
Sailing: Lightning Dragon Slayer, Build The Fairy Tail Emperor

After taking on the pirates, Su Yu awakened the Fairy Tail system and gained access to the fully leveled Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic, which enabled him to create the Fairy Tail Guild. By completing guild upgrade commissions, members can earn rewards and unlock new characters such as Fairy Queen Erza and Demon Mirajan. As the guild grows in level, powerful figures like Kaido of the Beasts, Hawkeye Mihawk, Marshal Sengoku, and Whitebeard take notice and seek to form alliances. The members of Fairy Tail, including Erza, Mirajane, Nami, Juvia, Robin, Vivi, Wendy, and Irene, are all skilled fighters, but also enjoy a playful side and often ask Su Yu about his romantic interests. https://wap.faloo.com/1301788.html

Alex081904 · Anime und Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 26 Juvia: I Have Been Honest With The President~

In Yuba Town, the rebel base, a heated argument is taking place.

"There's no turning back now, we have to carry out the rebellion!" one person said.

"But... yesterday's rain has proven that the king didn't take everyone's rainwater, it was a natural disaster," another person argued.

"What we're doing now is an act of rebellion. It's not just us who will be punished for this, but our families as well," a third person interjected.

"Don't be ridiculous, King Cobra is not a tyrant. He will understand and forgive us," someone else insisted.

"How can you be so sure that King Cobra will forgive us?" another person questioned.

"I just know," the first person replied confidently.

The rebel group was divided into two factions, and the arguments between them became more intense.

"Koza, as the leader, what is your opinion on this matter?" In the end, all eyes were on the young rebel leader Koza.

"I will go to the capital!"

Koza spoke calmly, already making a decision.

"Hey Koza, Vivi... Princess Vivi is here!" A young soldier yelled out and went into the large tent to inform everyone of the news.


"Princess Vivi?"

"Is the princess here?"

The leaders of the rebel army were taken aback.

They quickly followed the young soldier out of the large tent along with Koza, and waited for the arrival of the Fairy Tail ship from a distance.

When they saw it, everyone was stunned, their jaws dropping in shock.

The expressions on their faces became even more astonishing in an instant.

"Koza, everyone, it's all right now!"

Vivi stood at the front of the Fairy Tail ship and waved to the amazed people as the ship arrived.

Su Yu's task was simply to transport Vivi to her destination, and he had no interest in negotiating with the rebels.

That was a job only Vivi could handle. Their involvement could only complicate things further.

While Vivi negotiated with Koza and the others, Su Yu and his group were warmly welcomed by the old man and took a day trip to the oasis city of Yuba.

When they returned in the evening, Vivi had finished her negotiations and the outcome was positive.

Thanks to Vivi's reputation, those who were afraid of being punished for treason no longer had to worry.

A grand feast was held that night in Juba, where the kingdom army, led by Vivi, and the rebel army, led by Koza, made peace.

Royal capital, Alabasta.

"Master Cobra, I just received a message from Yuba. Thanks to Lord Vivi's persuasion, Koza's rebel army has been disbanded!" Pell enthusiastically informed Cobra about the good news.

"Great! No wonder you are called Princess Vivi!" Igaram said with excitement.

"Vivi has been through so much. I wish she could live a carefree life like other girls, travel, and fall in love... but it seems like it's too soon for that" Cobra shook his head.

"Well, well, well! Once this matter is resolved, Princess Vivi can finally relax. Everything will be settled tomorrow!" Igaram said.

"So, the final showdown with the mastermind behind the Baroque Works agency? Igaram, I have a bad feeling that the Baroque Works might be linked to Shichibukai Crocodile!" King Cobra said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Lord Cobra. Lord Vivi has the support of everyone from Fairy Tail, especially President Su Yu. He is stronger than you can even imagine!" Igaram said firmly.

Igaram had witnessed Su Yu and Erza compete several times during their journey from Whiskey Peak to Alabasta.

Their strength was unlike anything he had ever seen before.

Even if the mastermind behind Baroque Works was indeed Shichibukai Crocodile, they had nothing to fear with such powerful allies on their side.


As the day turned into night, the deadline approached its final day.

Under the astonished gaze of Koza and the others, the Fairy Tail ship lifted off.

Shortly after departing from Yuba, Juvia, who had been resting in her room all day, regained her strength.

After briefly greeting Erza, Mirajane, and the rest, Juvia came to Vivi's side.

"Miss Juvia, are you all right?" Vivi weakly greeted her, her eyes slightly averted.

Vivi was aware of Juvia's deep affection towards Su Yu, and she knew that Juvia had performed numerous miracles in Alabasta, earning her great respect and gratitude from the people.

Despite this, Vivi couldn't help feeling guilty and uneasy about the fact that she had kissed Su Yu in front of Juvia, as it seemed immoral and inappropriate.

However, to Vivi's surprise, Juvia didn't seem to mind the kiss between Vivi and Su Yu two days ago, which was unexpected.

"I have been open and honest with the president, while you just kissed him," Juvia said

"Ah~~~" Vivi was surprised and couldn't comprehend what Juvia meant for a moment.

"That's the one, the man and the woman... The president is really amazing... Let Juvia get the ultimate happiness... You probably can't understand this feeling, Vivi!"

Juvia happily used words to describe, and Vivi finally understood. Juvia was bragging, but Vivi found it too exciting because she was still innocent.

Just hearing Juvia talk about it made Vivi blush and feel strange sensations in her body.

"Ah ah ah" Nami, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't tolerate Juvia's bragging anymore and interrupted her.

" President, what are we planning to do today?" Nami asked loudly.

"Crocodile " Su Yu said concisely.

Vivi: "???"

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