
saint of order

mozerk, a fallen noble of house erznark, was banished to urnos after his family died in a mysterious way, and one day he remembers the memoirs of his past life, where he seemingly died of old age, the last thing he did before dying was writing for him to be reborn in a guilt pleasure history and cultures book he had made up, he decides that he wants his nobility back and he wished to take revenge for his now dead family, and for that he has to excel in the arena program of asner nobles, he joins the faith of light that had appeared one day to gain the poweres related to the light an : i wont edit the first few chapters for now, but from chapter 14 on ward is when i started to write chapters better, so please bear with me

NMRisthebest · sci-fi
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29 Chs


While morzerk was following the squad and listening to their bickering, somewhere else, in the underworld a call was being made.

People thought that signals couldnt travel in the underworld, and they were right, the alloys used for enforcing sp.r4 walls were one of the more well kept secrets of asner, their recreation was impossible without asners intervention, yet even with the alloys intervention a call was being made

"reporting status : 78.8 percent of sp.r4 or underworld as the locals call it has been scanned for any irregular heat signatures, only 34 defective prototypes of the x series have been found so far, the evolving core is no where to be found, 98.9 percent of the area has been swept clean of any biological hazards as per your orders"

There was a short silence for a momment before an answer finally came

"Any irregularities?" 

"Only one, the heir of the fallen erznark has entered our range of operations"

The calls receptionist became silent for a few minutes, with the reporters silently awaiting new orders

"Give me more details" 

"the fallen noble entered the underworld today, as reported by a patrolling knight, he seems to have been ordered by his faith to plant seeds of their faith here, the erznark however showed irregularities by going against his orders, he first spent an unreasonable amount for housing in scavengers territory, and proceeded to walk in an uncleared area in the zone 7,6:1

he seemingly used powers related to light to fight, even though it was reported that he made contact with the corruption" the man said without losing his breathe

"go back to the fight, who did he fight with?"

"the observers reported that he fought with a clone that was infused with alpha 0.001 virus, the clone is roaming the underground and is being hunted by our experts" 

the receptionist became filled with fury at that moment "what do you mean a septilium hybrid is roaming SP.r4???!! do you think we can risk it damaging the processors? do you understand what will happen? not just to you, but to all of us??"

the reporter was calm, as if used to being shouted back, and answered back without any issues

"yes, but the subject is releasing great amount of irregular heat signatures, which can interfere with us finding the processors, so i halted all operations in favor of killing it" the mans answer seemed to calm the receptionist down, as it started to ask questions again

"i believe erznarks heir had a mission entrusted to him by the corruption as well yes? what was it again...?" 

"it was related to the arena and its twin scouting project, do you want me to confront him?" there was a slight silence before the man heard his superiors answer

"hm? of course not, focus on your current tasks, the fury of emperor and his vassals are barely kept quenched by the rapid progress your team is making, report the important tid bits about vassal factions residing in SP.r4"

"well, The freelancers seem to have made contact with erznarks heir, and left quite an "poor" impression on him, the erznarks heir has proceeded to request a meeting with the freelancer leader"

the silence grew deafening, minutes passed before the man told the reporter to continue

"scavengers have found reports that could lead to the processors" if it wasn't due to the delay that SP.r4 arrays had caused, the man would bhave gone deaf before being able to pull his earphone out, alas he succeeded before going deaf

he could even hear the shouting while the earphone was removed

"FFFFFFFNALLLYYYYYY, HOW LONG DID WE SEARCH FOR IT, HOREN? HOW LONG???! i hated you, for every single moment, but now? i love you, if i wasn't regaining my nobility because of it, i would have married you" alas horen also felt the same, although the purposal left him dumbfounded,

he also hated the fallen nobles guts with a passion

but he could tolerate him knowing he was going back to begas when they succeed, he would be trained as a knight commander, he was shivering imagining how COOL his life story would sound to his great grandkids

yet the noble seemed more impatient to return than he did

"what about the faith movements?"

