
Rune Possessor

Growing up with a loving family, Yasuo was enjoying a normal life. However, one day the world changed. The thing that was portrayed in numerous manga series became reality. Interdimensional portals started appearing on earth and monsters came out of them, taking the lives of many people. The lives of Yasuo's parents were also taken on that day. Luckily there was still hope for humanity as a phenomenon happened, known as [God’s Gift], which gave powers to humanity and [awakened] them to fight back the monsters. Having also gained the [Gift] in this phenomenon, Yasuo swears to take revenge for his parents, but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Even though he has the [Gift], he just can’t [awaken]. Desperately trying to gain power, his determination is rewarded and he even got more than he could have wished for. Follow Yasuo on his journey to take revenge for his parents and make an enemy out of every single monster that tries to harm humanity. *** Other novel - Senseless life

unfadable · Fantasie
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37 Chs


*Beep Beep Beep*

The loud sound of an alarm clock woke Yasuo up as he tried to turn of the alarm, flailing around his hand trying to find the alarm clock. He finally managed to turn the alarm clock off.

'Just a few more minutes' Yasuo thought, while being half asleep.

Yasuo suddenly shoots right out of bed and quickly says [status window] in a raspy morning voice.

The holographic status window popped up, which cleared the last bit of doubt Yasuo had.

"Yeeesssss!" Yasuo screamed at the top of his longs from pure excitement.

"Be quiet, it is early in the morning you idiot!" someone screamed back in his apartment.

Yasuo was surprised for a second, but chuckled. 'sorry', he whispered back.

'What is that smell?' Yasuo thought while smelling his body. An unpleasant odor came from his body, from not having taken a shower for a few days. 'I hope Hana noona didn't smell me'

Yasuo quickly walked to the bathroom to go take a shower, taking of his clothes. Now the only thing on his body was his bandaged hand from it being stabbed by the goblin.

'Is this bandage allowed to get wet?' Yasuo thought.

Not knowing the answer to that, he decides to just take it off to be sure.

Carefully unwrapping the bandage, he notices that there isn't even the slightest wound to be seen.

'Did a [healer] treat my wound?'

Being fascinated that there isn't even a scratch left on his hand, like it had never even been hurt, he looks closer at the middle of his palm.

'What is that?' Looking closely, Yasuo sees a small black dot on his hand which wasn't there before. Further examining his hand, he found five more black dots on the tips of his fingers.

Yasuo was confused by this, but remembered that a hologram had popped up before when he thought about where his rune on his forearm had gone.

Concentrating on the dots on his hand, thinking about what they are, the dagger that the goblin used to stab his hand appeared out of thin air.

Holding this dagger in his hand, Yasuo was frozen in confusion about what happened. 'A dagger appeared from nothing and I am now holding it?'

'What is this?'

As he thought about that, a holographic description of the dagger popped up.


Item: [Dagger of Evolution]

Description: A normal goblin dagger that will evolve if the requirements are met.

Rank: unique


Requirement: Swing the dagger 10.000 times.

Progress: 0 / 10.000


Strength: 3 Sharpness: 1

Hardness: 5 Durability: 40/50


'What?! A unique ranked item, which can evolve? I have never seen anything like that. How did I get this?'

As Yasuo thought that, another notification popped up: ~Reward found from the achievement [first hidden awakened]~

'How can that be, a non-combat class can't even use a weapon.' Thought Yasuo in disbelief.

*For some reason only class-specific items can be brought into a portal, so only a swordsman can bring in a sword and only an archer can take in a bow. That is also the reason why camera's or modern weapons can't be taken into the dungeon. *

That is why Yasuo thought it was weird that he, a non-combat class, got a dagger which he can't even use.

After a few minutes Yasuo calmed down and began to think rationally and remembered seeing a skill in his status window that seemed out of place, [Passive: Dagger wielding].

Yasuo opened his status window and clicked on this skill, revealing its description.


Skill: [Passive: Dagger wielding]

Description: The fundamental skill of any dagger user. This passive skill allows the user to wield a dagger.

Rank: Fundamental


With this description, which was simple, everything started to make sense and it became apparent that Yasuo could also use this dagger on top of his non-combat class [rune possessor], which also wasn't really a crafter class and looked more like it could be used for combat.

Ever since being [gifted] with a non-combat class, Yasuo was a little disappointed that he couldn't become a hunter and fight monster like he wanted to, but he became determined to achieve the second best thing, which was to become the best rune crafter to help the hunters fight the monsters.

But now… being able to wield a dagger in a portal to fight monsters and runes that can be drawn on his body with seemingly unlimited possibilities, his dream of his fighting monsters has become something that can be achieved.

Yasuo became serious, wanting to become stronger to go into portals and fight monsters as fast as possible.

