
ch. 7 gifts

(AN: yes this fan fiction will include a multiverse but that will come later after the RWBY arc is finished. Its either that or ending the fic. If this fic does good than I'll continue it with the mc going to a different world and so on. If this fic flops than I'll end it after Salem is defeated. If anyone has any suggestions for what worlds to go to next put your comments here.)

Opening my eyes I looked around. Blinking I found a familiar sight of the great expanse of space. "The fuck I die again." I cursed out with a twitching eye.

"Hmm nope just pulled you here." A familiar voice called out.

Turning I saw a ball of light hovering next to a man. Seeing him my mind stopped before rebooting "the fuck is the multiversal troll doing here?" I questioned seeing an old man with a pointed white beard, a cane, red eyes, a black cloak over a black dress shirt.

Snorting in amusement the ball of light spoke while the old man just chuckled. "Hmm oh zelretch is here to apologize and repay you."

Raising an eyebrow in question I asked "apologize for what."

"Zelretch here is the one who was fucking with time space and made it so you were sent to cannon time and not the STRQ timeline." The ball of light explained

Turning towards the old fuck that ruined my chances with the cat milf and raven I glared at him. "Dammit you old cunt because of you I can't get with the two hottest women of my world."

At that zelretches chuckle turned into laughter. After a few seconds he calmed down before speaking "ah that was a good laugh I needed that. Now I did fuck you over so I'll repay you with two gifts as reconciliation one for kali belladonna and one for raven brandwen." As he finished he reached put as space seemed to just part for him. Pulling his hand out of the space hole he showed me a small puppy. "This here is a shadow wolf right now he's pretty useless but in the future he can be comparable to a servant." He said while pushing the puppy into my soul. "It will bond with your soul and grow with you. Whenever you want him to appear just send him a telepathic message. He can hide in the shadows and be completely unnoticeable and can use shadows to attack when he gets stronger." As he finished he reached into his cloak and pulled out a card. "This card will give you access to the throne of heroes. Think of a name and their legend than hold out the card. If you are successful in making a contract with the summoned hero than they will gain flesh and blood and be reborn into this world, while the card will disappear. If they decline than they will be sent back while the card stays till you get one to accept you. Also do keep in mind due to the current state of your world the servants magical abilities will be severely diminished."

Hearing the old fucks explanation of the card I held it like it was the cure to cancer. 'Holy fucking shit this is incredible. As long as I don't summon a caster or someone who heavily relies on magical abilities like artorias mana burst than I'm set. I already have someone in mind but I'll have to ask a question first.' Clearing my non existent throat I asked "say if I a servant I summon can drain mana from people like madea can they do that in my current world considering aura is a knock off of magic?" Finishing my question I thought 'god I worded that poorly, I've never been good with words.'

At that zelretch nodded "yes as long as the person has their aura unlocked and your servant has the ability to drain mana from a person than it will work. But it won't be as effective due to the servant having to convert aura into mana."

'Ah he worded that better and he knows it bye that amused look in his eye.' I thought with an eye twitch. Sighing I nodded greatfully. "Thanks old man this more than makes up for your mistake." As I finished speaking I got an uneasy feeling seeing the old man smirk like a cat that caught the Canary.

"Ah I'm so happy you think that. Since I overcompensated you than I guess you'll just have to make up for it. Now I kinda pissed off

Gaia and Alaya so I'll have you help me in the future with that. Now go have fun kid." Saying his piece with a shit eating grin he disappeared into a crack in space.

Staring blankly at the crack in space I let out an internal scream. 'FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKK!' Than hearing a sigh I looked toward the ball of light.

"Well that's what you get for not watching yo he words with the biggest troll in the multiverse. Now I'll be sending you back have fun." It spoke before a bright light took over me.

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