

"Hey! Why did the Nevermore suddenly descend?!" A girl's voice yelled out.

'Wait, what?' Jin was surprised that he suddenly heard a voice.

"I don't know!" Another girl's voice yelled back.

"Ah, great! That was our chance to get off this thing!"

"What the heck are you saying?! We didn't even spot the temple yet!"

"And if we do, then how are we suppose to go down?!"

'This voice seems familiar.....Is that Weiss I'm hearing?' Jin thought as he continued listening.

"I don't know! Jump?! Maybe?!"

Jin then recognized that voice, 'Ruby?'

'They were already on this bird? Then where are they? Why didn't I see them earlier? And how did they get here?'

"What?! Ruby! I told you this was a terrible idea!" Weiss yelled at her.

"We're fine! Stop worrying!"

Jin quickly crawls towards to where the voices were coming from, and to his surprise, he found Ruby and Weiss hanging on the feathers of the giant Nevermore's ass. They were just right below its tail feathers.

'No wonder I didn't see them.'

"I am so far beyond worrying! How the heck are we suppose to go down?!"

"Weiss! Ruby!"

The duo looks up and saw Jin's face looking at them on the giant Nevermore's back.

"Jin!" Ruby exclaimed happily.

"How the did you two grab on to this Grimm's ass feathers?'

Ruby had a crazy smile, "Well, that's a funny story actually. It started when Weiss and I became partners, and then a bunch of Beowolves attack-.."

"HOW ABOUT STOP CHIT CHATTING AND MORE ON HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET DOWN!" Weiss cut Ruby off as she screamed at them.

The twins look at her, with Ruby having a sheepish expression while Jin just letted out a "Hmmmm..."

"Look! I see the temple over there!" Jin points out his hand and the two turned to where he was pointing at.

Indeed, the temple was just right below them, and there seemed to be some people there already.

"Okay, but what are we going to do now?!" Weiss yelled over the loud wind.

"Well, I told you. Why don't we just jump?"

Weiss' eyes widened in terror as she yelled at Ruby again, "What?! What are you?! Insane?! You were the one who got us in this situation! You better think of better ideas!"

"Not really, just times like this that Rubes is crazy." Jin said to her, only to receive a glare from the stuck up heiress in return.

The two then turned to Ruby and saw that she was already gone.

Obviously she already jumped off like the mad wam she is.

"Absolute, mad wam..."

"Oh, that insufferable little red! I'm gonna-.."

Weiss was suddenly cut off when Jin slides down a bit towards her and wrapped an arm around her waist. She couldn't help but blush from Jin's sudden actions.

"H-H-HEY! What are you doing?!"

"Only one way to get off this monster, so hold on tight Weiss. And don't worry about falling, I'll never let you go." Jin assured closely to her, and the last part of his words flustered Weiss and her heart started beating rapidly.

"Well.....Aim for the bushes..."

The next moment was Jin suddenly jumping off without any warning as he held Weiss in his arms.


Weiss screamed in fright with tears on her eyes as she clinged on to Jin tightly. Jin looked down and saw the temple and some small group of people that was running towards it.


"Ummm.....Did you hear something?"

Yang looked around, trying to spot the source of the sound, while Blake just looks and points up at the sky.


"What the he-.."


Ruby was falling from the sky and was right on top of them, that is until a flying Jaune appeared out of nowwhere and crashes at her sideways, sending the duo flying towards a nearby huge tree.

"Ohhh…..what was that?" Ruby asked as stars and Beowolf pups were circling around her head. She was in a dizzy state and she shook her head to rid herself of the dizziness.


Ruby looked up, only to see Jaune, who was sent flying into her thanks to the Death Stalker and was now hanging upside down, "Hey, Ruby..."

"Hey Jaune, how's it hanging?"

"Ruby…..please don't."

Back on the ground, Blake and Yang was still surprised on what just happened and they were now looking at the tree with confused faces.

"Did your sister just fall from the sky?" Blake questioned, curious as to how the little girl fell from the sky in the first place.


Before Yang could say anything, she was interrupted as the duo heard several loud crashes and roars in the trees ahead of them.

They check it out, only to see an Ursa charging towards them.....with Nora riding on it.


The bear-like Grimm was lashing out with its claws, swiping in a frenzy until a pink blast of energy struck its back, the Ursa immediately drops dead, disappointing it's hyperactive rider as she got off its back.

"Awwww, its broken..."

Nora was poking at her fallen ride as Ren came by, panting in exhaustion and leaning on the monster. He was tired due to trying to chase down Nora's ride, and because of his lone encounter with a giant snake-like Grimm earlier.

"Nora.....Please.....Don't ever do that again." Ren said.

He then looked up, only to see that his partner was now gone. Ren let out a tired sigh as he began looking around to see where she ran off again


Nora was already at the temple and she was staring at the 'artifacts'. She then picks up an over-sized White Rook piece and proceeds to chant and dance in a sing-song voice.

"I'm queen of the castle!~ I'm queen of the castle!~"

"Nora!" Ren yelled in frustration, which made the bubbly girl stop dancing and saluting to her friend.

"Coming Ren!" Nora giggled before skipping off to her partner.

"Did that girl just ride on an Ursa?" Blake asked again, still surprised on what she just saw.


Yang was about to say something, but she was interrupted yet again by the sounds of screeching and trees falling.

Looking to where the sound came from, they all saw Pyrrha running to the temple with a Death Stalker on her tail, she was avoiding its swinging pincers while being chased down.

The Death Stalker was a multi-eyed black giant scorpion-like Grimm with a bone-like mask and carapace with red markings. It also has bone-like pincers and has a golden stinger on its tail.

"Jaune!" Pyrrha called out as the sight of her partner.

"Pyrrha!" Jaune shouted out as well, now standing on the same branch as Ruby as she helped him get down earlier.

Looking at the monster, Ruby was surprised by how old and strong it seemed to be, "Woah..."

The duo then proceeded to jump off the tree and ran to the rest of the gang, alerting the others of their presence.




The group then heard a voice from above, they all look up and their eyes widened in shock.

It was Jin, and he was carrying a clinging Weiss bridal style with a pair of giant eagle-like wings that seemed to be made of Aura on his back.

Jin couldn't really use the wings to flap and fly, so he was just using to glide down towards the group.

He then stopped using his Aura and his wings disappeared. Weiss saw what he was doing and she paled.


"Don't worry, just watch me."

They were now straight-up falling down to the ground and Weiss was screaming as she clinged on to Jin for dear life.


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