Seeing that the evolution dagger had an achievable evolution requirement of Swing the dagger 10.000 times, he set that as his first goal to become stronger.

Full of excitement, Yasuo began swinging his dagger in his room as much as he could, wanting to complete the requirement as soon as possible he swung the dagger in his room continuously for thirty minutes before getting tired.

Yasuo was hunched over with his hands on his knees, out of breath. 'How high would the count be after thirty minutes?'

Full of anticipation Yasuo opened the hologram to see his progress, but his joyful expression soon faded

~Progress: 0/10.000~

There was no progress, the thirty minutes were for nothing as the count didn't even raise by one point.

'What did I do wrong? I swung the dagger right, so why isn't the count going up?'

Thinking about this, Yasuo could only come up with one logical conclusion, which was that his swings weren't good enough to count.

Catching his breath, Yasuo gripped the dagger tightly, closed his eyes and emptied out all useless thoughts and noises.

Now completely in a dark emptiness, a buried memory popped up. In front of him, he could see his parents who were shielding him from monsters that were attacking him. The memory of when Yasuo's parents were killed by monsters on the day of carnage. Completely helpless in the moment, at that time Yasuo just watched.

But now it is different, Yasuo had a dagger in his hand and was not the kid he used to be. Taking a step forward he tightly grips his dagger, stepping in front of his parents while a monster ran at him. With determination to protect his parents this time and kill the monster, Yasuo instinctively swings his dagger, which cleanly sliced through the monster with no resistance, like he cut through the air.

A perfect swing, with intent behind it. Yasuo looked back at his parents, who had loving smiles on their faces, wanting to say that it was all okay, before they slowly vanished.

A tear trinkled down Yasuo's cheek as he opened his eyes.

~Progress: 1/10.000~

He managed to set his first step to becoming stronger.

Wiping away his tears from his eyes, he tightens his grip again to continue swinging his dagger with this feeling fresh in his mind.

* Ding Dong *

The doorbell rang, snapping Yasuo out of concentration.

"Yasuo, I know you are in there. Open the door this instance!" A serious voice could be heard, which Yasuo immediately recognized.

'Why is she here, did I make a lot of noise?'

Yasuo quickly walked to the door, opening it for his neighbour, Yoona noona.

As he pushes the handle down, Yoona noona quickly opens the door and walks in.

As soon as she enters, she sees something "What is this?" She said in a serious tone.

Yasuo didn't know what she meant, but when she looked at where she was pointing, he could see a big slash on his wall, which must have been a centimetre deep. 'Oh no, I accidentally hit the wall for real'

Not even having a chance to reply or come up with an excuse, Yoona grabbed his wrist. "And how do you even have this!?" She said angrily, having seen the dagger in Yasuo's hand.

At this point Yasuo couldn't talk his way out of it and decided to tell half a truth "Well, you see… I have always wanted to be able to wield a weapon so I started practicing it…" he said hesitantly.

Yasuo didn't know how Yoona would respond, so he didn't dare look her in the eyes.

"Why didn't you tell your big sister, you could have used my training room. That way you wouldn't have damaged your room." She said with a smile on her face looking proud of him.

Yoona is the self-proclaimed big sister of Yasuo, who is also an orphan and his neighbour. She became a hunter a year ago and has been taking care of Yasuo like a parental figure.

Becoming enthusiastic about hearing that he could use her training room he quickly responds "Okay, let's go" now looking Yoona in her eyes with puppy eyes.

Yoona is weak to Yasuo's requests if he tries to look adorable. "Hmmm, okay. But let me get dressed first, I am still in my sleepwear."

Not having noticed it until now, Yasuo scolds Yoona "You shouldn't go outside while in your sleepwear Yoona, I have told you so many times." He said while his cheeks became a little flushed.

"That's why I said that I would get dressed before going out, dummy" Yoona said with a smile on her face, teasing Yasuo.

'She knows I didn't mean it like that' thought Yasuo, but didn't say anything because he knew he wouldn't win that discussion.

Yoona went to her room to get dressed and they set out to Yoona's training room. It was at a local gym for hunters, where a muscular guy welcomed them.

"Hey Yoona, coming to train again?" Asked the man in a deep voice.

"Not this time. I caught my little brother training with a dagger in his room, so I wanted to bring him to my training room so he wouldn't damage anything else." She said while directing her gaze towards Yasuo.

"Is that okay?"

The muscular guy laughed "Of course it is okay, you are paying for the room, so do whatever you want with it besides destroying it, haha"

"Thank you Greg" Yoona said, before taking Yasuo to her training room.

Having arrived there, Yasuo knew at first glance that this would be the place where he would spend most of his time from now on.