
Sacaroth's Ascension

Aiden was just a slightly normal kid. He played video games, a lot. He was poor. He was more interested in science then others, just more in fantasy. One day, on his way home from school, he was walking along a bridge, and a car swerved (Because of a popped tire). He wasn't killed by the car, but smacked over the side of the bridge, hitting his head on a rock under the river, and drowning. He woke up in a bed, somewhere he didn't recognize. All he knew, is that he was in a church, mainly from the worshiper next to him. ------------- I have finished this one, but if anyone reads this book, please try Sacaroth's Cycle. I might return to this later and add more GodRoth content.

SacarothIsWriting · Fantasie
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20 Chs


(Author Note, please use page for reading, its how I intend to use this)

I was just a slightly normal teenage boy. I wasn't bad looking, just not handsome. I played video games, a lot. I was poor. I was more interested in science then others, just more in smarter than some in some fields, less then others in others. One day, on My way home from school, I was walking along a bridge, and a car swerved (Because of a popped tire).

I wasn't killed by the car, but smacked over the side of the bridge, hitting My head on a rock under the river, and drowning. I woke up in a bed, somewhere he didn't recognize. All I knew, is that I was in a church, mainly from the worshiper next to me.

"You're awake,"

I sit up, and say, sassily, "Yep." He sighs, not liking being interrupted, and continues.

"When we summoned you, you were bleeding a lot, and soaked. We were confused, but we dried you and healed you. That was almost four days ago, and we thought we got a bad draw. So we tried again, two times and were successful. So either you can work with them, or go on your own. Or, you can be a citizen, if you so wish,"

I'm excited of course, I've read these before in my novel s, I tried to hide it, but failed to do so. you already seen the thoughts flowing through my head, as have I. I calm down a bit, and I motion for him to continue.

"Judging by your reaction, you are somewhat familiar with this kind of situation. I won't ask how or why, but can you stop shaking?" I just realized when he said that, but the entire bed was almost flying with how much I was vibrating. I stop, and tell him why anyway. "I'm sorry sir, just where I come from, I've read about this kind of thing happen to others, and a lot of others do too. I won't go into it as well, but I've loved these kind of things since I was younger." I continue, " I'll go on my own, but I would like to meet the others, just to not make enemy's out of them.

Hey guys, I thought I'd actually give a damn about writing and continue trying. I'll try at least get to 100 chapters, maybe more, and these will be free. I'm expecting at least Two chapters per week, working on them at the beginning of the week and releasing on Friday. I would also like if you would participate in the comments, because I will do Polls

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