stand there staring down the demonic spirit who had beast pinned onto the ground

It launches at me

I tilt my head aside as his fist grazes my ear

I step forward before I slam my fist onto his face, sending him crashing through the forest

His body crashes into tree after tree till his back finally slams into a large rock and she falls on her fours like a dog

He slowly forces himself up on his two feet

"Go back from where you came,"

I hold out my hand, creating a soul reaper which devoured all light taking the color out of everything for a brief moment

"KARAAAHHHHH!" she kicks off the rock, letting Nolands long nasty tongue hang out his mouth

I toss the reaper at Nolands chest knocking every ounce of evil out of Nolands poor spirit

"Grahhh!" Valac screeches "s-son of a-" she notices her body was starting to fade away after losing its vessel

"It's been a while, Kara"

"Lucy…" I glare at the blonde haired child

"Once you've fallen into the deepest depth of despair you will prove yourself fruitful for the Lord" she smiles widely before disintegrating into nothing

"Kara!" Rhea throw herself onto me

"Rhea, what are you doing?" I hug her back as the blue color of my hair faded back into black and my blue fur into its natural red

"I-I'm fine, look at you" she holds my hands, both had odd crosses burned into them

"What just happened?"

"I'm not sure" I notice the blood dripping from my arm bursts into flames once it hit the ground

"Kara?" Rhea gets my attention

"What is it?" I ask

She sighs

"I'm so glad you're okay" she rests her forehead on my chest

"Yeah.. me too" I hug her back as I rest my chin on her head

She takes us back to our hut

After I took a quick shower she began wrapping my body up with bandages trying to hide all the burn marks

"You're gonna make me look like a mummy," I grumble

"Well maybe if you would've listened to me.." she grumbles back

"I dealt with it so it's not a big deal, okay?"

"That's not the point!" She looks up at me

Only she gave me a weird look

"What?" I ask

"The burns.. on your face…" she sets her hand on my cheek "they're gone…"


She looks at my hands as I set a hand on my face

They're still burnt pretty badly

"Maybe we should go back.." she says

"What? Why?" I ask

"I-I don't know. I have a bad feeling" she says

"What do you mean?"

"Kara, you messed with forbidden magic. You're body might face long term consequences" she says

"What? Stop worrying. I'll be just fine" I lean in for a kiss but she backs off

"I'm serious." she sets her hands on my shoulders "I… I love you, Kara. But you can't be so reckless"

"I'm not being reckless, Rhea. If we go back now it won't take long till someone senses a… a baby.. inside you" I blush

"Oh…" she blushes "y-you're right, but still, forbidden magic isn't something you can just shrug off. The consequences could be dire"

"Look," I grab her wrists and I pull her in "if I'm ever feeling sick or anything you'll be the first to know, but for now… let's focus on what really matters" I set my hands on her waist

"Kara.." she sighs

"I promise.. okay?" I tilt my head

She smiles "okay" she throws her arms around my neck

We cuddle in bed till we finally fell asleep


"Mgh" I sit up, stretching my arms

My body was crazy sore from yesterday's ritual

'Be one with the nature around you' I remember what Ignia taught me

Wait, did he know this would happen?

No way

I step outside

It was still dark out but I could've sworn it'd be morning by now

"Mmh" Beast whines

"What is it boy?" I ask

"Mmh" he whines

"Othrys?" I ask

He nods

"Y-you can't fly can you?" I ask

He shakes his head

"What the hell is happening up there?" Rhea asks behind me

"Rhea I think… I have to go back" I whisper

"What?!" She stops "I'm coming with you" she grabs my hand

"No" I put my foot down "I'll be back for you. I promise"

"I'm not letting you go up there alone" she puts her foot down

I sigh "okay" I give her a little smile

"She wraps her arms around my waist and I gently tap the back of her neck, putting her to sleep in an instant

"What is going on here?" the elder comes out

"I'll be back"

"M-my lord wh-" he notices the flickering blue lights far above

"I understand" he nods

"Please keep them safe" I pat Beast on his head as he wagged his little tail

"The three of them are in good hands" I hear Kalgara behind him

I smile "thank you"

I leave her in his arms

"Bye baby, daddy will be back soon" I whisper at Rheas belly

I give Beast a little smile before I launch myself into the air

I use the air bending Ignia taught me to safely fly back up to Othrys

The entire town was on fire

"Nghk*" I hear

"Ignia!" I trip over my feet as I hurry to him

I set my hands on his chest, trying to stop the bleeding

"Wh-what's going on, old man?"

