
First day in the academy

A week has passed since the entrance exam, today is the first day of the academy. I have perfected the basic swordskill that I bought off the store it was extremely cheap and it gave the perfect foundation.


I wore the academy uniform and started walking to the school, I just liked vibing to music while walking peacefully that is why I preferred walking to any destination on any day.


I sang along some lines with the song or just moved with the beat, before I would be shy to vibe by myself but now I know one thing 'no one cares' about every little thing you do.


They see and forget it that's why there is no need to be shy do whatever the f*ck you want and enjoy however the f*ck you want.


I walked along the streets vibing and chilling on the way I bought some small snack and ate it while heading there, I had left a little earlier so that I could just walk slowly and enjoy the beauty of the world.


I peacefully walked over to school, It was massive it was trully the best school even the security gaurd was releasing a strong aura. I went to him and showed him my id and entered the school.


As expected of the best school it had a barrier that would stop anyone without the I'd and the barrier was covering the whole school and the school is really big, even small barriers are expensive but this big.... It is on a whole different level.


I just continued listening to my music and just started to walk to the school Wight now I was in the schools garden making my way to the school.


3rd person pov.


As cain was on his way to the school with the rest of the new students, there was a group of seniors looking at the new students they were all hiding with stealth skills.


It was a small test from the school as cain hadn't taken the test the headmaster of the school had suggested this method to see if cain was trully worthy of joining the school.


There were about 8 seniors hiding in various spots waiting for cain to enter their range, they were planning to use small rubber stones that were completely harmless.


Senior 3 - are you sure this kid is the one that was recommended by the Shell family?


Senior 1 - yes the security gaurd said that he was listening to music and no one except that kid is listening to music, he also mentioned that he had a black watch on his left wrist.


Senior 2 - he has got guts to listen to music on his first day to school.


Senior 4 - oii oii are you saying that this kid was recommended by the Shell family?!?


Senior 5 - did you not listen to them, they just mentioned.... Are you sure you are not deaf?


Senior 4 - damn you bastard I will kill you.




All the seniors - Sorry mam!!


Head master - though what you guys said is also true, his build is pretty good but not something too special that it could get the shell families attention he must have something special.


Senior 7 - that is true, criston shell is one of the smartest man if he decided to recommend him there must definitely be a reason.


Senior 8 - he is in range now prepare your attacks.


All of the seniors started to sneakily aim at cain, one of them attacked first they were going to attack one after another because it would be hard for even an C ranker to dodge all of the attacks together.


And he is just a student, the first one released it at great speed it traveled the distance in mere seconds and ripped through the air, as it inched towards cain.


Cain noticed it, he immediately reacted by covering his arm in mana and caught the rubber stone.


Cain - 'this strength is close to a d ranker, this is a rubber stone which means that the one that attacked wasn't trying to hurt me'


Senior 1 - 'oii oii are you serious he caught it, I was expecting him to dodge'


Head mister - he is better than I thought 1 retreat your attack is done.


Cain - 'where is he? Where is he?...... There'


Cain turned his head to the place where 1 was hiding and each and everyone of the seniors were shocked they had the best sneaking skills in their class but they were discovered so easily.


1 immediately began to escape while cain just ignored him because he had figure out that it was just a test and nothing personal.


I was barely able to sense him because of the device he was using to communicate, it had a little bit of magic only because of that small strand of magic was I able to sense him.


I should try and ask him to teach me, it would be great if I could make my magic completely unsensable like his.


Still I put my gaurd up to make sure there are no others, there is a small possibility that there could be more so better to be safe than sorry.


I started to head towards the school and as expected there were more people sneaking and each of them I was again able to sense just because of the device on them.


I started to catch the stones while making sure not to make any sudden movements, all of the students around me were new and anxious that is why I had to make sure not to disturb them.


I just caught all of the stones they were throwing and it was extremely hard they had power of a truck it was as if I was catching missiles.


After catching basically every rubber stone my hand was completely red

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