
saint of order

mozerk, a fallen noble of house erznark, was banished to urnos after his family died in a mysterious way, and one day he remembers the memoirs of his past life, where he seemingly died of old age, the last thing he did before dying was writing for him to be reborn in a guilt pleasure history and cultures book he had made up, he decides that he wants his nobility back and he wished to take revenge for his now dead family, and for that he has to excel in the arena program of asner nobles, he joins the faith of light that had appeared one day to gain the poweres related to the light an : i wont edit the first few chapters for now, but from chapter 14 on ward is when i started to write chapters better, so please bear with me

NMRisthebest · sci-fi
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29 Chs


after waking up morzerk realized that the mark on his right hand had changed to corrupted ones, he had a feeling he could chose a faction at any moment so he joined the outgrown faction, which made his mark more crowded, it looked like a bunch of lines contracting, crossing, and outgrowing from each other now

fearing that he might have not gained the sainthood he tried switching his emblem to light of order, and it worked but the forest of corruption around him growled, showing its hostility, so he changed his mark back to one of corruption

as a priest of corruption he could now use his jikans grace as a way to corrupt things, and he could even use it in a 10 meter radius without the need to touch of course it would be slower, his other passive was that he had a affinity to corruption, rot, and diseases, meaning he could spread them, and was mostly immune to them

priests of corruptions also had these two abilities, where they could control the corrupted, diseases and rot

the other power the priests of corruption had was that they could switch bodies with a being they had corrupted, it only worked if they however died, and were not killed by darkness or light powers

there were also two factions, the outgrown faction and the thorn faction, thorn faction were way more powerful in a direct combat, while outgrown faction powers was mostly auxiliary, as an outgrown he could corrupt souls as well, essentially brainwashing people, or he could slowly corrupt and entire area using his corrupted, he could corrupt an entire forest to be his just like the goddess would do

of course it would take a very very long time, the only reason he chosen this faction was due to a speciality all saints had

he than switched his mark again, it now turned into a hexagon with thick lines, that had a smaller hexagon inside of it, the inner hexagon was thinner and inside of it was were a bunch of either straight, or curving lines, the outer thicker hexagon had lines coming out of it that went back to his wrist similar to light of orders mark

this was he mark of a saint, meaning he could use all the powers and all factions that belonged to both light of order, and order of corruption, meaning he was basically overpowered as all the passives stacked as well, he had even new three new powers as well, one always active, and one belonging to light of order, and one belonging to order of corruption, which he could use both if he had his mark of sainthood active

before he could however dream about all the opportunities he had in life a sharp pain appeared in his head, and right hand, and his mark changed back to one of corruption, than out of nowhere a corrupted butterfly landed on his right hand, the corrupted butterfly had sharp wings that were made out of thick shriveled gold, and it looked like it was slightly flowing, it had 2 holes in each of its wings, eyeying the butterfly morzerk instantly understood what its purpose was,

it was to eye him, and not let him abuse his powers, many of the powers he had were weakened, some passives would be disabled if wanted to use them, and most of the time he couldn't access them all, he couldn't even switch freely between his marks anymore, and even the normal powers of his jikan was slightly affected

staring knifes at the butterfly, he realized that the sharp pain of his corrupted right arm was still there, it meant that the conditions he had wouldn't just be fixed when he joined corruption

so wearing his glove back he started to stroll back to the city, and perhaps take real nap

along the way he of course encountered a priest of corruption, which tried to attack him

"disgusting light of order, your people have came to this area as well? well than you will learn why-"

"holdup im one of you guys" morzerk tried to reason with the apostate of course, but the apostate didn't believe him until he saw his mark

with a sigh he came out of the forest and wearing his glove of course, it was a amazing way to hide himself, and whenever a random stared at him in a weird way, or too long he would stare at them back, even kneeling and staring at them for whole minutes just to make them uncomfortable and make them leave

maybe it was because of his mark of sainthood, but he didn't feel cowardly anymore, the butterfly also had crawled into his robe, and he didnt know what it was going to do next, but he felt a sharp pain in his right arm after staring at another homelessguy for too long again

this time it wasn't merely a mark switch, but him becoming weaker, he felt his jikkan becoming redder, which as the saint shouldn't have happened, due to one of his three almighty saint powers, and specially the one that was always active, being making his jikan perma gold, but here he was, with a mostly red jikan

oh and his corrupted faction was restricted as well, was it because he was too cocky? well the butterfly sure knew how to make him behave because after his jikan was weakened he didn't dare to stare at random people that he thought were looking at him badly, he just ran back to his rented home and stared at the butterfly that started flying fearfully, he even bowed down just to apologies to the butterfly, 

'i never wrote such thing, i never wrote such thing, saints were supposed to be all powerful, not just poor things being bullied by ugly insects' of course he had to beg for mercy after that, who knew the butterfly could read his mind

it was truly unfair, he couldn't even go back to his normal faction, he was way weaker now than if he was a light paladin

no would he be able to become a light paladin? or was he forced to become factionless wit that mark as well, he didn't know and worrying about it seemed wasteful so he started thinking about what the goddess told him

he should master his will, and stop being greedy? how was he greedy? the goddess truly didn't know what he was talking about

of course he had to bow down towards the butterfly again after having such thoughts

'its unfair, this is unfair'

with a sigh he started writing down the words the goddess had said to him in his note app, and after staring at it for a while he realized he didn't know what his name actually meant so after gogling it he learnt that it meant greedy usurper

didn't the goddess call him a greedy usurper? sigh she could have just said its what my name is

after staring at words said by the goddess he realized a small detail

she had said that he wasn't the only one who knew a lot of this world, were there others like him? who knew alot of this world, in ways they shouldn't be?

indeed the words of the goddess have many profund meanings, i should stare at them before i sleep every night for the sake of enlightenment, who was he kidding he was just too scared to think about what she was talking about at the time, he would delete the text now.....

or not, his jikan was fully dyed in red, making him lose his only remaining signs of nobility, the butterfly didn't seem to enjoy his attempt of deleting the text files, as if he was squandering the holy words of the goddess or something... well now that he thinks about it

after checking the date and realizing he had a whole free week morzerk lay to sleep, he could move to any other city he wanted and have some fun~~

"MY HEAD MY HEAD OKAY I WONT I WONT LEAVE" the butterfly of the goddess didn't seem too amused by his plans however

when he slept he dreamt of his possible riches, fame, and amazing house, but it became a nightmare after he realized his pet cat was trying to catch a butterfly, a corrupted butterfly

it all crumbled down, his house was flooded by a bunch of butterflies

after waking up he just merely repeated one sentence or 10 minutes straight before the butterfly made him have brain damage again

that sentence was "fear the old butterfly"

our mc is now overpowered, or is he? will the butterfly troll even further? find out next day on the next chapter of saint of butterfllies... cough cough i meant saint of order yes yes

NMRisthebestcreators' thoughts