
RULE 2 -- t h e s e c o n d

R:BtM | Chapter 1: The Second

Whilst floating in the dark space I am in, I started to feel a sticky liquid enveloping my body like a second skin as I groaned but was muffled and in-audible.

I tried opening my eyes but it wouldn't budge as I gave in, giving up on doing so.

I also tried moving around but after finding out that I'm basically imprisoned inside a small quarter, I eventually, once again stopped in my attempts from breaking free from my confinements. But what I did feel was another solid object shrouded with warmth.

'Is this..'

All of a sudden, a cold rush of air underneath me as I shivered. Giant hands--which I think they are-- softly but fixedly hold my figure as it pulls me out from the quarantine I was previously inside. 

As it did, the object, or to be more precise, the cord connecting me and my mother is soon cut off, following the process...of smacking my bottom.

What the heck man!

I really did not cry because of my dignity as a grown-up being smacked down to the ground hard. Nope, I really was not. I am crying because as a newborn, this body was not really use to such gestures, hence, the tears from the pain.


"--------------, ------! --- ---- ----- ---- -- - ------- ---- ---- --- ---!" A female voice...chirped. I didn't really hear what they said because as far as I know, my body is still filled with the disgusting liquid. The only part being cleaned so far was my nose and not my ears yet, which is why I can't really know where I am now. As for the screaming part, goodness, when you feel your chest shaking and vocal cords flying, surely you can use common sense to know you're practically crying your heart out.

Ah, the pain. No kidding.

Few minutes later, after I am cleaned up, my ears that was once blocked could now hear everything within a short range but with a sharper, higher quality. 

People pranced inside the ER, busily going back and forth as they clean the used the utensils and see the patient's, this body's current mother, condition. After a while did I hear,  wooden slabs seemingly opening as new sounds from the other side slipped in. Sounds of the bed rolling and feet pattering do I know that we were being moved to a new, cleaner room.

But after going through such a mentally distressing act did I finally notice my own situation of being tired, physically and mentally. And so, I slowly slip to slumber.


Gaining consciousness, I notice that I am still in the hold of someone, but now with the absence of the previous sounds. No more numerous murmurs, nor the specific sound of the bed rolling on the pristine tiles.

Curious, I try to see if I can now open my eyes, and it did. Slowly fluttering open, in a blurry perception, I can hazily see a soft, pale chin of the female nurse holding me, and the white painted ceiling. Fluorescent lights overhead stinging my vision repeatedly as we pass them by.

 With a turn of my head, I can see the busy hallways filled with numerous patients and visitors, all happy and busy with their loved ones. And occasionally, the pretty nurse taking me would be greeting people that we pass by, and with that was the accompaniment of women cooing at the sight of me.

Finally, we stop in front of a door. Beside it was a plaque, bold writings of [ROOM 209] - Sasagawa can be distinctly seen in my limited vision.

She knocks a few times on the door, before it slowly opened. As it did, a young handsome man between the ages of 20-25 is seen. He looks surprise for a moment, before a look of affection take over within a second as he cautiously holds his hands out to take me.

Securing my little figure in his arms, he gives a word of thank at the pretty older sister before he closes the door and approaches the woman in the bed. Like the man, she is also in a higher standard of beauty, possessing unique and vivid colors in their traits which I notice just now.

But another thing that is highly catching is the fact they look animated. Especially the woman's big, almost doe like eyes that carry the sense of balance between mature and youth.

Their looks...do seem a bit familiar to me though.Their hair, their eyebrows, their eyes...it all gives off the impression of looking at the Shonen Jump...KHR!

But not being able to continue further when I was placed gently in the arms of the woman without the two exchanging any words since my arrival, but the same admiring gazes seem to have a tactic understanding between the two.

Whilst looking--observing--my mother in this world, she giggle while looking at my unknown colored eyes.

"Wah~! Kawaii~!" Mother squealed with her gentle voice which kinda reminds me of a certain mother of a certain Tuna Fish.

While Mother was ogling at us two, I continued to observe the place.

All in all, it was just a normal hospital. Whilst observing, my eyes fell on the figure that brought me here, my father. He's sitting there by our side, silently looking at the two of us with a look nude adoration and love. But sometimes, he would take a picture and reminiscence their past with mother occasionally giving out comments in-between parts and heartily giggle at some funny parts. 

All was well and in harmony, when a sudden disruption occurs from my side. The cause moving around and gurgling happily.

In a second, we all pause at what we are doing and saw a baby which I did not notice at all. It is a really ugly baby (who said babies are cute and/or beautiful after the time of their birth?). With its--his red face all wrinkled, white hair giving out a soft, shiny sheen from the light, and lips wholehearted gurgling and laughing, displaying a red tongue and the absence of teeth; it is really a beautiful picture depicting innocence. Naïve, guileless of how the world works...how enviable.

The two parents became red at the spot, cooing at the laughing baby while taking pictures for memorabilia. Me? I'm just here at the side, trying my best to act like a little baby that I should be but failing a few times, which they fortunately did not notice.

"Ne honey, what will we name them?" Teasing the two of us with a finger, mother questions father.

Father quietly looks at our little figures being played at by his wife, his facing reflecting that he was deeply contemplating an answer. A few minutes after, he suddenly brightened up as he looks at mother.

"How about Ryohei and...Ketsuron?" Ryohei? Then doesn't that mean...wait, Ketsuron?! What the hell old man?!

"Ryohei seems good but why Ketsuron? As far as I know, she's a girl, honey." Yes, go mother! Ask him or else I'll beat him to the ground when I grow older!

"Haha, well let's start first with Ryohei. The name Ryohei...It came from the kanji 了平 (Ryō taira) which can mean Conclusion, right? I can see he will grow up to be a fighter, a fighter that will and can end his sister's worries, her struggles, her pain. He will be their sword that uphold justice given with reason." ..I have no means of saying no to that reasoning, because it's cool and true. But! My name...! If it is no acceptable, thou meet punishment by this' hands!

"Doesn't Ketsuron also mean [Conclusion]?"

"First of all, because it's meaning IS conclusion that directly means the same as her brother's. Since twin's have common names with different letter(s)." I don't even know if I should laugh off his seeming innocence or curse him because of that...

"But it's noun also corresponds to different meanings: Will, Decision, Judgement, Determination, Resolution. She will stand on the path she will take, neutral to good nor evil. She will see the world on a different perspective, influenced by none. She stands where she sees her morals stand correct." I can see where he's going but at the same time, it's confusing. Did you drink your medicine today, bro? Are you even still sure of what you're saying???

But, after hearing what he has said, it suddenly came to me that he seems sure of his words. Really sure.


After our birth, it seems that during our sleep, father and mother rolled under the sheet again. Because after a year, we have once again gone to the hospital, a mother with her water broken being pushed to the ER in tow.

Dear goodness, father of mine, can't you have a little sense of restraint when it comes to this kind of matter?

5  Y E A R S

After 5 years have pass, my life remains the luxury it was up until now. Although both parents' can't be seen much in the house, my life at least has some excitement with the presence of my siblings, Ryohei and Kyoko.

Little extremist Ryohei and I are both 6 years old during this time of year with Kyoko, a little sibling by a year, being 5.

So far, the things that should have happened in the plot had happened, meaning my appearance did not create any hassling problems for me to fix; a fortunate blessing if I may say.

But apparently, this kind of blessing and miracle would actually break today.

"My name is Ketsuron. And you are...?"

"T-Tsu-Tsuna. My name is Sa-Sawada Tsunayo-yoshi."

GD! This is absolute GD Bull*hit! What in the name of the plot is the MC of KHR doing here?!

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