
Run, Girl (If You Can)

Keeley, a simple plain Jane, hits the jackpot. [No, she did not win the lottery!] At least that's what she thinks when she marries the most eligible bachelor in New York City: Aaron, a wealthy cold-hearted heartthrob and Tycoon. She wants to show the world that she deserves her position and bends over backward to fit into his world. One beautiful day, Aaron hands her a document asking her to sign. A divorce paper... "She's pregnant, and I need to take responsibility." That is the last thing that keeps on playing in her mind before she takes her last breath. Keeley dies, a 'hit and run'. [End of story. Not!] For some unexplainable reason, she wakes up as her younger self. A young high school girl, around the time when she first meets her cheating husband. Remembering her life with Aaron before she died, she makes a promise to herself that she will do everything in her power to avoid him at all costs. Will she be able to keep her promise when Aaron has his own plans as well, specifically for her? Or will she repeat history and fall for him once more... Why not journey with me and find out the truth behind their story. *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Fantasie
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547 Chs

You'll Always Be Aaron Hale

Keeley couldn't take it anymore. She finally blurted what had been on her mind more and more lately. "If you noticed all these things about me from the beginning, why didn't you ever say anything?"

Aaron looked at her blankly. "I already told you, I didn't exactly know how to love somebody back then. Now I realize I kept too many things to myself."

"Like what?" He shifted nervously, refusing to answer, and she sighed. "Just tell me, I won't get weird about it. I've been wondering about this for a long time."

His hands gripped his bowl of ice cream, the remains of which had all melted. He refused to meet her eyes.

"A lot of things. I should have told you properly how much you meant to me. Like how you brought warmth into my cold world or how much I loved having you drag me around and experiencing new things through your eyes. Your excitement has always been contagious.