"Kara, wh-what the hell?" he coughs

"Sh-shut up old man, you're going to be fine you got that?!" I wipe away my tears

"Wh-who did this?"

"Go, you idiot" he pushes me aside

"I'll be fine, boy" he coughs

"N-no" I crawl back to him "please d-don't do this to me" I beg "p-please Ignia"

"The man, the myth, and the legend Himself" I hear behind me

"Acnologia, ghk*" Ignia coughs

"Hows you doin, gramps?" he gives me a nasty grin

"S-stay away from Ignia" I stand up

"Aw man" he frowns "what is it kid? you don't wanna say hi to your grandson?"


What is he talking about

"That's enough," Ignia forces himself up

"Shut up old man, you're already dead" Acnologia sends Ignia flying across the open field with a simple glare

"So what are you going to do now, kid?" Acnologia crouches down to meet my gaze

"Hmph*" I swing my foot just missing his face

I take a step forth doing a quick 180 before elbowing him in the face

"Ouch" he stumbles back "didn't see that coming" he frowns as he massaged his face

"Y-you pig!" I launch at him but couldn't land a single shot

"I see, dad has taught you nothing more than the very basics, huh?" He says as his foot slams into my chest, sending me crashing into Ignia

"S-stupid kid, get out of here boy!" Ignia snares

"I-Im not leaving you nghk*" I cover my mouth as blood came pouring out

Everything's broken.. he broke every bone in my chest with that single blow

"How did you… you lose… Ignia?" I crawl over to him

I grab his hand

"Heh*" he forces a little smile

"H-he is my.. my son" he tilts his head looking me in the eye

"Forgive me, child. A life full of pain and sorrow awaits you… as always, but.. I do believe… you will find true happiness one day, Kara.." He smiles

"Wh-what are you talking about? None of that m-matters right now, Ignia.." my tears dribble onto his forehead

"And when you do, promise me… you will embrace every… moment…"

"I-Ignia?" I felt his grip slowly lose its strength "don't…" I say in the steadiest tone I could keep my voice "you can't do this to me" I take a deep breath "this isn't.." I shake my head

You have to

You can't leave me

Not on my own


Not again…

My mind went blank

I don't know what to think or even feel

That was until I heard his voice

"Finally, the pathetic maggot refused to die" Acnologia sighs

In that instant my mind was plagued with so much rage

My mind was overwhelmed with so much hate. I thought my head would explode

I found myself face to face with that fiend "you did this" I whisper"

"Nghk*" he grits his teeth before I slam my knee onto his chin sending him into the air

I blitz above him before digging my fist into his face sending him back into the ground

"Nghk* heh, sure felt that one" Acnologia grunts

He slowly sits up as the dust settled

"DIEE!" I roar, sending a wave of fire into him.

I slam my fist together slamming two boulders right into Acnologia

"You-" I turn around after sensing him right behind me

I pull my fist back before I felt my stomach sink the moment our eyes met

"That's enough" He whispers

'Something wrong?' I hear his voice inside my head

I was petrified

I watch as he slowly grabs my head and forces my eyes shut with his thumbs

My eyes felt like they had caught on fire as he pushed his fingers into my eye sockets

I couldn't scream

It hurt like hell, but I couldn't do a thing

After a couple of seconds he lets go

"Now, if you will just excuse me" he finally says "as you can tell. I am completely exhausted from my bout with father" I feel his claws slash across my chest

"Gah?!*" I gasps, having forgotten to even breath in his presence

I land on my back

I sit up jerking my head around but I couldn't see a thing

He took them

My eyes…


I sniff around till I finally found Ignias scent

I use every last drop of strength I had left to crawl over to him

"Ignia.." I whisper as I lay beside him

I rest my head on his arm as I curl up into a ball

I felt myself getting weaker and weaker

I was losing blood

A lot of blood

But at least..

I was at his side…

Till the very end…

-to be continued