
saint of order

mozerk, a fallen noble of house erznark, was banished to urnos after his family died in a mysterious way, and one day he remembers the memoirs of his past life, where he seemingly died of old age, the last thing he did before dying was writing for him to be reborn in a guilt pleasure history and cultures book he had made up, he decides that he wants his nobility back and he wished to take revenge for his now dead family, and for that he has to excel in the arena program of asner nobles, he joins the faith of light that had appeared one day to gain the poweres related to the light an : i wont edit the first few chapters for now, but from chapter 14 on ward is when i started to write chapters better, so please bear with me

NMRisthebest · sci-fi
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29 Chs

abandoned lab

Infront of morzerk was a building, Or at least the remains of one.

it was a large and mostly long building, with 7 sections being interconnected to each other using tubes, Surprisingly it was only 4 stories above ground.

Surprising because asner would've used all of this space that is, But most of the labs were actually underground, only the gods knew why asner nobility decided to dig even further in the ground, Paranoia?

The original electrical glass entrance was already shattered to pieces, And the door was slamming in and out of itself repeatedly, Morzerk wasn't that much of an techie so he decided to worm into the place through some of the huge common cracks.

The inside of the building was as he expected, many flickering lights and rusting lab equipment with shattered glass every where, there were some intact vials of course, and some melted plastic.

Did a volcano erupt over here or something? Morzerk was honestly baffled with the amount of damage, but shaking out of his bafflement he continued searching the place, Finding a few notes that honestly didnt look like much, but Morzerk put them in his backpack just in case they were valuable, well it was mostly useless jargon probably.

He checked the upper floors as well, Other than some of the Researcher names he didnt find much else, maybe some transactional notes, On the last floor however he found a small piece of Septilium, He quickly put it in his bag for safe keeping, There was also a small tablet with shattered glasses, He put that in his bag as well.

Anything that seemed of value, Both knowledge wise or monetary wise were picked up by morzerk.

While picking up some of the notes morzerk couldn't help but sigh at his situation, he was a noble scion of erznark, and now he was fallen so far to rob outdated documents, really ironic wasn't it?

Finally getting back to the first floor, Morzerk couldn't help but feel unnerved, the flickering lights didn't help, out of cowardice he decided to just go back and see what he gathered, but was soon disappointed due to the pain that was delivered to his body from the butterfly.

He had the urge to try and crush the hateful butterfly, All it brought to his life was just complications, but he decided to not to, in fear of the punishment it might bring him.

Morzerk started searching around the first floor for a entrance, after 15 minutes or so he was disappointment, The entrance was probably covered in debris or it was hidden, The darn butterfly wouldn't let him leave the creepy place, Even if he was digging around the place for days.

Accepting defeat and starting to move the debris away, at the same, In another place in the underworld four people were conversing.

"Miss kazin, Are you sure that we are at the right place? i dont think there is anything valuable, And its too close to where the scavengers reside..."

The lady named kazin scoffed after hearing that

"The boss himself ordered me to lead us, And you are doubting me? Its defiantly over here somewhere, The boss showed it on the map to me himself" the man flinched after being shouted at like that, bu one of his friends came to support him against kazin

"But jerek is right, its too dangerous, What if we find a zombie virus or a monster nearby?" kazin in response started glaring at both of them

"Are we not freelancers? If you dont want to listen to the boss's orders i will present you to the boss as minced meat myself, Or you can run away and be capture by those zealous freaks, At least the boss will kill you, the zelouts will either brainwash you or make you their eternal undead servant" with that both men stopped talking

"kazin... you are too harsh to them, they are just newbies, And not all of the faiths do that" another man tried to speak reason to kazin, but at least he got a milder response than the other two

"well its not like the better faiths are walking among us" kazin replied

"And i never thought you were interested in those zealots, maru" kazin said with a slight suprise, but her harsh tone remained

"well, you know mama palz? The old lady that lives above and makes delicious food?" maru asked, The two newbies listened to his words with interest.

"yeah, why? she got anything to do with it?" kazin asked back.

"well yeah, she had back pain for so long because of old age, which is like a mark of honor in urnos, but someone from the light faith healed it, For free!" maru answered

"What? But i thought that jikan cant heal problems that arise due to old age?" kazin asked and the boys nodded in unison

"well as it turns out, those from light can heal way more with their jikans" maru said

"hmm, I can see why you would be interested in them, You really like mama palz no?"

maru nodded "she is like the grandmother i never had"

while the four were talking and searching for the place their boss told them about, morzerk was running for his life

I have much to learn about the art of writing.

Also please dont forget to add SoO to your libary, And stoning my book, It attracts fellow minded readers :)

(this chapter was slightly shorter than usuall, i apologize for that)

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