
rwby transmigrate

it's about a man given a second chance at life but with a twist meeting new friends and forming relationship's I have a YouTube it's lastsecondson and a pattern of you want to support me I would really appreciate it patreon.com/Lastsecondson

Andrade_Andrade · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

ha ha ok......

( first time writing but I will try my best"speaking"[ thinking ]#sound effect # )

In an apartment, you see a boy who looks to be 10 to 14 in age clutching a Glock seemingly waiting for someone hidden in the darkness of the room from the other side of the door you can hear two men yelling

"where is that damm kid"

"he stole from the boss he has a death wish hey check that room"

Noah who was in the room heard that and prepared himself he knew he was going to die because he was heavily injured and lost too much blood but somehow he was smiling, if he was not trying to be stealthy then he would have probably started chuckling 

the men outside kicked the door in and rushed in looking everywhere all they saw was darkness and a messy room after finding nothing they turned their back and tried to leave

"the kid ain't here let's check the other-"

he was cut off gourd when he heard shooting he tried turning around but he was subjected to the same death as the guy next to him from the shadow you can see Noah's white hair and red eyes limping towards the two corpses sitting next to them knowing he is dying he closed his eyes and waited for death

[ damm I could not help myself but steal his shit seeing his face was worth the trouble the moment I took it from his hands ]


after waiting a few minutes Noah found himself in a room all white with a man in front of him he looked young with a suit on staring at Noah

(Noah POV )

knowing that i am dead and seeing that the man is eather rob or god i took a guess

Noah "hello rob"

rob"Hello i dont have much time so we will have to cut it short here i am late to a meeting and need to be there like now so choose a world appearance and powers and you only get 3 wishes and no you can't have more than one wish more and more people keep trying that trick and it's getting pretty annoying"

Noah was stunned for a second thinking that if he didn't read those novels in his free time he would have no idea what Rob would be talking about

"ok then for appearance I want to keep mine just more handsome the world rwby and the wishes would be infinite storage, instant regeneration of my health and aura, lastly I want weapon creation as a semblance and 5 years from the start of the show with Ruby's age," I say prepared to get denied but surprisingly

"done," Rob said yes

"good luck in your adventure," Rob says before everything goes black I swear I saw a smirk on his face before everything went black ...

waking up I look around and realize that I am in a forest sure I didn't specify where to drop me off but a forest whatever I looked around the place I was shorter but I chalked it up to being at a young age and nothing else taking a look it seems to be about mid day and seeing nothing but trees and a river

I decided to follow the river up stream see if I can find anything starting my journey up the stream I see that the world is so fresh the air is clean the water is clear and the earth looks healthy to be fair when you are in a constant state of survival mode you with a part of nature there would be some consequences seeing a shape of a city I said " nice"

Wait in shock I look down and see tiny hands small boobs and a girl's body I screamed

" no please let this be a dream" I pulled my pants and saw it it's gone my dragon is gone running towards the stream I take a look at my self and saw white hair with pink tips and red eyes I tried speaking and I sounded like a girl and I stood at a height of 5'8 so I am hella short

"That bastard the moment I see him I am going to fuck him up"

if anyone would see him now they would think a cute girl is pouting #grrrh# Noah saw a Beowulf and because he was pissed he did not hesitate so with concentration he pictured two tomahawks and a flash bang materializing them he threw the flash blinding the monster and with some precision he threw both weapons hitting the monster in the head and the chest ending its life killing the monster took some of the frustration from him

"Well I feel better"

Noah looks around and sees that he has no idea where he is going so he thinks about moving in the direction he saw the city at is the only idea after an hour or two he finally sees buildings and he gets excited finally seeing civilization at last he cries tears of joy

entering the city he looks around for a while everything looks modern and with a hint of futuristic vibe to it, the flying airship really brings the point home and I ask a couple of people he now she where in the world she was at

"at least the f***** had the conscience to put me near Vale"

exploring the place was fun seeing all the shops and I forgot to mention I had a bag full of money and essentials so I was able to buy things instead of just looking, I went to a clothe shop first even tho the the ones I had were not bad i wanted something new and that fit the culture of the place entering i went up to the lady and asked for help even though i am all confidet with myself i m very freaked out I don't know what to do with myself if women problems come up but we will face that problem down the road not now now is clothe time i asked the lady

"Can you help me please I don't know what size I am in and I wanted to ask for your assistance because my mom isn't here to help and is busy doing something but she allowed me to shop near her so if should be fine right? "

She was a little surprised but calmed down real fast"ok little lady what's your name and if your parents are nearby then it should be fine come follow me to the changing area and let me measure you"

Following her inside it was spacious black seat and white walls it was nice she told me to take my cloth of just to my udergourments and she started to measure my head to my feet and asked

"What kind of clothe I wanted"

"I want something that stands out and looks cool please oh and my name "

I did not know what to say I thought about it for a moment but I came up with a name

" Is Luna"

"Ok Luna I will be right back "

I waited a while wanting to test out my abilities a little I created a axe like ecanors and making it disappear I tried a aot sword that worked I even tried a shotgun and it was magnificent noticing she is coming back I make everything disappear and wait untill she was finally back

Arriving with the clothe I got through many but fell in love with a white crop top and black vest cargo pants I bought some more and a couple of hats I left when I was outside the store I threw everything in to storage and I put on a black newsboy chauffer cap it's nice

after asking around I was able to find the transportation ships? AHH airships are called airships so I got one leading to Patcbut after that I needed money for my plans so I put on a hood and a cloak and like any typical rational persons thoughts when it comes to how to make money i am going to rob some gangsters going around the city I took everyone down by just crating a long sharp sword above everyone that weigh tons to rip the unfortunate souls to ribbens aftee going through about 5 areas around the place i decided i had enough going to the transport station i headed to patch no one questioned it becomes I just looked like a short huntress with a giant axe on her back yeah no one quenstioned me

Arriving the place looked nice less modern but all the same having everything I need I walk and find what I came for a house agency going in the nice white building I go to the lady

"I came here looking to buy a plot of land somewhere in the forest"

"Mam aren't you a little young where are your parents"

Wanting to sell the huntress act a little longer my eyes turn cold and say

"What did you say"

While creating multiple weapons in the air ready to strike

The lady scared and knew she is screwed says

"I mean I will be right back with what you need Mam right away"

She ran like a scared bunny it did not take long for to come back whupe pointing out a couple of them I made the weapons disappear

"These and those are kinda isolated this one has a neighbor so you won't be as isolated than the rest I am inclined to say that because it's a little out in the open you might encounter grim"

"Ok I will take this one"

With the transaction done I left the building going to w construction agency I did the same the difference is the guy did not give two shits who or why I look like this he only cared if I had the money

finishing that I waited five days in a hotel testing and using my abilities I even outright sliced my neck open just for it to instantly close during those five days was like facing trials peeing to showering were such a chore especially my hair I went through a routine one of my grown up friends tought me to treat my hair and it was always wet no matter how much I dried it

leaving the hotel as quickly as I can not wanting to explain why the room was coverd in my blood I left I went to an airship and told them to just take me above my house I and I will do the rest jumping a airship was exciting land and seeing the airship leave i take a nice look at my own home and i have to say its amazing