
The Beginning Of The End

It's here...

The final days of this world...

The dead have risen like the priest foretold

zombies now invade all of the continent Klastrondra...

I am destined to be the hero of Madriark a country were martial arts and magic bearers are well recognized as nobility, but I wasn't gifted in either so I'm a peasant I spend my days working various jobs to help my parents and little sister get by.

The priest was turned into a laughingstock because how is his foretold hero a worthless cripple with no magic or martial arts suppose to help anyone let alone himself.

'4 days before end'

'It was a causal day helping on the farm hoping to be able to finish by 9am so I can go to work at the docks unloading merchandise and helping reload their stocks and so on then'

"Xian! Xian!"

(an adorable voice called out)

Xian Xieo called out "Yan Yan; what's the matter!"

Running around the corner came my little sister Yanyan Xieo though she prefers to be called Yan Yan.

"Big brother I heard from granny lou that a job for the night watch has opened up and it doesn't require martial arts or magic it starts at 6pm and ends at midnight and it pays 20 silvers a week!"

'20 silvers that's more than I make in half a month!'

"Yan Yan I'm gonna go and apply real quick finish harvesting these vegetables while im gone"

I ran like there was no tomorrow 'I cannot miss an opportunity like this even for a second someone else may try to take this from me if I waste even a second'

37 minuets later I was panting in front of the City's human resources lady's desk basically it is kinda like how you'd imagine a casual adventures Guild to look like with quest boards and some people behind the desk paying the people for their work but were I was at was the desk farthest from the boards and crowds of people where a single woman in her 20s was working.

"good morning sir how may I help you"

(her voice was calm and sweet)

"I'm here for the night watch job posting that opened recently" I answered

"oh!" she said cheerfully

"That is a good job though it will mess with your sleep schedule a bit and the last guy with this job is paralyzed because he stepped on a crystal fungus snake but has good pay alrighty sign here and thumb print here and your good"

As I walked out I heard someone yelling near the old cathedral of the axis church.

"Beware! the end is Nigh!"

(an old white robed man was preaching and yelling)

"The end! The end! it's coming! the dead will rise all shall fall and a HERO! A HERO WILL ARISE AND SAVE US ALL!" he ranted I decided to ignore him and go home with my good news.

"YOU! STOP YOUNG MAN! STOOOP!" the old priest was calling "Young hero it's YOU! your the one I foresaw you will be the hero to save us!" he was running towards me and me not wanting to catch the crazy bolted and then some old bat just had to open her window 'BANG!' I ran right into the wooden covers of the window!

"D@mn it d@mn it aggghhh fughhhh that hurts!" I said while holding my now bloody nose.

"Young man I'm so glad I finally caught up to you!" said the old priest.

"your the hero the hero that can save us all it was foreseen you are a hero!"

'holy sh!t this guy is crazy I gotta get out of here I'm no hero I'm a below average guy with no power at all at most I am an easy prey for a cheap sparing partner for a nobiles child!'

"sir I'm just an below average person with no magic or marital arts I can hardly remember 1000 words I just want a peaceful life so I can die peacefully when I'm old". 'oh great a crowd has formed d@mn it I'm gonna kill this old geezer if I can't get out of this'

"Everyone this young man will be our saviour we must help him prepare for when the dead arise" he preached

'and there it was the moment I was looking for he turned around and held up his arms like he was commencing a sermon "we must pull together during these desperate times and prepare for the end of times..." that's all I heard because I ran as soon as I saw a gap in the crowd noticing the snickering of the crowd just encouraged me to run faster most people of the crowd were devoted believers in axis so they were taking it seriously and giving donations of money, medical pills, food, weapons, armor and so on but the rest were laughing hysterically at the man who thinks a cripple with no strength in magic or martial arts could be a saviour even I'll laugh if I wasn't part of the joke!'

I ran for 34 minutes all the way home where I collapsed trying to catch my breath. Thank the gods that I don't start work till 2 days from now or I'd die of embarrassment!

I sluggishly walked into the stone walled and thatch roofed house that was my home and there I saw my family eating dinner "hi mother and father I got a new job today for the city night watch I start in two days!" my mother replied "oh that's wonderful dear quick get some fish onion and potato stew before your sister eats it all"

Suddenly realizing that my food was in danger I skillfully grab a bowl from the cupboard and pour as much as possible into the wooden bowl. (I then commenced shoveling food into my mouth).

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