"other than the new inclusion of lights order, there wasn't anything new, other than the seeker of knowledge causing the death of an entire building" 

"expand on it"

"The seeker has shown violent tendencies before, showing it by going to dangerous zones so the usual restrictions put on his fellow seekers of knowledge is lifted from him, this time he went to a drug party, the party had its air filled with the gaseous form of a drug substance named bliss, it can cause Castration, which is what lifted his restrictions, we assume because of his a mark of betrayal he was once apart of vow of destruction, and still believes in certain philosophies of them"

"hmmm, well not like we can do much about him, make distractions for him... gang wars happen frequently no? instigate a big one, that should distract him for long enough, you are dismissed" the noble said and started doing some paper work, but than noticed that the call hadnt ended yet

"what is it?" 

"i had a question if i may ask it, its about erznarks heir" the noble signaled horen to continue

"reading the related reports shown me that he has ventured into a forest of corruption, and returned with the forest becoming passive towards him, made contact with corruptions true hierarchy, we thought he joined them based on the scavenged database, but he has shown powers of light based on our own reports, he also has every reason to leave the faith he is in, one of them being the passive discrimination they show towards nobles, fallen or not but our reports are more counteractory the more i look at them" there was silence before he got his answers

"you want to interrogate him? well a fallen noble is still a noble, and based on his roots no interggoration method but emperors own will force his secrets out, so its useless to even attempt it"

"i dont understand, didnt we interrogate the freelancer leader without any issues? what makes erznarks heir so special, other than his connections?"

"every noble house has a small something going on for them, you cant take anything out from morzerk, other than half truths and masked lies"


and back to morzerk, he was sweating really really cold sweats

'i hate adrealine' he had just planted seeds of corruption while high on anderaline, and morzerk by nature was a cowardly person, in both of his lifes that was.

he wasnt even in the front lines of world war 3, he was a tactical commander that gave orders to ai and human battalions, barely having seen bloodshed, so him basically giving ultra plus cancer that was easily traceable.... was very rash of him

by his own standards that is

while morzerk was too sweaty to talk to the bickering crowd urus turned towards him, having noted his lack of absence

"how do you feel about underworld overall... father..?" 

"you dont have to call me that, and for your question, eh seen worse." morzerk said absentmindedly, too focused on his own actions on people than the people themselves

"worse than the underworld?? probably a darkness den or forest of corruption" urus said in a friendly tone, with everyone else giving their own comments

"well forests arent that threatening to us serving the light.... i would say the underworld is worse than the forest based on experience" the 4 looked at morzerks young face in solemn silence

"man what a shithole we must be living in, that even a literal golden monster forest is better than it" kazin commented.

morzerk wanted to correct her that it was only easier for those of light to be there, but refrained from doing it due to her notorious nature

"quick question father, do you take confessions as well or anything similar?"

morzerk was silent after being called father for a few moments before answering

"its relativly easier to become a priest in our faiths... compared to more mundane religions, so a arch priest can take confessions for you, why you want to confess?"

"eh not realy, what about marriage, is there any restrictions?"

"not really, we cant marry for the first 10 years that in which we are serving the light, after which we can marry, but we have to be very close to the order still" which caused some curious looks from others

"the more high ranking faithful cant break their celibacy however" this to a lesser extent included morzerk, as the potential saint he could technically twist some laws but not by much 

urus was silent before asking another question "do you actually believe in the goddess?" which caused morzek to almost choke on his own saliva

"cough cough, i dont know about my fellow brothers and sisters of the faith, but i personally very much believe in her" well he had seen her up close, which caused his faith to fly up the rackets in few seconds

they asked a few more questions which he gladly answered, most of them were faith related so it was fine with him, of course kazin wasn't very happy with her friends asking the zealot theology questions

and before morzerk even realized it they were already at their destiniation

"kaeya's fortune" was what was written on the huge neon sign board, a gambling den and also where the leader of freelancers and most of their members resided

morzerk wasn't sure of course, to him freelancers were worthy of a single line at the time he wrote about them

a bouncer stopped them before letting them in after being glared at by kazin

while they were walking towards he elevator kazin nodded to morzerk to come closer

"im gonna give you a single advice, and you must follow it, understood?" morzerk nodded "good, so listen, never, under no circumstance, say anything that can be interpreted as a bet with our boss, that's his only and biggest flaw" 

"that he never back downs for a gamble?" morzerk asked

"no, he just never gives up if you make a bet with him, NEVER"

i had this chapter wroten for 1 month.... i just had forgoten about kazins name and didnt want to check it

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