
RWBY World Chaser dropped

Watch Jack take on the world of RWBY with previous knowledge of the world. And him later explore worlds.

JackbladesFF7 · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs


Time skip of one year.

Jack was training with Qrow,Ruby and Yang as usual. This was the day before Jack and Yang go to beacon. A lot happened in a year. Jack started his own company as he can convert real money into system points. The company he made focused on defense against Grimm. He was able to make dust turrets. He took the idea from laser turrets in games that were automated and wanted to see if he could make dust turrets work in the same way. Which he found a way to make them work by causing it to cycle from the fire power of one dust to the next. He then put them in spots around vail to help with events that would later happen because of Cinder. He let Taiyang run the company even thought it was called the Silver company. He also ran his own mining for dust business so it would not rely on the Schnee company who wronged faunus constantly in their company. Many people from the White Fang would join Jacks company because of the fair wages and the good he was doing for faunus. He even set up a HQ in Menagerie where he met Blake and her family. He convinced Blake to leave the White fang as well as her Dad Ghira to head the company over there. The business was working great for the defense of the world against Grimm and was competing equally now with the Schnee dust company.

Yang said " I cant wait to go to beacon with you Jack" while running his ears. Jack just smiled "I guess we are going to share rooms now haha." Yang nodded since Ruby has been hoarding Jack all to herself. Ruby looked sad. "Hey how about we go to Dust Till Dawn." Ruby got excited after this and couldn't wait.

Later that day they started to head over there just walking instead of racing each other. Since Jack could manipulate his aura to cause bursts of speed with his legs one would glow purple the other gold. This way he could keep up with Ruby. But they wanted to take there time before Jack left. They both make it in the store and decide to listen to music. Jack pulls out headphones that are meant for faunus. His company sells that as well for cheap to get better relations with faunus.

All of a sudden Ruby gets a tap on her shoulder. The Robber says "Hey, I said hands in the air! You got a death wish or something?" Jack replies "Are you robbing us?" "Yes". Jack says "ohhhh" then starts laughing. "You can take care of it this time Ruby." Ruby nodded and kicked the guy out the shop. She spun crescent rose around slamming it in the ground causing the ground to spider web. Roman "okay... get her." Waving at the henchmen to move. Ruby takes them out quickly with her scythe.

"You were worth every cent. Truly you were." Roman says to the unconscious henchmen. Looking at Ruby "We'll Red and uhh" Roman is looking over Jack right now "uhh I guess Wolfy as much as I would love stay this is where we part ways." Roman fires his cane at Ruby's feet. Ruby looks around to find him going up a ladder. "Go get him" Jack said happy Ruby is going to go to beacon. "You good if I follow them" Jack says to the store clerk he nods.

Jack jumps up the building to see Ruby firing at Cinder and Glynda using magic on the Bullhead (basically a helicopter) Jack starts to fire at the actual engine of the bullhead causing it to malfunction while cinder is too busy having to deal with Ruby. The bullhead starts to crash far away still allowing the two to escape.

Ruby asks "Are you a huntress? Can I have your autograph." They then go to a building that Jack has seen before as they go to the same table where Ozpin interviewed Jack. Glynda gives them an earful and then slams the table in frustration. "Sadly someone wants to talk to you." Then Glynda walks out. Ozpin walks in with a tray of cookies that disappears before his eyes as Jack and Ruby eat all of it. "Ruby Rose you have silver eyes." Ozpin says. Ruby just doesn't know what to say "umm." Jack coughs "Why don't you just tell her the power of her eyes?" Ozpin surprised by Jack interrupting doesn't know what to say. "There is no point keeping her in the dark I will tell her if you won't." Ruby looks at Jack "Why didn't you tell me before?" Jack wraps his tail around her leg "Because I was waiting for you to get stronger because I don't want you reliant on your eyes when you fight Grimm." Ozpin then jumps in an explains to Ruby about her eyes. Ruby has many questions but Jack told her that he would answer them later. "So who taught you to wield such a destructive weapon." Ozpin says back to the previous conversation they were about to have. "From my uncle Qrow." Ozpin nods. Jack getting bored "Just let her go to beacon with me already. You know she is skilled an a good person. Also I would be more inclined to help you when I get there." Jack then walks over to Ozpin and whispers Ambers name to him. Ozpin last glasses almost fall off. "Ruby I was going to do this anyways but welcome to beacon."